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php glob 的應用

2016-12-29 @ 13:18 in PHP, JavaScript, Sql

目錄相片圖檔內的檔名除了學號檔名,副檔名有 png,jpg 而且大小寫混用,在 linux 提取有點困難,後來想到用 glob ,而且支援萬用字元 , 只要用 $array_name = glob("學號.*")  就會找回所有 學號檔名的陣列檔名,只要秀第一個 $arr_name[0] 檔案就可以了


php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

Lawyer's have to put aside their disdain for their own clients, as well
as his feelings with regards to his client's guilt for the law's sake.
The bracelet measures the alcohol content of the sweat, reports back to the monitoring station, which in turn alerts the
judge. Only his hands are seen. Documentary film-maker Nick
Broomfield declared: ‘If I'd made that, I'd change my name,'
while for David Denby in the New Yorker: ‘Kill Bill is what's formally known as decadence and
commonly known as crap.

Blair Berk vaporized Lilo's sticky legal situation before it goes viral, which makes Lohan's payroll worth it.

In an interview, the trouble actress explicitly said that it
is her father that introduces her to the illegal substances.

In another flashback, the injured Bride is seen lying in an El
Paso chapel, being examined by a policeman who treats her as though she is already
dead. He had admitted that his act was illegal.

Less than two weeks after leaving a rehabilitation facility,
she was pulled over by police in Santa Monica, California, and arrested on five counts, including
driving under the influence of alcohol, driving on a suspended license and possession of narcotics, according to a Santa Monica Police Department spokesperson.

Then came the infamous electronic bracelet, a bracelet not meant for fashionable proposes.
Shielding the law breakers may be noble duty — it keeps the legal
system's checks and balances in place — depending
your client regardless if he/she is the victim
or the law breaker is a tough job to the extent that payroll cannot even pay the price.

Lawyer's profession may be good and decent, but the profession itself is not.
When she arrived in Canada, the relatives observed that she was distant and quiet, not too welcoming of
her husband. Her revenge was to kill the pedophile boss of the gang who murdered them.
She goes in search of O-Ren Ishii, the next name on the list.
Just 11 days after rehab, Lindsay Lohan was busted for driving
drunk and found with cocaine.

As a child, she witnessed the murder of her parents.
She's been the celebrity's favorite lawyer. It's
been a public knowledge how Lilo made her family, especially her
father, Michael Lohan a scapegoat for all the mishaps that is happening in her life.

' Something of this excitement communicated itself to Roger Ebert, who likened Tarantino to ‘a virtuoso violinist races through "The Flight of the Bumblebee"
', even if the film was ‘all storytelling and no story'.

By the age of twenty, she was a top assassin. The grudging admiration of Peter Bradshaw in the Guardian was representative of one school of critical reaction: ‘The extravagant power of his infantilist genes
makes objections and qualifications look obtuse.
The Bride is next encountered visiting Vernita in American suburbia.
She changes into a nurse's uniform and finds the Bride unconscious and alone.

Relatives of Saroya is placing the blame on Dhami, saying her
behavior led to the emotional distress of Saroya because of the predicament he was in. The
next court hearing is scheduled for February 25, 2011. Four years later, the Bride awakens after a mosquito bite.
Eyewitnesses observed that when he tried to hug her, she kept telling
him not to touch her.

The two women fight with anything which comes to hand, the Bride
eventually killing her adversary with a knife. He maintained
that he lied about his identity to avoid being deported to
India. In a preface, Bill shoots the injured and pregnant Bride.

What comes to mind, frankly, is Godard's playful tribute to Nicholas
Ray as the essence of cinema.

She crosses Vernita's name off the list of Deadly
Viper Assassination Squad members who are to be killed in reprisal for what happened
to her. A stylish woman walks into a hospital. In Canada he was able to obtain a BA degree and law degree to
fight his deportation order.

How many films can do that? Let's now look at its story outline.
Honor demands that the Bride should not be killed in her sleep.

As Elle is about to administer a lethal injection, Bill telephones to order that
the mission be aborted. The alcohol monitoring bracelet or SRAM (Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitor) was ordered by a
judge for Lilo to wear it primarily to measure
the alcohol content of Lilo's body; if the actress takes a few drinks, the alcohol
enters her bloodstream and is eventually metabolized
and shed through sweat.

He was refused to be allowed to practice in Canada because of his
criminal past. The two were married in India
last February 11, 2011. I'm sure you should've seen at least one from the Kill Bill series.

An animé sequence reveals O-Ren's life story. Kill Bill just leaves you feeling excited: pointlessly,
wildly excited. The opposition was forthright.

At a recent hearing a judge ordered Lohan to remain in rehab until January 3, 2011.

He was able to enter Canada in 1995 through a fictitious
name and fake Afghan passport. She voluntarily entered the Betty Ford Center, a drug and alcohol
treatment center. Clearly, if Michael Lohan just zipped his mouth then Lilo will not be in hot water that is the premise that Lilo wants to
believe in.

作者 fcra background check authorization form @ 00:56, 2017-05-14

php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

The Act provides provisions to increase higher penalties for possession of date-rape drugs in order
to cut down on the incidents involving GHB and flunitrazepam, by
moving these up to a higher drug category, schedule 1.
He together with five other Sikh militants hijacked a Srinagar-Delhi flight
to Lahore back in July 6, 1984.

most units should have a button on them for this purpose.
Hold it up toward the sensors, fairly close, and unleash a bit of gas.
On another front, Canadian immigration authorities refused to allow entry to Parminder Singh Saini.

If the alarm is still sounding, leave the premises and contact the emergency services
right away. There is an emphasis on protection against
violent and sexual crimes, especially against those who are underage.
Canadians gave us a strong mandate to bring
forward these reforms.

The two were married in India last February 11, 2011.
Don't use or even throw any electrical switches, or use the telephone.
The current Canadian version of the Conservative Parliament re-introduced some reforms debated in the last session to The Safe
Streets and Communities Act, stating a commitment to law and order.

Eyewitnesses observed that when he tried to hug her, she kept telling him not to touch her.
She arrived in Canada last October 12 but despite
the marital bonds, the wife refused to be touched by the husband.
The Government, however, wants to make it clear that some offenses are off-limits
when young victims are involved. Moreover it will be taken more seriously when drugs are produced nearby and constitute a hazard to
the children in the immediate area.

Natural gas detectors want to be maintained and checked
regularly. When she arrived in Canada, the relatives observed that she was distant and quiet, not too welcoming
of her husband. He fled to Canada and was found and was deported to India.
First, put out any open flames and cigarettes. If you can, flip
the gas off.

"We campaigned on a promise to get tough on child sexual offenders, crack down on illegal drug trafficking, and improve the overall efficiency of our judicial system. Their lawyers could have an uphill battle proving that they're not The Mob when the police might have a couple of bags of evidence and a list of phone numbers.

Penalties have been increased for offences involving dealing drugs around schoolyards or to children. , a small business owner hiring a private investigator) has increased quite a bit. A small conspiracy of a criminal nature is organized but they're not hiding around every corner or necessarily a violent threat to the public. but who's going to define what type of crime will be called organized.

Such is the story Gurdip Singh Saroya who was married to Harmanjit Kaur Dhami. Minister Nicholson stated: "I am proud today to announce that our Government has fulfilled its commitment to Canadians to produce legislation to make our
streets, families and communities safer. Test
your batteries often. The Tory Government, led by the Honourable Rob Nicholson,
Conservative M.

The Canadian pardons process as it is spelled out in The Safe Streets and Communities Act
won't guarantee certain types of employment to every ex-offender.
for Niagara Falls has brought forward the Safe Streets
and Communities Act (2011), fulfilling its Speech
from the Throne promise to re-introduce law-and-order legislation to combat
crime and terrorism.

Relatives of Saroya is placing the blame on Dhami, saying her behavior led
to the emotional distress of Saroya because of
the predicament he was in. If the sensor isworking, the alarm ought to sound.
Another part of the law doubles the minimum sentence for marijuana production from 7 years to 14, but go on to include
an aggravating factor of "for the purposes of organized crime"

When the alarm will sound, there are still precautions you must take.

The Judge who rules on each law may have some draconian sentences up his
sleeve if he comes upon a case that qualifies. She
declared that she wanted to leave her husband and move to Toronto, alone.

He has since sought to re-enter the country.

Do not light the lighter, simply set free a very little gas!

The man, overwhelmed by the emotional fraud, Saroya jumped to his death
from the Pattullo Bridge five days after his
wife arrived in Canada. It may not be a definition stretched out too far right now but
ideally we should be seeing a better society with more freedom with more freedom
where a pardon application isn't the only thing standing between a person and a job.

The law is made to protect the young; there are also sections that generally state that criminals will have
less access to the public and more difficulty finding work when that job
is one where a clear criminal record is an important requirement.
open all the windows and doors to clear the gas.

Long called for by many I'm sure, but as we all know most good law is common sense; when laying down rules you should keep in mind that more laws lead to more laws.
You'll do this safely by using a lighter. You also need to
test the sensors. With seemingly more and more people being
harassed, stalked and getting their identities stolen, the rate of background check requests (e.

作者 criminal records maryland @ 01:10, 2017-05-14

php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

In June you had a car accident and your car was totaled.
This is an industry for which there is no right or wrong educational background as most skills are acquired on the job.
Based on these tests the cops decide that one is actually in an inebriated state and proceed with the arrest.
Have you heard of digital marketing? Subtract 10%
of $70,000 AGI $7,000 Subtract $100

The exclusive blends of essential ingredients are silicone conditioners, hydrolyzed
cationic proteins, muco-polysaccharides, and UV absorbers.

Value of car at time of accident $17,000
3. Scruples hair products contain four essential ingredients from the patented protective
barrier complex formula.

With April 15th looming in the near future, many taxpayers are hustling to give Uncle Sam a good reason not to take more of their hard earned pay.
Due to the large number of students hoping to find work in the media
and creative industries, it's unlikely to see public relations, design and advertising agencies seeking interns via this route as they
get enough work experience requests and job applications without even advertising
for positions.

Subtract insurance $0
7. So the next time you suffer a property loss that's not fully covered by insurance, you may still be elgible for some financial
relief. Loss (smaller of line 1 or 4) $16,800
6. There’re many loopholes in administration of the Standardized Field Sobriety Test, it is quite important to know the fundamental of the SFST’s.

Instead, visit the websites of agencies that specialise in public relations Scotland, advertising and the like,
as the sites often feature information on available jobs and the company's approach to internships.
At the time of the accident the car was worth $17,

The salvage value of the car after the accident was $200.

Value of car after the accident $200
4. Decrease in value (line 2 minus line 3) $16,800
5. And while there are an assortment of arguments and deductions available to the creative
taxpayer, an often overlooked one is the deduction for unreimbursed Casualties, Disasters, and Thefts.

And that could cause you to say something you've never said before "Thank you IRS! It's also very worthwhile following these businesses on Twitter and other social networks. You figure your casualty loss deduction as follows: Your adjusted gross income for the year the casualty occurred is $70,000.

You did not carry collision coverage on your car. Edinburgh is an ideal place to end up as it's such a popular destination for business travel and networking. It's an ideal opportunity for business, marketing, computer studies or language graduates. Consider how your education and skill set could apply to a less conventional industry or career path.

It's not unusual for students to contact companies requesting experience, particularly in some fields such as the creative industries and media. You paid $18,500 for the car. Despite your insurance agent's best efforts, not every claim you file is covered. But before that one needs to know that the follows flaws in the SFST’s, which provide easy access out of the legal turmoil, here they are: The police officers will basically use three standard methods of testing to identify if the driver is under the influence of alcohol or any drugs and they are: walk and turn test, horizontal gaze nystagmus test and one-leg stand test.

More than 20 years the scruples hair products are create and increase self-confidence of many peoples in the world. You'll find most specialist agencies in Scotland are located in Edinburgh, but there are others throughout the country.

If any job opportunities arise, they're very likely to be advertised through these channels. With the right approach and positive attitude, graduate careers can be achieved. Language graduates, for example, can take on international sales roles, find work in the tourism industry or events management companies that specialise in international conferences and seminars.

"I pay all that money in insurance premiums and when (fill in the blank) happens,
all I hear is "that's not covered" "Well, thanks for nothing! Essentially, the very basics are to address an individual instead of emailing the generic company email address, and target your CV and cover letter to that particular company by explaining how you feel the experience would benefit your future career, as well as how you could add input to their team.

The worst thing you can do is to give up hope, however. Turn to your university's career service for advice on how best to approach a company. Although a $9,700 tax deduction may not be as desirable as a $17,000 check from your insurance company, in this case, it's better than nothing. I want to tell you a secret.

A DUI attorney who knows in and out of the SFSTs can offer good DUI defence. Adjusted basis of car (cost in this example) $18,500
2. Recent graduates in Scotland have got to get creative to land a job in this day and age. Loss after reimbursement $16,800

作者 find en person via navn @ 01:14, 2017-05-14

php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

has such strict Immigration laws, it is extremely important to seek the counsel and representation of a specialized Immigration Attorney.

Are you interested in receiving a higher compensation for your work while living in the
U. Do you want to gain more exposure in a new market?
The widespread of anti-malarial drug scams were reviewed to be led by drug cartels
and large mafia of ex-convicts and people with criminal records.

" This may be proven in several ways. with the correct visa and not be subject to arrest or deportation. , there are specific visas available for models. Another benefit to seeking the advice of a qualified Immigration attorney is that if you are new to modeling and still wish to pursue a modeling career in the U. Only a specialized Immigration attorney can counsel you as to which visa is most beneficial and secure for your individual circumstance.

Reputable manufacturers will not sell AR-15 rifles or other firearms, components or parts to individuals or companies without the appropriate licenses. An AR-15 purchase represents a significant investment in anyones personal collection so follow just a few simple suggestions to ensure that your collection of firearms is fully functional and doesn't come up lacking at the wrong time - the time when you need it.

An excellent article entitled, What is a "Mil-Spec" AR-15? Name brands selling AR-15's are not what they used to be. Don't buy an AR-15 upper receiver at a gun show from anyone other than a licensed dealer or manufacturer. Professional modeling agencies in the United States protect the interest of their clients by assuring that the models they represent are able to legally work in the U.

To qualify for the H-1b3 model visa, the model must be able to show he or she is of "distinguished
merit and ability. Upper receivers can be assembled by anyone, however, without an FFL,
as a dealer or manufacturer, quality parts and
components cannot be obtained. The Immigration system in the U.

Remember some of the do's and don'ts or buying an AR-15 and
you will find that the AR-15 weapons on your collection will work when you need t
can be found at http://twsarms. In Seattle,
for instance, you should turn to Seattle DUI attorney,
whereas in Chicago you will have to turn to Chicago DUI attorney to solve
this problem.

You will also have more protection against being professionally
exploited. There are several manners of entry available for these people.
The key to obtaining a visa or a Green Card through the
modeling profession is to establish to the American government that the applicant is employable as a model in the U.

When you are driving a car under the influence of alcohol or other drug then you are running the risk of being
caught for DUI. Sometimes the DUI lawyers are not completely prepared and they have to handle several cases at once.
com/what-is-a-mil-spec-rifle/. As shown on this article, there are a multitude of ways to prove this.

The bolt and barrel extension are two of the most critical parts of the AR-15 platform weapon.
The government, on the other hand denies the accusations as
they reason that they do not have the resources to procure the medicines.

Africa always seems to be the target of counterfeiting.
Civilians cannot own a MilSpec AR and there is no such thing as a MilSpec
AR-15. Don't buy an AR from anyone, including dealers, who state their AR is a MilSpec AR without them explaining what a MilSpec
AR truly is. Another secret is that the arresting officer is unprepared since he may have numerous DUI cases in one day.

This time, the government, the same voice of the people who
are supposed to be the ones leading the battle against counterfeiting are the ones who tolerates and even gets involved in the
illegal trade.

Only by doing so, will you be legally in the U.
There are specific requirements for this visa and failure to submit the sufficient and correct amount of evidence
may result in a denial of the visa. There are DUI lawyers in all the
states of the U.

If, however, there is such a problem, then you should turn to criminal defence associates, such
as a DUI lawyer. Do compare the components of the AR-15 before buying
(bolt, carrier, upper receiver, lower receiver, barrel & barrel extension).
For example, the model may submit evidence that he or
she received reviews in major newspapers, journals, or magazines or
received recognition for achievements from modeling
agencies, organizations, or fashion houses, and tear sheets.

American citizens and lawful permanent residents (Green Card holders) have the right to work in the U.
Do your homework before buying an AR platform weapon. Or perhaps the
stereotype tagged in the general outlook of
the continent as being poor and illiterate?
Are you a model living abroad wanting to work and live
in the United States? , you may learn whether
you qualify to enter through another visa.

LMHRA is now implementing strict regulations on the import of medicines within Liberia and they are also starting to inform
the public of this current threat. is extremely complex and its laws change constantly.

Is it because of the lack of awareness among African people?
Though there are many visas available to
enter the U. You have to compare the components and parts to ensure that the
weapon that you are about to purchase is a quality
weapon. You cannot ensure that you have quality parts on your AR-15 or on your upper receiver unless
you buy it from a reputable dealer or manufacturer.

However, everyone else must have a work visa to be able to do
so. If you have been caught for DUI in Texas, then Texas DWI lawyers
will help you to handle the case.

作者 criminal records wisconsin @ 01:16, 2017-05-14

php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

Actually, having a good degree from a college providing an online education under your belt won't only help you at
these dasy, it will assist you in the long run when you wish to move ahead in the chosen career.

There are many people who postpone going to the dentist with the expectation that they will brave the pain.

In fact, this message conflicts with the reasons zero-tolerance policies
are in place in such systems as the ones in Arizona Schools.
A toothache can be cured by removing it under the
supervision of the dentist. After consulting a dentist you can consult your dentist for a
tooth hole, crack or fissure. As mentioned above a toothache is
an indication of worse things to come.

Once caused a toothache will not disappear and before it manifests into something big get medical attention so that you do not have to suffer from it for long!

There are many possibilities of a toothache and the most common ones are the enlargement of cavities
or infection in the pulp that cannot be cured.
Are you losing sleep and peace of mind because of a toothache?

Online education and getting educated, despite a
recession, is a wise thought. These kids aren't known for their excellent decision making skills; the case of the Arizona Schools student is an example of this.
The first step that you can take to cure a toothache is
to take a dental filling. There are many factors that cause a toothache and when it happens the person suffers from utmost discomfort.

A 14-year-old boy (or girl) is an enigma; peer pressure,
work load at school, and wildly fluctuating hormones are all new challenges that these young teens have to deal
with. They worry that the policies are unfair,
rigid, create fear for students, and infringe upon a person's
right to express themselves. Another popular tooth ache cure is the root canal treatment.

There are also some other alternative methods that can be resorted to for the purpose of curing
a toothache. The reply is simple actually. When you suffer from a toothache you should ensure that you get medical attention as a toothache is a body warning system that indicates
that something is wrong in the body.

Thus, if you suffer from a toothache do not panic and
brave the pain. For toothache sufferers you can follow the following toothache relief remedies in order to arrest the cause
of the toothache and cure it. You might be requiring yourself, why
is it necessary for you to consider an online education when recession going on?

And wouldn't you be the one that got hired as the degree qualifies you
more for this job than any other applicants?
Removing it is very inconvenient and it can cause difficulties
to the person once removed. This procedure is cheap, easy and most important it eradicates the toothache.

While you really consider it, being in a recession improves the opportunties, so
when it comes to deciding which employees may be worth keeping or let go.
Known as endodontic therapy, in this procedure, the pulp and the nerve endings from
the toothache and then replaced with a substance that is called gutta-percha.
In fact, the more qualifications you get and the more well-educated you are, then the more likely
you can keep your position in this time of great lay-offs.

Getting yourself a good degree or optional knowledge with an online education is something you should keep
with you in spite of the hard times. There are some dental conditions like TMJ
syndrome, growths and abscesses that have grown into the gum or the jaw that need immediate
dental surgery.

You should consult a dentist the moment you get a toothache.
Supporters believe that the fear of being punished will
"scare them straight. Whatever is the reason you should never postpone your dental appointment because of a toothache. There are many instances when the infection is caused in the molar that is an important tooth.

It is prudent to nip it in the bud before it is too late. The procedure is painless and you do not have any sort of pain until the anesthesia wears out or maybe just after the extraction when the wound heals. Detractors to zero-tolerance policies in Arizona Schools and elsewhere have many concerns. In such cases you need to consult a doctor and not prolong treatment.

This is very often considered to be the best remedy. While it's important to have a safe and secure learning environment, it's easy to see that individual consideration should be given to some situations like the one involving the student from Arizona Schools.

This can be cured with the help of a dental filling that is generally done with silver amalgam, composite resin, or a special type of dental cement. With lay-offs and cutbacks happening around, wouldn't you wish to become one of the chosen who stay with the firm as you earn a degree to back the job up?

And why should you spend money getting harder to find on for online education when you should just keep it close at hand unless the recession finishes? Not just will having a degree give you the benefit you need to have over other applicants and employees when your need arises, it's something you can employ for future targets.

Those opposed to zero-tolerance policies like the one in place for Arizona Schools object because of the probability of punishing students who may have made mistakes, as opposed to those planning to commit a criminal act. Another step that you can take is tooth extraction if your tooth is beyond repair and there is a possibility of the infection reaching the other teeth.

The pain is bearable and you have no cause to worry. If there is no visible damage caused to the tooth enamel the root canal treatment can be resorted to with ease.

作者 find a person by name and city for free @ 01:26, 2017-05-14
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