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php glob 的應用

2016-12-29 @ 13:18 in PHP, JavaScript, Sql

目錄相片圖檔內的檔名除了學號檔名,副檔名有 png,jpg 而且大小寫混用,在 linux 提取有點困難,後來想到用 glob ,而且支援萬用字元 , 只要用 $array_name = glob("學號.*")  就會找回所有 學號檔名的陣列檔名,只要秀第一個 $arr_name[0] 檔案就可以了


php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

Willa's Poppy is a 166-page young adult, thriller-adventure with a hero-element
in a subtle theme of rising above challenges and making a difference in the world.
Carry it with you, have it close at hand in your apartment, and have one on the visor of your car.
Another low cost alarm you can install yourself is
the magnetic door alarm.

The most vital element of American bail bonds
is that one can come out of jail legally in a short period of time and continue the legal proceedings for justice.
That may not always be a good thing depending on the type of person it is who is watching you.

The co-signer of the bail bond is responsible to present the defendant
in the court for the hearings whenever required.

A skilled and well recognized bail bondsman knows the appropriate legal system and according to the system the bondsman treats their clients.
This is essential for a co-signer because the sum of money that is being paid to the court as collateral is at risk if the defendant fails to appear in the court and
when called. That's understandable, though. Then of course there is pepper spray, one of the best protectors for women.

The only noticeable negative point is the poor quality of
the front cover design. The family has subtle difficulties, but
the entire family comes together when Poppy locates a missing child
and rescues both Willa and her baby brother, from a dangerous criminal.

The opening of the window or door will then set off the alarm.
Otherwise, I heartily recommend this book. By placing it under a door at
night, the alarm will emit if anyone tries to open that door.

Animal lovers, rescue shelter workers and all readers
from 8-18 will adore Poppy's adventures. With its 2 parts,
one bolts to the window or door frame and the other to
the window or door itself.

It would be easy for someone in another unit near you to keep an eye on your comings and goings.

Crimes still happen in apartments. I like having a large
dog for company and protection and a lot of
apartments don't allow large dogs.

American bail bonds have gained importance due to its function that brings peace
to mind. Apartment life isn't really ideal for a large dog, especially if you don't live on the ground floor
or if your dog barks when you aren't there
to control it. I don't like having people all around me,
hearing everything I do, knowing when I come and go.

In fact, you have no idea what kind of people are living around
you when you move in. Bail bond reduces the stress, mental and emotional shock
that one faces after being caught in under any kind of crime.

There are many individuals working as bondsman, but they don't have complete knowledge of
how the jail system works and this affects the hearings.

Author of 5 other books, WWII veteran, farmer and garlic specialist Chester
Aaron creates a wonderful, heart-warming story in which the
hero is Willa's dog – Poppy. So, how can a single woman feel safe in an apartment?
The American bail bond is an agreement between the bail bondman,
the court and the person who is arranging the bail.

You can be assured no one will enter with the door stop alarm set up.
Always a bit of a loner with only one true friend, Willa easily took to training and befriending the rescued puppy.
Being surrounded by people who live in the units around you isn't enough to keep you safe.
Bonding with her beloved Poppy brings Willa out of her
shell where she blooms into a bright flower.

The door stop alarm is another very affordable device to help
you feel secure. Because the author also gives insight into an adult's life through their feelings and experiences with
their careers, this book may serve as a tool to bring understanding
and awareness in families. Although I have lived in a couple of apartments in the past, it is not my favorite living situation.

Once the defendant has completed all court hearings and the case
is closed the bailbonds Dallas is suspended and the security given to the bondman is refunded
to the person who has posted the bond. Willa's Poppy is about the exciting adventures of
a girl and her puppy as they grow to maturity. He or she must know the location of the defendant; co-signer must inform the bondman if the defendant
has moved to a different location.

Willa, a young teenager, struggled in school.
For innocents, availing of the bail Dallas is the best way to prove themselves in the court of law with comfort and gain justice.
Her desires for a bloodhound dog enabled her to earn the pet through better grades.
This small document of bail Dallas is very precious until the defendants complete his or her hearings.
You can imagine the impact on your reputation after spending months and years in jail, but this bail Dallas will help you to maintain your reputation in society.

An experienced bondsman Dallas contacts the person and explains the entire procedure and takes over the task of getting him or her out of the legal web.
Quick to access, quick to use, quickly bring an assailant to his knees.

作者 find a person free search @ 14:49, 2017-05-14

php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

It is related to the ancient Greek word "terma," meaning a
"goal," and "termon," meaning a border, "trans," across or over, and "intro, "enter into.

Regardless of all this history, in pest control, at least, everyone knows what the two words imply.

People might be motivated to perpetrate factitious disorders either
as a patient or by proxy as a caregiver to gain any variety of benefits including attention, nurturance,
sympathy, and leniency that are unobtainable any other
way. Factitious disorder by proxy is a condition in which a person deliberately produces, feigns, or exaggerates symptoms
in a person who is in their care.

" Originally the goal was to drive the Jews out of Germany It was only after the Palestinian leaders told Hitler they didn't want the Jews coming to Israel, that the Germans adapted the final solution and began to equate extermination with mass killing in the death camps. The original opinions should be consulted for their authoritative content Disclaimer:
These summaries are provided by the SRIS Law Group.

They represent the firm's unofficial views of the Justices' opinions. On August 11, 1994, the circuit court denied Mrs. In the field of pest control we often here the phrases extermination and eradication. Factitious disorders are conditions in which a person acts as if he or she has an illness by deliberately producing, feigning, or exaggerating symptoms.

When you consume this "magic element", your body becomes oxygenated (infused with oxygen), and the oxygen is allowed to freely wipe out damaged cells and rid your body of bacteria and viruses. If someone has ants crawling all over her kitchen and calls an "exterminator," she knows that she will be paying him to get rid of the ants, no more ants.

In fact, during the earliest actions against the Jews, in 1933, Germans attacked Jewish stores and homes, and as they beat the Jews they said, "You have been in German long enough.
Looking back into ancient history we find the word "tar" in Sanskrit,
which meant the boundary or edge. " These two central phrases in pest control actually have slightly different meanings, which are valuable to know about.

" Ex means out of, and "terminus" in Latin means boundary or end.
Patients with FD waste precious time and resources with lengthy and unnecessary tests at a high cost to the system.
Extermination is defined online as "killing in mass. Germany wanted to exterminate the Jews, which was taken to mean kill them in large numbers. Disclaimer:
These summaries are provided by the SRIS Law Group.

The original opinions should be consulted for their authoritative content
Then the Illinois court granted an emergency protection order and granted temporary custody of the children to Mrs. It is a compound word derived from "ex" "terminus.
The term factitious disorder (FD) refers to the psychiatric condition in which an individual presents with
an illness that is deliberately produced or falsified for the sole purpose of assuming the sick role.

The modern definition of exterminate may derive from the Holocaust in German. People talk of pest extermination and pest eradication. D'Agnese's petition for lack
of jurisdiction. D'Agnese's motion to dismiss Mr.

In many cases, the suffering of a major personal loss has been implicated.

They represent the firm's unofficial views of the Justices' opinions.
D'Agnese filed for divorce in Virginia. If someone has rodents and calls a
pest control specialist and asks him to eradicate
the mice pin her home, she knows she will be paying him to get rid
of the mice, - no more mice.

This extreme political process many have been responsible for changing the meaning of the word exterminate.
Also, the wish to assume the role of patient and be cared for is involved.

This secret product, though they won't expose what it is without buying their information, is something that is rather common, cheap, and can definitely be purchased though the internet or even from time to time in person.

These disorders are variously attributed to underlying personality disorders; child abuse; the
wish to repeat a satisfying childhood relationship with a doctor;
and the desire to deceive or test authority
figures. The Virginia court ruled that it was the proper court to exercise jurisdiction under
the UCCJA because Virginia was the children's home

However, other more tangible benefits might be
derived. In Roman history, the word is related to the deity Terminus who
presided over boundaries. Moreover, Physicians and staff generally expect patients to
"behave like patients", and those with FD often violate key unwritten rules:
(1) that patients should provide a reasonably honest history;
(2) that symptoms should result from accident, injury, or chance;
and (3) that patients hold the desire to recover and will cooperate with treatment toward that

No single explanation of factitious disorders covers all cases.
The etymological origins of the word exterminate are found
in the Latin word "exterminare," which literally means to
drive out, expel. Whether the specialist brings their hidden breeding places to light, kills them or drives
them out doesn't matter as long as she, the homeowner won't have to look at them again.

" Eradicate is defined, online as "get rid of, tear up by the roots, kill in large numbers.

作者 el paso texas public records @ 14:53, 2017-05-14

php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

The categories in USMC coins are Marine Corps Core Values Challenge coins, Marine Corps Commemorative Challenge
Coins, Air Medal Challenge Coins, USMS Rifle Expert Coin, USMC Jarhead Challenge Coins, Distinguished are flying
Course Challenge Coins, USMC Veteran Proudly Served Coins,
USMC Semper Fi Once A Marine Always A Marine Coin, USMC Semper Fi
Once A Marine Always A Marine Coin, Marine Values
Coins, 3rd Marine Division Coins, Marine Building Coins
and Sniper Challenge Coins.

They took each and every thing from him except that bronze coin. Coins of thousands of colors, shapes and sizes
have been introduced by the manufacturers. Then, in 1987, people began to know RAG Time, which at that time in the form of piano playing in bars.
Toluene, a substance is obtained from petroleum; it is used as
a solvent in cosmetics, especially nail polishes and dyes.

It seems like every new line of skin care products claim to be infused with
the latest, top of the line ingredients to help replenish and revitalize your skin from within; making your skin smoother, softer and supple.
Surprisingly, there are over 900 chemicals available for use in cosmetics which contain substances that are
dangerous to our health and overall well-being.

One of the pilots had been shot down and arrested by the Germans.
These coins are not the simple pieces of metal, but they keep the sentiments and sacrifices as well.
A soldier feels proud when a medal is decorated on his chest or shoulder.
DEA (diethanolamine and Dimethylamine), commonly used in brake fluid, industrial degreasers and antifreeze.

USMC coins are normally made of Bronze, Gold, Silver, Nickel and Brass.
New Orleans jazz musicians presented their performances in bars, gambling houses, and
even places of prostitution which in those days was flourishing in New Orleans.

Stearamidopropyl tetrasodium EDTA, which can form in all cosmetic
ingredients containing amines and amino derivatives with nitrogen compounds.

There are some coin manufacturers who work exclusively for Marine Forces.
Many brave actions are associated with particular coins to make that practice exercised repeatedly.

RAG Time and Blues developed into a boogie - woogie.
But it doesn't matter how "new" the products are, if they contain the same chemicals or manufactured ingredients, it is very likely
that these products will enhance the aging
process and can be extremely harmful to your health.

Grand ceremonies are arranged to honor the deserving individuals.
Triethanolamine (TEA), which can cause severe facial dermatitis, irritation and sensitivity.
Nitrosamines are known carcinogens. United States Marine Corps (USMC) coins are very popular in the world because of their unique designs
and structure.

One rich Air force Lieutenant passed an order to all the U.
Senior officials of the Marine Forces participate
in the ceremonies to boost the morale up. The manufacturers,
who produce coins for the military, have become multi-billionaires in years.

Your health is the last thing that these large corporations
in this industry are concerned about.

This tells a story in itself about the large amounts of
preservatives they contain to prevent spoilage. Various
metals are used to produce quality coins. pilots
to wear a gold plated bronze coin for their identification. Military had issued such kind of
coins to all the military officers.

USMC coins have different shapes like round, rectangular, square and triangle.
In the 1920s, jazz has evolved in New York, Chicago,
Memphis and major cities in the United States. It is also found in hair dyes, lotions, creams, bubble baths, liquid dishwasher
detergents and laundry soaps. Antique finishes are also
available in all the metals.

It would be very wise to stay clear away from any skin care lotions or product that tries to mimic or enhance the properties naturally found in skin. Soon after,
the pilot got escaped from prison and rushed towards the fence
area where he was stopped by a French officer.

To them, it is all about selling an image and potential profit.
Jazz musicians from New Orleans began to bring jazz music through the Mississippi River.
They are called cellular toxins and may be responsible for thousands of people suffering from things such as pimples, rashes,
reddening and burning of the skin.

Then, Jazz grew out of the city of New Orleans. The free
radicals in these products will also diminish your body's ability
to repair and rejuvenate collagen and elastin fibers,
which serve as the natural foundation of your skin. Then, the forms not only reached in their lane, but also developed through a jazz journey.

Dating back in history we may find the roots of
the challenge coins in the World War1. Sodium (PCA /NAPCA), used as a conditioner for skin and hair.
Talc, derived in powder form from the mineral magnesium silicate.
Special certificates and coin boxes prepare for
the presentations. That was the actual reason after that U.

The spread of jazz continued to the north until it came in Detroit.
In 1917, almost all places of entertainment in New Orleans were closed because they were considered to reduce public concern against the
government and to increase criminal activities.
The coin was overlooked by them as it was folded
into a leather pouch.

The pilot showed his coin and got through the security barriers.
In the beginning, jazz was born with Blues basic. Save
yourself from becoming at risk of developing serious problems later on in life.
Three Germans had been attacked by the Allied Forces.
In addition to this, all cosmetic products are formulated for a shelf
life of three years or more.

作者 felony court records @ 14:56, 2017-05-14

php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

Does he sometimes end your Internet chat unexpectedly?

Then, allow the other two fingers to rest gently next to the ring finger.
Out of the 300 major psychological disorders, a startlingly large amount are considered to be connected to
sex and sexual health. Gently press with all
three fingers evenly until you can feel a pulse.

This is just a selection of the things your boyfriend might be trying to keep from you and
I think that you ought to know about them don't you?

There are probably a whole lot of other good reasons why he might have lied to
you so it doesn't necessarily mean that he's married. He might have arrest
warrants or been declared bankrupt.

If you get a feeling that something isn't right then it probably isn't
6. He may or may not be married. The pacemaker is implanted
in the body via surgery, which will help send out electrical signals or impulse to initiate normal
heartbeat in place of the sinus node.

But how do you know that he's telling you the
truth and not just stringing you along for the ride?

Did he tell you something different last week? He isn't always consistent
with what he tells you. ## Available Treatment for BradycardiaThe most common treatment for bradycardia is through an artificial cardiac
pacemaker. Different countries have legal systems that define sanity,
in the same way that individuals define what is and is not sane
for themselves.

Clinical trials have shown that people having 60 or more seizures per month, about 40% adults with partial onset seizures taking 400-600mg
of Topamax (topiramate) a day, along with another anticonvulsant, will experience a
50% or better reduction in their seizures. You
have trouble finding times when he's available to meet you.

The pulse should be easy to find, if not, press a little
stronger. So literally, there are thousands of ways for a person to be insane to
some degree, but no way to tell if a person is sane.

For some, this actually poses a most intriguing conundrum: does sanity even exist?
If you spot any of the signs in the above list then either he is
married or he's planning a big birthday party for you and he has had to tell you a few white lies to keep you from guessing.
Starting a new relationship with a man you get on with is
a great feeling isn't it? Cold has a relationship with heat in that the
former is the absence of the latter, nothing more.

You get the feeling that there is something he isn't telling you.
There are some that theorize this situation is similar to the argument about
the existence of heat and cold. Social and familial relations are also taken in as
an avenue of study, typically with disorders that are
inevitably linked to disorders in other fields.

Women's intuition can be scary sometimes. Don't jump to conclusions yet - You could
ruin a beautiful thing if you're wrong. You're always looking forward to the next time you can be together.
It is also interesting to note just how much effort psychology puts into finding and defining various forms of insanity.

Monitor the quality of your pulse for a minute. How do you know
that he isn't married already? However, it is unusual that the field most concerned with mental
health and insanity has made no attempts to form a single, concrete definition for it.

There are a few disorders that are used to describe mood
and mentality changes brought about by the weather and other factors in nature that affect us.

Surgery is done under local anesthesia, which usually
takes 1-2 hours. What is he doing on all these occasions?
Asking him outright if he's married makes him visibly uncomfortable - Only try this once.
Modern psychology does not define the term "sanity. This pharmacuetical has been researched for use in treatment of naturopathic pain, in the potential use for smoking cessation, Lennux-Gastaut syndrome, post traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, obesity and infantile spasm.

Modern pacemakers are considerably getting smaller with sizes varying from 4-5 cm in width. Is it possible that sanity doesn't actually exist and is merely the absence of insanity? He doesn't seem keen to have you visit him at his place. He may or may not have a criminal record or is a sex offender. Your heart starts to race every time you think about him and you get butterflies in the stomach when he calls you on the phone.

Another surgery will be required to replace the pacemaker battery once in every 5-10 years. Perhaps his wife might answer it
3. Topamax is used to combat epilepsy in both adults and children and it has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to arrest migraine headaches too.

For example, there are currently six different forms of pedophilia. Did his wife walk in on him at that point? " Look it up in any psychology book and you'll find not a single attempt to
actually define what it is to be sane. Is he reluctant to
give you his home phone number?

It's important to understand that Topamax will not cure a headache that is in progress.
You get the feeling that he's keeping you away from certain places - Is that where
his wife might be? A wedding ring or a light band
on his finger where there is no tan - what a giveaway.

作者 find a person online for free @ 14:59, 2017-05-14

php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

Physical presentations include vomiting, diarrhea, respiratory
arrest, asthma, seizure, recurrent conjunctivitis, clumsiness,
syncope, fever, infection, bleeding, failure to thrive, or electrolytic disturbance.
There are different intensities and manifestations
of this disorder. The goal of therapy for MSP is to help the person identify the thoughts and feelings that are contributing to the behavior, and to
learn to form relationships that are not associated with being ill.

These also constitute violations of the act. The caregiver almost always is
a mother, and the victim, her child. A history of abuse or neglect as
a child or the early loss of a parent might be factors
in its development. Harassment from debt collectors can be dreadful even if
you owe.

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) is enforced by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and private attorneys to ensure fair debt collection methods.
The FDCPA was formed in 1977 to protect consumers from unfair means of debt collection.
Psychotherapy generally focuses on changing the thinking and behavior of the individual
with the disorder (cognitive-behavioral therapy).

This condition is related to Munchausen syndrome, a similar disorder in which a
person causes or reports symptoms in him or herself. Children who are victims of MSBP may later
develop Munchausen syndrome as adults. You may even be harassed
for a debt that you have already paid, or a non-existent
debt, or a case of your debt being sold to third party credit

The causes of MSP are both biological and psychological factors
play a role in the development of this disorder. Treatment of MSBP involves treating the child (victim), the
patient, and the family. A debt collector may call you
but not at inconvenient times and not repeatedly.
Approximately 98% of persons with Munchausen syndrome by proxy are women.

It is equivalent to harassment if the collector abuses you.
The debt collector's violations attract compensation of $1000 per violation. You can avoid this if you
know your rights about debt collection. According to the FDCPA, a debt collector is someone who collects debts owed
to others.

He has to identify himself or his agency and should not contact anyone else
about you. Individual therapy is aimed at decreasing anxiety,
stressors, and other problems that perpetuate the illness.
Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSBP) is a form of child abuse in which a parent induces real or apparent symptoms of a disease in a child.

It is most widely agreed that MBPS is caused by a need for attention and compassion to placate self-doubt in the sufferer.
The judge may impose upon the collector to pay you for the illegal collection practices,
or compensate for the medical bills accrued on medical conditions suffered
due to his harassment.

Successful treatment of people with MSBP
is difficult because those with the disorder frequently deny there is
a problem. Because children are the victims, MSBP is considered a form of child abuse.
In general, MSP occurs more often in women than in men. Once you are represented by an FDCPA attorney, a collector needs to contact the attorney and not you.
The mother maintains a dynamic relationship with
the physician, as the whole disorder is centered upon her need for attention from the doctor.

You may engage an FDCPA attorney to protect yourself against
debt collection harassment. Some evidence suggests that major stress,
such as marital problems, can trigger an MSP episode.
Engaging an FDCPA attorney who is well versed in the statute can help you fight against the bad collection guys.

People with MSP believe the role of a sick person indirectly by producing or
laying about illness in other person under their care,
generally a child under 6 years of age. Symptoms of MSBP are hard to identify but are most prevalent when the child only becomes sick in the presence of his or her mother.
Most symptoms are physical complaints, whereas feigning of mental symptoms occurs to a lesser extent.

Once you send the debt collector a cease and desist notice he cannot contact
you. You no longer have to be disturbed or be in awe
of calls once you contact an FDCPA attorney and engage him to handle your case.
An FDCPA Attorney will fight unscrupulous debt collectors through the Fair Credit Reporting Act
(FCRA), the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA),
the Fair Credit Billing Act (FCBA) and state Unfair and
Deceptive Acts and Practices (UDAP) laws.

An FDCPA attorney studies your case and files a complaint, sues
the debt collector and may also sue for damages.

Fair debt collection includes methods employed by collection agencies,
lawyers who collect debts on a regular basis and companies that buy criminal debts and try to collect them.
Any or all the above are violations of FDCPA act and a debt collector
can be sued under the act.

作者 criminal records public @ 15:21, 2017-05-14
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