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php glob 的應用

2016-12-29 @ 13:18 in PHP, JavaScript, Sql

目錄相片圖檔內的檔名除了學號檔名,副檔名有 png,jpg 而且大小寫混用,在 linux 提取有點困難,後來想到用 glob ,而且支援萬用字元 , 只要用 $array_name = glob("學號.*")  就會找回所有 學號檔名的陣列檔名,只要秀第一個 $arr_name[0] 檔案就可以了


php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

In my home State of Oregon, there is yet another twist to the legality of testimony elicited under
hypnotism. Some of the class work requires that you complete a practical exercise.
" See Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 136. I said I didn't know, but silently I thought she was faking it . 2d 551 (1980), the Arizona Supreme Court stated: "Although we perceive that hypnosis is a useful tool in the investigative stage,
we do not feel the state of the science (or art) has been shown to be such as to admit testimony which may have been developed as a result of hypnosis.

Classes include range safety, marksmanship, safety and criminal liability.
Then, you should complete tens of hours of classroom training.
Personal investigators may help solve various types of crimes, including arson, missing persons and fraud.
This lady could not remember much about the get-a-way
car and the detective was hoping that under hypnosis she could provide a good description of the car and maybe even a license plate.

You must complete tens of hours of additional coursework to apply to carry a firearm.

It turns out that two other credible witnesses described
the thief's car as blue, so it was likely not red.

A typical training might include (at a minimum) training in: Today there are numerous classes, seminars, and other trainings that teach investigators
(both law enforcement and private investigators) the science behind investigative
hypnosis, how to do it properly, and the legal and ethical issues associated with using
hypnosis in an investigation.

And in some states, all testimony from a person whose memory was
"refreshed" by hypnosis is prohibited. Subjects such as legal procedures, criminal
law, ethics, surveillance, investigations and missing persons are covered.
Investigators may work with law enforcement agencies, businesses or private
individuals to help solve cases.

This seems to follow the North Dakota Supreme Court reasoning that witnesses who have been previously hypnotized are not incompetent to testify and it is
up to the jury (or judge in the case of a Court trial) to assess the credibility of that testimony.

At the same time, it can be an exciting and rewarding career,
although the work of a Personal investigator may not be as glamorous as it appears in television and movies.

Depending on the type of Personal investigations you want to
do, you may decide you need to carry a firearm. After finish your course and start with the first job, you'd better decide if there is a need
to carry a firearm. Oregon has a long-standing statute that allows witnesses who have been subjected to "hypnosis"
or "mesmerism" prior to trial, to testify for either side in a
criminal trial if the entire hypnotic procedure is "recorded on either videotape or any mechanical recording device.

La Mountain, 125 Ariz. In fact, it produced FALSE leads. In a published article, the respected Journal of the American Medical Association expressed a position paper that stated "The
Council finds that recollections obtained during
hypnosis can involve confabulations and pseudomemories
and not only fail to be more accurate, but actually appear to be less reliable
than nonhypnotic recall.

" The statute further requires that "the unabridged videotape or mechanical recording shall be
made available to the other party or parties. This program is continuously being updated; the online format allows us to update our PI
training programs with the latest up to the minute techniques
and secrets so that you will be informed and successful.

This sounded much more exciting than calling and propitiating
theft victims, so I jumped at the opportunity.

After the session was over, the detective asked me what I thought.
Also, the license plate information turned out to belong to
a truck that had been crushed in a junk yard years
before. The hypnosis session was certainly interesting, but it produced NO
credible leads. In the case of State v.

On one occasion a detective asked me if I would like to
assist him in a Hypnotism Session. You must renew your license to carry a firearm every year
and undergo several hours of retraining to renew it. Personal Investigation is one
of the most versatile businesses there is, with various niche markets and options.

The first thing you should know about the training program is that it was created by active private detectives who are working "in the field" every
single day. If you want to become a personal investigator, please follow the way step by
step. A witness who has been under hypnosis, as
in the case here, should not be allowed to testify when there is a question that the testimony may have
been produced by that hypnosis.

These are not courses created by writers who interviewed various experts and
missed the most important aspects of how to be a real working
private eye. He explained that there had been a "grab-and-run" theft at
a jewelry store and an elderly lady saw the thief run from the store and get into a waiting
get-a-way car.

" (JAMA 1985; 253:1918-1923) The use of hypnosis with witnesses and victims may have serious consequences for the legal process when testimony is based on material that is elicited from a witness who has been hypnotized for the purposes of refreshing recollection.

作者 cuyahoga county criminal records @ 23:35, 2017-05-13

php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

• Right at year's end, 1960s singer Jim Morrison was posthumously pardoned in Florida
for exposing himself during a concert. These incidents lead the
Saroya family to believe that Dhami used the marriage to obtain a visa to Canada.
He was able to enter Canada in 1995 through a fictitious name and fake Afghan passport.

Parents of kids that cyber bullied a 12 year old girl until she killed herself are in complete denial about
their own accountability and keep saying "My child would never do that".

He together with five other Sikh militants hijacked a Srinagar-Delhi flight to Lahore
back in July 6, 1984. He has since sought to re-enter the country.

As you might know already , they are not all created equal
and array of features and capabilities. Everyone knows that teenagers believe they know a whole lot more than their parents.
• In the United States, there are different criminal laws in each state,
in addition to federal offences. He claimed he was 46 and a former Marine with a
Biology BS from U of Minnesota.

Over the next few days, the woman had declared on more than one occasion that she
would be leaving her husband and she wanted to move to Toronto.
Around 54 % of kids aged between 8 to 12 years will have cellular phones within the next
three years. • There was even talk about a pardon for Billy the Kid.
Unfortunately, this very same standard does not apply when an Indian man dies because of the actions and activities of
the Indian wife.

But after considering the motion, Governor Bill Richardson decided not to act
upon it, finding the claim that Wallace had promised the pardon to be historically ambiguous.
Needless to say, kids are using smartphones way too much.
Interested in how children are using their phones and are you wanting to find a iPhone Spyphone solution? When an Indian woman is
hurt or killed because of a man's doing, the Indo-Canadian community is up in arms.

When allegations are proven true, then Dhami stands to face trial and
possible deportation because of the death. He was refused to be allowed to practice in Canada because of his criminal
past. com and we had coffee. He had admitted that his
act was illegal. I considered myself to be a fairly decent parent
and knew what was going on until I discovered that my teen was

But Morrison's widow claims that he never actually bared his genitals and that therefore there is nothing to be pardoned; rather, Morrison should be exonerated.
Cell phones are unquestionably well established as part of
the lives of children. As of the moment, police authorities still are investigating the
circumstances surrounding the man's death. Proven choices
relating to iPhone Spyphone are now available from a remarkable assortment of
Smartphone Monitoring and Tracking solutions.

At one point, the wife called 911 to allege that the husband was assaulting her.
Eyewitnesses observed that when he tried to hug her, she kept telling him
not to touch her. Article II, Section 2 of the US Constitution authorizes the
President to pardon federal offences; whom he pardons and
for what reason is left entirely to his judgment.

The two were married in India last February 11, 2011. In all honesty the
litany of those things your children are doing that you
have no concept about needs more than only one essay.
I met this person on match. At this point, Dhami even tried
to escape from a moving vehicle during the discussion. He claims he owns his own business
with 4 employees.

On another front, Canadian immigration authorities refused to allow entry
to Parminder Singh Saini. He fled to Canada and was found and was
deported to India. After two dates, this man appeared odd.

Furthermore cellphone vendors now are marketing to youngsters with colourful kid-friendly cell phones and
easy-to-use features.

Relatives of Saroya is placing the blame on Dhami,
saying her behavior led to the emotional distress of Saroya
because of the predicament he was in. In the case of state crimes, the
procedure for getting a pardon is more arbitrary in some states
than in others. the first meeting he had a great charismatic personality,
until at the end of the date he grabbed me and kissed me asking me for another date and telling me
all of the things a woman wants to hear.

I've got news for you, they are right. Your choices can be investigated on this
site. When she arrived in Canada, the relatives observed that she was distant and quiet, not too welcoming
of her husband. Saroya had tried to dissuade Dhami repeatedly saying that she wanted
to move alone. Typically, the Governor may grant them,
but in some states, he shares these powers with a parole or pardon board;
in some cases, it is the board that actually makes the decision.

Something like 22 % of young children (ages 6-9) possess a cell phone, sixty % of tweens (ages 10-14),
and 84 percent of teens (ages 15-18). In Canada he was
able to obtain a BA degree and law degree to fight his deportation order.
He was a pilot, a world traveler and business man. Actually, only one of the
many murders he committed was under consideration for the pardon, and only
because of a claim that New Mexico Governor Lew Wallace had promised the famous outlaw one in exchange for testifying at a trial.

He maintained that he lied about his identity to avoid being deported to India.

作者 find fødselsdato på person @ 23:41, 2017-05-13

php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

Whenever you are buying a residential property that you will need to get a new
home mortgage to be able to purchase, the Contract of Sale (or Sales Agreement) is one of the first
documents that the lender will ask you for. When you are
buying that dream house, you may be dreading having to apply for a new home mortgage if you have no idea about what to expect or what information that you need to provide your lender with so that they can easily make the
determination whether they will Approve or Deny your application.

Make sure that the attorney has a good record and a great reputation in the area.
This information includes your names, current address,
marital status, family size, where you currently live and a little
bit of your personal legal history (as far as criminal matters are concerned).
He or she should know legal theory and the various court rules to
represent you effectively and draft important documents that can help you work with
the prosecution.

Someone fresh out of law school has an excellent
grasp of current law, but a newly-minted attorney may not have experience dealing with your particular legal problem.
Boutique law practices which practice a particular kind of law
often have a lower overhead than a general
services law firm because they sharply focus on one area of law.

If someone has been practicing law for decades, you will benefit from their broad experience.
When you're sitting in court, there will be a lot of information that you may not understand.
You will need to tell the lender a few other pieces of you personal
financial information when you apply for that new home mortgage as well.

You will also need to give the lender as much personal information as they are asking
you for when applying for your new home mortgage. Continue
reading on to find out more about this. Many attorneys have a particular legal expertise, such as estate planning or immigration. You will be asked about your current debts:
current rent or mortgage payments, what you pay for your utilities monthly, are there any car loans payments as well as how much per
month and how many are left, are you paying or receiving child support and all
other relevant monthly expenses paid.

This is part of the information used to determine whether or not you are a good credit risk.
Attorneys frequently refer clients to other practitioners for this and
other reasons and a good lawyer does not take it amiss if you want to go elsewhere.

With a lot of experience, your attorney should be able to review your charges and discuss
the case with you to determine the right course of action to take.

Everyone wants a Rolls Royce, but most of us can only afford a Hyundai.
This tells the lender what you will need to borrow along with you down payment
information and the total Selling Price of the property.

With the knowledge that your attorney has, he or she can also figure out ways to reduce your sentence and get the best results
possible. When you interview an attorney, ask
what their rates are and their estimate of their total fees.
If you feel that their fees are higher than you can afford,
ask them for a referral to someone who is less expensive.

You may not understand why all of this information is being requested, but you need to
provide as much of it as you possibly can to your lender.

The 4 necessary pieces of information that you need to provide any lender are:
Contract of Sale, Your Personal Information, Your Employment Information and
All Financial Information.

On the other hand, if they have not kept up their knowledge up to
date you might want to find someone more turbo. If the
attorney does not have a computer in his or her office and their secretary is flipping through a rolodex at their desk for phone numbers, you might want to keep
looking. On the plus side, they don't have to start from square one to figure out how to deal with your particular legal issue.

You may have a lot of questions then or before you even head to court.
You may be able to save money by hiring an inexperienced attorney who has more
time on their hands to work on your case and try to make a
name for him or herself. This also provides the lender with the information that they need about the property itself which is also used to determine eligibility.

On the other hand, you may get what you pay for. You want to hire someone who can answer your questions in a manner
that will help you understand. Find someone with good communication skills who will care about you and want to help you as much as possible.

Unless they are working in a firm with other attorneys that they can call on for advice, you
might want to give a novice practitioner a pass.
Along with experience, your attorney should have lots of knowledge about the intricacies and
complexity of the law.

Ask your attorney about his or her record, the number of cases that he or she has
worked on, and the outcomes of the cases. You need to find someone who has experience in your area
with your specific charges.

作者 dade county public records search @ 00:10, 2017-05-14

php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

It seems like every time you get on the Internet someone
is sharing his or her opinion about something. According to the Canadian Nurses Association, in as little as one year there will be a severe nurses shortage.
If you are looking for professionals in your area like the ones at McGlone Law,
then you should do your own research online, ask your friends about them, and meet them in person.

The best part is that you receive the same education as students in Centennial College's full-time Practical Nursing Program.
So figure out what category your case fits into and look up those specific lawyers or law firms.

You may think your spouse is a criminal or that he or she stole from you, but
you wouldn't necessarily want to go to a criminal lawyer to handle your divorce.
This makes it perfect, for example, for people with part-time
jobs, those with kids who may not be able get a babysitter everyday or
anyone looking for a flexible option. In addition, they offer basic bedside care (such
as applying dressing or treating bed sores), administer medications, complete charts, check vital signs
and keep track of intravenous therapy.

Once you have met all the prerequisites, you will find that Centennial College follows a College of Nurses' Standards of Practice-based
curriculum, which has a balance of theoretical knowledge
in clinical settings under the direction and facilitation of
faculty who are experienced in the field.

Factors such as current income, amount of debt and the standings of their financial situation. Likewise,
if you have a specialized case, you need to find the right lawyer that will fit your needs.
Here's how you should select a lawyer for your case. Furthermore, the Association believes that the
shortage could mean that from 59,000 to 113,000 nurses will be needed.

Now, obtaining a Ontario College Diploma in Practical Nursing just got
more convenient thanks to Centennial College. Classroom and lab
instruction at Centennial College is also supplemented by independent study and multimedia support.

Typically, Registered Practical Nurses deal with patients who are in more stable
condition, as opposed to Registered Nurses
who encounter more critically ill patients.

Every lawyer has a price and it doesn't always mean that
the lawyers with the higher price tag are the best. Sometimes people may be angry with the outcome
of the case and take it out on the lawyer.

The first thing you should do it figure out what category you fit into.
When you are hiring a professional, like someone at
McGlone Law, you don't want to waste your time trying to hire someone who knows a minimal amount about your issue; you want someone who can offer you the very best of his or her talents.
With this in mind, students learn how to practice in a professional manner, sustain therapeutic relationships and communicate effectively with clients, participate in a team as well as integrate theory
principles and concepts into the nursing practice.

Debt situations can arise and burden individuals for a number of reasons; large medical bills, overextended credit and many other
reasons. It is a legal process that allows individuals relief from overwhelming debt based
on a meeting a set criteria. RPNs provide both comfort and
emotional support to patients while administering to their
practical needs.

An individual may file bankruptcy once every eight years.
However, take these reviews with a grain of
salt because some people can be impossible to please.

If you just have a small personal case, then you won't want to hire this many lawyers because you would be wasting your
money on a case that could be cheaper by hiring a personal lawyer.

The Practical Nursing (Flexible) program is offered in a six semester, three-day-per-week format to allow you the flexibility you
need to meet personal and other commitments. Upon graduation, students find work in hospitals, long-term care facilities and community
settings. There are vast amounts of reviews available online about lawyers and attorneys for you to sift through if you are worried about the quality of the lawyer you want to hire.

Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a common procedure for individuals seeking debt relief.
It is the same if you search lawyers in your area.
If you have a big case where your whole company is involved with several suits, you will probably want a
whole team of lawyers to work on your case, which means you will need to pay a higher price.

When an individual decides that their debt has become overwhelming and declares bankruptcy they
can expect the entire process to take about three to six months.
There is some overlap and a divorce lawyer would know enough to work through
these issues and make your case strong. If you were
experiencing extreme back pain, you probably wouldn't make a doctor's appointment with a gynecologist.

For the hands-on aspect of the program, there is an interactive simulation lab, which contains all the latest medical
equipment used in the field.

作者 divorce records florida free public records @ 00:18, 2017-05-14

php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

You get the feeling that he's keeping you away
from certain places - Is that where his wife might be?
Although street racing was already in existence
prior to the release of such movies, both The Fast and The Furious
and Biker Boyz have given street racing a boost in terms of
popularity. He doesn't seem keen to have you visit him at
his place.

This is just a selection of the things your boyfriend might be trying to keep from you and I
think that you ought to know about them don't you?

Asking him outright if he's married makes him visibly uncomfortable
- Only try this once. Your heart starts to race every time you think about
him and you get butterflies in the stomach when he calls you on the phone.

Is he reluctant to give you his home phone
number? Because people live oblivious of it, their personal life
gets governed by the ego. When Limelight (famous New York Club Kids hot spot) was shut down for being a prime venue for drug trafficking,
Michael Alig had been arrested for a drug-induced murder and GG Allin had overdosed, the party may have been over, but the lifestyles continued on and have directly affected pop culture.

Does he sometimes end your Internet chat unexpectedly?
While Allin was violent, threatening to literally rape and beat up his audience, the Club Kids were offering a fun-filled lifestyle
of partying and experiencing alternative art and music through glamour and fashion but, as Jane Whitney kept pointing out,
involved the use of illegal recreational drugs, which Michael
Alig was on during the murder and cover-up of Angel Melendez.

Providing street racers guidelines and safe venues where they
can burn their tires have helped in encouraging responsible driving and hopefully take street racing off the streets.
With a list of nearly 300 racetracks and/or organizations that sponsor recreational sport compact racing, they
strive to educate young people on the dangers of street racing while staging
sanctioned, organized race contests.

It is difficult, however, to completely deter people from participating in this activity, especially
if they have the need for speed and have high-powered sports cars
with nitro tanks hidden underneath the car floor mats.
He isn't always consistent with what he tells you. Owners of sports and stock cars who have modified their ride with custom seat covers, 20-inch rimmed wheels, and powerful engines can now race without fear of getting arrested.

Did his wife walk in on him at that point?

But how do you know that he's telling you the truth and
not just stringing you along for the ride? A wedding ring or a light band on his finger where there is no tan -
what a giveaway. If you get a feeling that something isn't right then it probably isn't

Michael Alig, the Club Kids and GG Allin all affected America by
spiraling out of control. Many people view street racing as
a rite of passage, so banning street racing completely and spreading word about its adverse effects may just fall on deaf ears.
Racers Against Street Racing (RASR) is mainly an outreach program with professional
drag racers serving as representatives.

You get the feeling that there is something he isn't telling you.
Due to the nature of the race and its venues (occurring mostly on highways and
city roads), street racing is deemed an illegal activity and banned in most states.
Women's intuition can be scary sometimes. So what do you do if you think he might be
lying to you? Did he tell you something different last week?
Research on near death experiences (NDEs) have revealed many amazing aspects of our Deeper

More car and motorcycle owners have ridden with the fad and have customized their cars with neoprene seat covers, gas-guzzling engines,
and have added other accessories outside the standard custom seat covers and
car floor mats. Here are the two steps that you should take to make sure that he isn't married
already and allow you to have a long and rewarding

He may or may not have a criminal record or is a sex offender.
He might have arrest warrants or been declared bankrupt. What
is he doing on all these occasions? He may
or may not be married. Starting a new relationship with a man you
get on with is a great feeling isn't it? Perhaps his wife might answer it

Vividly portrayed in movies such as The Fast and The Furious series
and Biker Boyz, street racing is as engaging and addictive as it is dangerous.
The huge difference between GG Allin and the Club Kids was apparent in their
approach. This leads to mediocrity in life and to the self-importance that destroys harmony in oneself
and others.

You won't be able to make the most of your new relationship, or any relationship for that matter, until you find out the truth about him and feel that
you can place your trust in him. Street racing organizations
across the country have been working together with the government
to promote safe street racing and at the same time educate young people
about the hazards of actual racing in streets and city

Aligning with legitimate street racing groups is fast becoming an option for people who love to race.
How do you know that he isn't married already?

You're always looking forward to the next time you can be together.
You have trouble finding times when he's available to meet you.

作者 find a person for free online @ 00:26, 2017-05-14
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