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php glob 的應用

2016-12-29 @ 13:18 in PHP, JavaScript, Sql

目錄相片圖檔內的檔名除了學號檔名,副檔名有 png,jpg 而且大小寫混用,在 linux 提取有點困難,後來想到用 glob ,而且支援萬用字元 , 只要用 $array_name = glob("學號.*")  就會找回所有 學號檔名的陣列檔名,只要秀第一個 $arr_name[0] 檔案就可以了


php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

State DUI lawyers usually don't know much about the science behind sobriety testing.

It is a mandatory rule enforced by the Canadian Firearms Act.
If you have been caught for DUI in Texas, then Texas DWI lawyers will help you to handle the case.
This means every gun that is in their possession, no
matter the age or the operating condition of the weapon.

In sum, all Canadian firearms owners must have all of their guns registered.

Classes of Firearms as per Canadian Legislation
Normally, an individual in Canada will have an access to only first two of
three possible classes of firearms, because Prohibited
one is closed for all individuals since 1995 in Canada unless it is "grandfathered".
If, however, there is such a problem, then you
should turn to criminal defence associates, such as a DUI lawyer.

This type of jury was used for a very long time in countries with the common law system.

Canadian Government, as any other one as well,
will apply federal magazine capacity limits to some certain firearms, meant for
civil market use to be all the time stronger in any possible situations of confrontation.

New Zealand abolished the grand jury in 1961. Sometimes the DUI lawyers are not completely prepared and they
have to handle several cases at once. This helps
to eliminate the potential threat from people who have
been convicted of a previous gun crime. In Canada these juries were abolished in 1970s.

Usually the grand juries carry out this duty ether by examining
evidence presented by a prosecutor and issuing indictments or by investigating alleged crimes
and issuing presentments. The size of grand jury depends on the jurisdiction and varies
between twenty-three and twelve. After the tests, and notification that you have passed, you will progress to the next step, the
actual application process.

All the Australian states use the same scheme, except for the State of Victoria
that maintains provisions for a grand jury in the Crimes Act 1958.

Very often the arresting officers do not follow the necessary procedures when taking the field
sobriety test, and this may cause some problems for the DUI
attorney later on.

Today grand juries exist only in some of the states in the U.
Grand juries in this state are used to bring other persons to court seeking them
to be committed for trial on indictable offenses.
Still England abandoned grand juries in 1933 and replaced it with a committal procedure.
Whenever the police have stopped you for DUI you should
tell the Officer that you would be glad to answer his questions
in the presence of your attorney.

In most countries including Canada the grand juries are replaced by preliminary
hearings. Preliminary hearing is a stage when the judge hears evidence concerning the alleged offenses and decides if the prosecutor can proceed or
the arrested person must be set free. A grand jury is usually
larger than the petit jury used during a trial.
Also, any persons with a history of certain serious crimes or convictions, and those with mental health issues, have a little chance of receiving a gun license in Canada.

It is necessary to remember that anything you say
will be used against you in the court. Another secret is that the arresting officer is unprepared since he may have numerous
DUI cases in one day. Finally, if a Canadian citizen loans a gun to another licensed individual, they must loan the
registration certificate as well. 32) and a variety of other firearms which have been classified as "prohibited" by
Chief Firearms Officer of Canada.

Makes you wonder what these guys would have accomplished had they been born during the Renaissance…case in point: Kevin Mitnick, whose genius was
so impressive as a cyber criminal (he hacked into IBM, Motorola, Sun Microsystems and other big-name outfits), that after serving prison time, he was hired as a good
guy to help security teams develop penetration-proof systems.

When you are driving a car under the influence
of alcohol or other drug then you are running the risk of
being caught for DUI. In Seattle, for instance, you
should turn to Seattle DUI attorney, whereas
in Chicago you will have to turn to Chicago DUI
attorney to solve this problem. There is a comparatively extensive background
check that is run on anyone looking to obtain a gun license in Canada.

It is a good idea to learn from the experience
of others, so do some Internet research, talk to
licensed gun owners, get all the Canadian government
information that is available and do your homework in order to
avoid any paperwork errors, which can delay or even derail your gun ownership plans in Canada.

There are DUI lawyers in all the states of the U. (105mm), or chambered in .
Grand jury is a type of jury that determines whether
there is enough evidence for a trial, in common law.

Prohibited (fully automatic firearms, handguns with barrel lengths
under 4.

If a citizen is caught without registration of their firearms, the guns will be seized and criminal charges may be filed.

作者 divorce public records @ 13:02, 2017-05-14

php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

Taxes: Guatemala does not tax offshore-derived income.
Attorney Client Privilege: Attorney-Client privilege in Guatemala is an almost impenetrable barrier.
A lunar eclipse in favourable aspect to Jupiter could
be interpreted positively as emotion is brushed aside in the name of science,
academics or other forms of growth and exploration.

Many folks don't realize that it doesn't take a lot
of drinks to reach that point. Refusal to consent to such a test is, in most states, grounds for
automatic suspension of driving privileges for a period of
time. If any inquiries were made to us, it would be almost impossible for the inquirer to gain any information because Guatemalan courts
are loath to break attorney-client privilege.

If, during the traffic stop, law enforcement determines that
you are driving under the influence, normally your vehicle is impounded and your driver's license will be
taken. This is especially the case in the court where
your case will be held. The government does not have any connection to privacy-violating nations.
The flight from the U. If stopped for a DUI, state laws require that the driver submit to
a blood alcohol test.

Judges can vary widely in their approaches to these kinds of cases.
The majority of our clients do not need to worry about
income tax. The key factors in a DUI case are the blood alcohol level reading and the level of driving impairment for the driver.

Guatemala has top of the line Internet connections, cell
phones, satellites, land lines for phones and fax.

This is because Guatemala has not signed any treaties
or agreements with other countries to mutually enforce
civil judgments. Field sobriety tests such as walking the line which demonstrates coordination and balance, are also administered.
Right there at the side of the road they will
question the driver and administer tests to determine whether the person is under the influence.

These are two very different things. We offer secured, encrypted email, live chat, and various other options.
Guatemala has a Stable Democracy: Guatemala is not a dictatorship and has democratically elected government officials.

To explain, this means that if you have an Internet business
or any kind of business with no presence in Guatemala, your income is not taxed.
5 hours, from Panama 2 hours, and from Nicaragua 1.

This means that even if a foreign creditor were win in court in their home country, this judgment would not be valid
in Guatemala. What this means to you is that your identity is kept secret and
your information would not be revealed. If we, the law firm, enter into an International Trust
Agreement with you, the client, our relationship to you is that of trustee (he who
is entrusted with the assets) to trustor (he who entrusts the assets to another).

However, what is even more costly are the consequences of driving under the influence.
Every good criminal lawyer and every good DUI attorney will tell you that the
crime is not called driving while drunk. is 2
hours, from Mexico it's 1. Communications: You can communicate with your Trustee when needed.

If you own a restaurant in Guatemala, for example, your earnings
from this restaurant will be taxed.

You don't have to be drunk to be charged with driving under the influence.
Driving in an impaired manner, such as weaving from lane to lane, running stop signs or stop lights, or
any other traffic infraction, will give law enforcement probable cause to make a traffic stop.
While the laws vary from state to state, many state laws say that a driver is under
the influence if the blood alcohol level is .

It is called driving while under the influence. Do not
go to court without an attorney who is experienced in DUI cases.
Do not be tempted to make any statements to the police.
You are protected even if another jurisdiction charges you
of a criminal tax charges. Litigation Protection: As a
jurisdiction, Guatemala is extremely secure and it's near impossible for a foreign financial enemy
to domesticate a civil judgment such as alimony and child support cases, a lawsuit, bankruptcy, etc.

We understand how vital communication across borders is.
Contact us to discuss your Offshore Trust requirements. For example,
a solar eclipse conjunct Mars might reveal something
being withheld or taken away in the realm of vitality
and initiative - the earth might nod off. An eclipse is also coloured and characterised by its house
location and aspects to the other planets.

So if you a first time offender it is especially important to hire counsel
who is familiar with that particular court.
Travel: If you ever desire or need to come to Guatemala, which we welcome but is
seldom required, by plane is the best method.
Impound charges for storing that car can be very costly.

They would only do so if there were solid evidence of a criminal offense
that is considered criminal in Guatemala, such as armed robbery.

Bank Secrecy: As of September 2009, Guatemala is not in any TIEA (Tax Information Exchange Agreements) and is in no MLAT
(Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties). Guatemala City has a
modern, international airport with direct flights to and from Europe, North America,
South America, as well as the surrounding region.

The choice is usually among a blood test, breath test, or urine test.
Just like they say on police TV shows, anything you say
can and will be used against you.

作者 dade county criminal records @ 13:13, 2017-05-14

php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

We live in an age when the cardiovascular diseases have been one
of the chief causes of deaths in America and other parts
of the world. That said though I have been involved in the MLM industry
for some time now and I've been able to get around some of the biggest legends so I can tell you from my own personal experiences some
of the things most people don't see that are covered up on the ‘surface level'.

Crimes still happen in apartments. They give 15% commission on orders placed by personally registered Preferred Clients and 4% override on the Override Volume (OV)
of all personally sponsored Independent Consultants. Willa, a young teenager, struggled in school.

Because the author also gives insight into an adult's life through their feelings and experiences with their careers,
this book may serve as a tool to bring understanding and awareness in families.

With its 2 parts, one bolts to the window or door frame and the other to the window or door itself.
No single woman should ever have to live in fear of having her home invaded.
These are aged related diseases and happen because of the old age arteries, blood vessels, accumulation of plague
due to excessive fat, non active lifestyle and other conditions of modern life.

Bonding with her beloved Poppy brings Willa out of her shell where she blooms into a bright flower.
Salvia the wonder herb brings the light of hope when other
contemporary medicines can only give relief but no permanent cure to heart diseases or cardiovascular diseases.

Quick to access, quick to use, quickly bring an assailant
to his knees. Always a bit of a loner with only one true friend,
Willa easily took to training and befriending the rescued puppy.

People after 50 start facing the deadly problems of cardiovascular health and they
start showing symptoms of heart diseases, arteries and stroke.

Yet many don't because they don't know where or how to find them.
Then of course there is pepper spray, one of the best protectors for women. Every woman needs to take at least one if not more of these measures if she lives alone and wants to feel a sense of security.

Amidst all those despair and dejection there seems to
be a ray of hope for all people who are suffering from cardiovascular diseases.
Most stores do not carry such items. Their compensation plan is fairly good in the MLM industry.

However, they can be easily found online. In fact, you have no idea
what kind of people are living around you when you move in. Willa's Poppy is
a 166-page young adult, thriller-adventure with a hero-element
in a subtle theme of rising above challenges and
making a difference in the world. It has been tested
internationally and totally stands on it's own.

Slowly the world of medicine and science have paid attention to it and
found that this is a wonder herb and has ability to
cure plethora of diseases including old age cardiovascular diseases.
The family has subtle difficulties, but the entire
family comes together when Poppy locates a missing child and rescues
both Willa and her baby brother, from a dangerous criminal.

It would be easy for someone in another unit near you to keep an eye on your comings and goings.
The door stop alarm is another very affordable device to help you feel
secure. Even though this isn't my preferred way, it tends to be working
for the last couple decades so I won't contradict it.
Being surrounded by people who live in the units around you isn't enough to
keep you safe. Her desires for a bloodhound dog enabled her to earn the pet
through better grades.

The perils of the modern life are innumerable and heart disease is a
major problem in majority of the popular across the world.
That may not always be a good thing depending on the
type of person it is who is watching you. Carry
it with you, have it close at hand in your apartment,
and have one on the visor of your car. So, how can a single woman feel
safe in an apartment?

According to reports the herb has actually revolutionized in the field of management of heart attack, angina
and stroke. For people who fall familiar with how Network Marketing
works in North America regarding the laws of what's a loud and what's not it becomes very clear that Arbonne is not only a
great company that's been around for decades, but it's a excellent way to build a home based business following the guidelines making it safe and legit in any part of the world.

The herb is found in many parts of the world –
Mexico, China and other such places where herbal industry still finds importance.
By placing it under a door at night, the alarm will emit if anyone tries to open that door.
Another low cost alarm you can install yourself is the magnetic door

You can be assured no one will enter with the door
stop alarm set up. The opening of the window or door will then set off the
alarm. Willa's Poppy is about the exciting adventures of a girl and her
puppy as they grow to maturity.

Animal lovers, rescue shelter workers and all readers from 8-18 will adore Poppy's adventures.

It helps in dilating the arteries and blood vessels for proper and natural blood flow without any
pressure thus reduces the chances of cardiac arrest or
stroke in you.

作者 criminal records in maryland @ 13:22, 2017-05-14

php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

It would be very wise to stay clear away from any skin care lotions or product that tries to mimic or enhance the properties naturally found in skin. For
innocents, availing of the bail Dallas is the best way
to prove themselves in the court of law with comfort and gain justice.

There is no labeling law in Canada, which means manufacturers can justifiably deceive
their consumers. Most dermatologists are certain that elastin applied to the skin cannot replace a deplete supply.
There are many available psychology jobs for those who choose to pursue this
field and some require at least a Master's degree.

Many may wonder exactly what Elastin is. DEA (diethanolamine and Dimethylamine),
commonly used in brake fluid, industrial degreasers and antifreeze.
When skin loses its elasticity, the skin will
start to sag and result in visible signs of aging.

Social workers help families and those recently released from prison or juvenile detention centers.
Surprisingly, there are over 900 chemicals available for
use in cosmetics which contain substances that are dangerous to our health and overall

In addition to this, all cosmetic products are
formulated for a shelf life of three years or more. They help children and adults who
are victims of abuse and they help families obtain assistance with food and their bills.

This tells a story in itself about the large amounts of
preservatives they contain to prevent spoilage. They help adults deal with their problems as well as help them work out ways to
overcome their problems. It is a protein in the connective tissue that is elastic and
allows the tissue to return to its original state after
contraction. A very in demand psychology job is that
of a social worker.

Most people are not aware that the cosmetics industry reels in over thirty
billion dollars in sales each year. American bail bonds have
gained importance due to its function that brings peace to mind.
A very in demand psychology job is that of an adult psychologist.
It had been shown that elastin in skin products have
very little positive effect on skin elasticity.

Adult psychologists can also choose to work with patients with a chemical dependence in inpatient and outpatient
rehabilitation centers. Social workers also help rehabilitated criminals
re-learn to live in society, help them to obtain employment and help them to find housing.
Adult psychologists can choose to work in hospitals or mental health facilities,
in a private practice or as a counselor.

It seems like every new line of skin care products
claim to be infused with the latest, top of the line
ingredients to help replenish and revitalize your skin from within; making your skin smoother,
softer and supple. They are called cellular toxins and may be responsible for thousands of people suffering from things such as pimples, rashes, reddening and burning of the skin.

It is extremely important for the function of your skin and other things such as your ligaments, arteries, and cartilage because it supplies flexibility and elasticity.
They also help adults discover the root of their troubles.
The free radicals in these products will also diminish your body's ability to repair and rejuvenate
collagen and elastin fibers, which serve as the natural foundation of
your skin.

Save yourself from becoming at risk of developing serious
problems later on in life. Social workers will need to obtain a degree
in psychology, or a similar degree, and may be required to obtain further education if they plan to deal with certain aspects of social
work. The colorful wording and often misleading language of
advertisement, whose underlying purpose is to charm the consumer, usually doesn't say much about the product's effectiveness.

To them, it is all about selling an image and potential profit.
Your health is the last thing that these large
corporations in this industry are concerned about.
As for the United States, the law mandates that all ingredients are
to be labeled, but who besides chemists can understand that language.
As you get older, around puberty, your body stops producing it and the elastin fibers start to

It is also found in hair dyes, lotions, creams, bubble
baths, liquid dishwasher detergents and laundry soaps.
When you are a child, elastin fibers are much stronger and work similar
to a rubber band. The most it will do is form a coating on the skin that helps the skin to better hold in moisture, but
it will not provide added flexibility.

The famous words found on back of most products that state "this product was not tested on animals" proves to be
nothing short of an oxymoron. Adult psychologists will need to obtain a degree in psychology
and may be required to obtain further education depending on their chosen specialty.

Bail bond reduces the stress, mental and emotional shock that one faces after
being caught in under any kind of crime. But it doesn't matter how "new" the products are,
if they contain the same chemicals or manufactured ingredients,
it is very likely that these products will enhance the aging process and
can be extremely harmful to your health.

作者 criminal records usa search @ 13:46, 2017-05-14

php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

That did not stop Freeman from showing off his wealth, acquiring a
huge waterfront mansion at Yowie Bay, Port
Hacking, complete with security systems and guard dogs.
Digby produced a remarkable form reversal to romp home by seven lengths
despite having run well back only two days earlier. Hypertensive heat
disease is any heart disease that occurs as a result of hypertension or high blood pressure.

Several jail terms followed for petty theft. It may often progress into the probable development of left ventricular hypertrophy,
cardiac arrhythmias, coronary heart disease, hypertensive congestive heart failure and cardiomyopathy.
While running illegal gaming houses, accusations of murder, and assault
were common with Freeman.

His criminal associations spread to the US,
which he visited on a false passport as a guest of Joe
Testa, a member of a crime syndicate with interests in Australia.
Ischaemic Heart Disease The heart is a major organ made up of primarily muscle and blood vessels that
pumps blood throughout the body. It is a lethal disease that has a
high mortality rate. Freeman was also notorious for hatching a plot to bribe politicians in order to gain control
of the Gaming Board in June 1976, which came to be
known as the 'Taiping conspiracy'.

He survived gunshot wounds in the neck by an unknown attacker in April 1979.
Heart disease is a prominent cause of death in many western countries and is said to be the leading cause of
death in the United States. Heart Disease describes any disease
that is detrimental to the function of the heart.

It is generally associated with atherosclerosis (arterial
disease) though the condition is becoming more
prevalent and is considered to kill more people than cancer.
The plan was allegedly created at Taiping Restaurant, Elizabeth Street, Sydney,
on 22 June 1976, where gaming operators were asked to bribe politicians and the authorities.

Digby affair' at Canterbury in 1981 where
he landed a huge plunge. Ischaemic Heart disease (IHD) or myocardial ischemia is generally promoted by coronary artery disease and results
in a distinct reduction in the blood supply to the
heart muscle. Their association continued during Testa's visits to Sydney in 1969 and 1971.

Coronary heart disease is the most widespread form
of the disease and has been estimated to be responsible
for up to 70% of deaths per year. It may exhibit symptoms such as angina pectoris (chest pain) and lowered ability to carry out moderate exercise.
It may be treated with surgical intervention, maintaining some lifestyle changes
and or with medication.

However, his only convictions for illegal betting came in 1983 with a $500 fine, and $5000 fine in 1986.
After his release in January 1953, Freeman was back in the Parramatta jail for
stealing once again in 1954, where he met his childhood hero, Darcy Dugan, a notorious prison escapee.
Cardiovascular disease is specific to diseases that affect the heart
or blood vessels (arteries or veins).

Britain imposed an entry ban on Freeman and his wife in 1985 due to his notoriety.
Police intelligence continued to trail Freeman, finally tabling a report of his illegal off-course betting activities in parliament in 1979.
Congestive heart failure occurs when the the
heart is unable to provide sufficient blood to achieve
the body's needs.

For this he was remanded to the Mount Penang Training School,
Gosford, and then on to the Tamworth Boys' Home due to constant misbehaviour.
Persons who are afflicted with this condition are at an increased risk of arrhythmia (which may cause abnormal heart beat and or more seriously cardiac arrest) or sudden cardiac death.
It may show many associated symptoms including: reduced ability to carry out physical activities, shortness of breath, or swollen ankles.

Cardiomyopathy is a disease that is characterized by obvious deterioration of the myocardium (heart muscles) for
several reasons. One of his most famous scandals in horse racing was the 'Mr.
At the age of 14, he became a stable boy while his criminal ways
continued with separate convictions for car theft and a smash-and-grab raid.

His notoriety made him an 'excludable person' in the United States where he was detained in 1978.
Valvular heart disease is specific to any disease that affects
one or more valves of the heart. Woodward's royal commission on drug
matters recognised Freeman and was named as the kingpin. Names of heart diseases are inclusive of: ischaemic heart disease, coronary heart disease,
valvular heart disease, hypertensive heart disease, cardiomyopathy, cardiovascular disease, inflammatory heart disease and heart failure.

The last time Freeman saw prison guards was in 1968, in Fremantle,
Western Australia. The same year he was also identified as a member of organized-crime gangs by the New South Wales parliament.

In between, he married a divorcee, Marcia Bedford in 1963 in Sydney.
Freeman went on to remarry a 24-year-old orthoptist and former actress,
Georgina McLoughlin. The odds of developing IHD is increased with advanced age,
smoking, diabetes, high cholesterol levels, hypertension, a family history of the
disease and is generally much more likely to affect men.

Valvular heart disease may materialize because of
a congenital factor (being born with the condition) or it may be
acquired over the course of a lifetime.

作者 eniro find person @ 13:48, 2017-05-14
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