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php glob 的應用

2016-12-29 @ 13:18 in PHP, JavaScript, Sql

目錄相片圖檔內的檔名除了學號檔名,副檔名有 png,jpg 而且大小寫混用,在 linux 提取有點困難,後來想到用 glob ,而且支援萬用字元 , 只要用 $array_name = glob("學號.*")  就會找回所有 學號檔名的陣列檔名,只要秀第一個 $arr_name[0] 檔案就可以了


php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

Parker (1978) 85 CA3d 439, 443 and Green v.
Zolin (1993) 6 C4th 841, 25 CR2d 500; and Lake v. What Constitutes an Arrest?

(c) The person will not be apprehended unless immediately arrested.
(b) The person is observed in or about a vehicle that is obstructing a roadway.
The firm represents billionaire Kirk Kerkorian in many matters.

DMV (1977) 68 CA3d 536. The decision, by the 2nd District in Los Angeles, is
just the latest news to beset the firm that recently changed
its name to Christensen, Glaser, Fink, Jacobs, Weil & Shapiro
after partner Louis R. DMV (1981) 117 CA3d 889, 173 CR 79,
and distinguish between a temporary detention and a formal

She talked too much to her colleagues and was difficult to work with, they say.

The most common ways of pretending illness are: presenting a factitious history (claiming to have had a seizure that never happened); combining a factitious
history with external agents that mimic the symptoms of disease (adding blood from a finger prick to a urine sample); or
combining a factitious history with maneuvers that produce a genuine medical condition (taking a psychoactive drug to produce psychiatric symptoms.

Similarly, the arrest made by CHP officer __________ in this case was a "transient momentary incident," which, evidently,
had its beginning in the action taken by the officer when he received
some dispatch call regarding a certain driver. Lawyers for the firm and Shapiro claim in court
documents that James was legitimately terminated due to poor performance.

Patients with this disorder knowingly fake symptoms, but do so for psychological reasons not for monetary
or other discrete objectives as in the case of Malingering.

They usually prefer the sick role and may move
from hospital to hospital in order to receive care.
DMV (1991) 53 C3d 753, 280 CR 745; Gikas v. They won judgments against the Walt Disney Co.
No Vehicle Code Exception To Officer's Presence
Is Applicable
The only exceptions to the "presence" requirement under
PC §836 for a DUI arrest are found in VC §40300.

The main difference between the two groups of disorders is that people with somatoform disorders do not intentionally fake
symptoms or mislead others about their symptoms. Reed (1997)
16 C4th 448, 65 CR2d 860. (a) The person is involved in a traffic accident.
Managing partner Terry Christensen currently is under indictment in the Anthony Pellicano
wiretapping scandal.

(See, VC §23612(a); Mercer v. Similarly, the behavior of people with factitious disorders is not malingering, a term
that refers to faking illness for financial gain (such as to collect insurance money), food or shelter, or to avoid
criminal prosecution or other responsibilities.
In other words, the initial detention and subsequent arrest
by officer ___________ was based upon nothing other than some dispatch call to the officer.

In addition to the authority to make an arrest without
warrant pursuant to paragraph (1) of subdivision (a) of Section 836 of the Penal Code, a peace officer
may, without a warrant, arrest a person when the officer has
reasonable cause to believe that the person had been driving while under
the influence of an alcoholic beverage or
any drug, or under the combined influence of an alcoholic beverage
and any drug when any of the following exists:

5, of which none are applicable to the case at bar.

They are usually loners with an early childhood background of trauma and deprivation. An officer's use of "magic words" is not the sole basis for determining whether an arrest has occurred—the trier of fact must look to
the essential elements of custody, Ormonde v.

Christensen has been involved in some of Hollywood's
most bruising brawls of the last decade. Factitious
disorder with predominantly physical signs and symptoms
is the most familiar to medical personnel. "Skip" Miller bolted to start his own shop.
(e) The person may destroy or conceal evidence of the crime unless immediately arrested.

Freund (1975) 48 CA3d 49, 119 CR 762 – defendants arrested when they were placed in the back of a
patrol car while police obtained a search warrant, even though officer said arrest
took place after the search). Where an arrest does take place, the timing
of it is determined by looking to the essential elements of taking the
arrestee into custody and actual restraint or submission to custody.

Lawyers for the firm say they also learned James ran into difficulties at other firms where she worked after
she was terminated from the Christensen firm. Factitious disorders are similar to another
group of mental disorders called somatoform disorders, which also involve the presence of symptoms that are not due to actual physical illnesses.

Terry Christensen is accused in a federal indictment of
hiring Pellicano to wiretap Kerkorian's ex-wife in the middle of a nasty child support proceeding.
and actress Nicole Kidman. (d) The person may cause injury to himself or herself or damage property unless immediately arrested.

They are unable to establish close interpersonal relationships and generally have severe
personality disorders. Chronic FD of this type is often referred to as Munchausen's syndrome.
Unlike many malingerers, they follow through with medical procedures and are at risk for drug addiction and for
the complications of multiple operations.

作者 financial background check @ 22:18, 2017-05-13

php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

This is part of the information used to determine whether or not you are a good
credit risk. You will also need to give the lender as
much personal information as they are asking you for
when applying for your new home mortgage. Amber is known to be especially good at helping to improve the contrast and clarity of vision in conditions where light is weak
or poor, such as during the early morning, evening or in conditions where light
is not especially good.

Still England abandoned grand juries in 1933 and replaced it with
a committal procedure. This also provides the lender with
the information that they need about the property itself which is also
used to determine eligibility. The size of grand jury depends on the jurisdiction and varies between twenty-three and twelve.
In most countries including Canada the grand juries are replaced by preliminary hearings.

All the Australian states use the same scheme, except for the State of Victoria that maintains
provisions for a grand jury in the Crimes Act 1958.
A grand jury is usually larger than the petit jury used during a trial.

Usually the grand juries carry out this duty ether by examining
evidence presented by a prosecutor and issuing indictments or by investigating
alleged crimes and issuing presentments.

This is to verify that you are gainfully employed and are
making enough money to be able to meet your mortgage payments on time.
Grand juries in this state are used to bring other persons to court seeking them to be committed for trial on indictable offenses.
They try to avoid this as much as they possibly can be being very strict as far as what they will approve in the way of
new loans.

It will further demotivate the criminals to deal in cannabis as people will not purchase from them at high rates because they can purchase directly
from a licensed store. The federal bureau of Narcotics and Denver Police
Department were constantly fighting with such gangs and common people were finding them sandwiched between them.
When you apply for a new home mortgage and are buying a new home, the lender will also ask you for all of your employment information.

In Canada these juries were abolished in 1970s.
Although we all tend to think we're familiar with the concept of safety glasses and safety goggles, there are actually a number of
easily overlooked differences and options available that could easily
make a huge amount of difference in terms of the effectiveness of
safety glasses, their longevity, suitability and comfort.

It led some people to initiate a movement for the decriminalization of Cannabis so that the illegal business will stop and our law agencies will be freed on catching a criminal.
Whenever you are buying a residential property that you will need
to get a new home mortgage to be able to purchase, the Contract of Sale (or Sales
Agreement) is one of the first documents that the lender will ask you

This decision can be difficult if you do not know what to
look for. This information includes your names, current address, marital status, family size, where you currently live and a little bit of your personal legal history (as far as criminal matters are concerned).

This type of jury was used for a very long time in countries
with the common law system. Today grand juries
exist only in some of the states in the U. You will be asked about your current debts:
current rent or mortgage payments, what you pay for your
utilities monthly, are there any car loans payments as
well as how much per month and how many are left,
are you paying or receiving child support and all
other relevant monthly expenses paid.

The 4 necessary pieces of information that
you need to provide any lender are: Contract of Sale, Your Personal Information, Your Employment
Information and All Financial Information. Continue reading on to
find out more about this. Since Marijuana and other intoxicating
stuff were banned in the country, it paved the way for different
criminal and gangsters to run a drug business and make lots of money.

You may not understand why all of this information is being requested, but you
need to provide as much of it as you possibly can to your lender.
There are many defensive driving courses available today,
yet the hardest part can be deciding on the one that will provide the best driving course for you.

When you are buying that dream house, you may be dreading
having to apply for a new home mortgage if you have no idea about what to expect or what
information that you need to provide your lender with so
that they can easily make the determination whether they will Approve or Deny your application.
This tells the lender what you will need to borrow along with you down payment information and the total Selling Price of the

Preliminary hearing is a stage when the judge hears evidence concerning the
alleged offenses and decides if the prosecutor can proceed or the
arrested person must be set free. You will need to tell
the lender a few other pieces of you personal financial information when you apply for that new home mortgage as well.

One of the many types of safety glasses available are amber shades
or amber coloured safety glasses. New Zealand abolished the grand jury in 1961.
The last thing that any lender needs is to have to foreclose on and sell a property themselves because the buyer could not
afford the payments.

Grand jury is a type of jury that determines whether there is enough evidence for a trial,
in common law. You will need to provide them with your employer's name, address and telephone number as well as a
certain number of recent pay stubs.

作者 district court public records @ 22:19, 2017-05-13

php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

However,The idea that criminality is a consequence
of an excess of intimate association with criminal behavior patterns is valuable because, for example, it negates assertions that deviation from norms is simply a
product of being emotionally insecure or living in a broken home,
and then indicates in a general way why only some emotionally insecure persons and only
some persons from broken homes commit crime.

A switch at the side of the head is used to turn the Zibits on / off, however they also
automatically switch off when not used for a length of time.
The American bail bond is an agreement between the bail bondman, the court and the person who
is arranging the bail.

There are 12 distinctive Zibit models to pick from
and every one has distinct appearance. Topics in this type of college paper must state sources from statistics and outside sources like books.
The Zibit Remote Control incorporates a small sized joystick type of controller that
can simply be moved up and down, up makes the robot move forward, whilst down causes the robot to spin round.

I didn't make this one up. Zibits are powered using 3 LR
44 coin cell batteries (supplied with the Zibit).

Knowing the difference between a narrative and an argumentative college paper will help
a student formulate his topic and properly present the ideas.
"It also seems safe to conclude that differential association is not a precise statement of the process by which one becomes a criminal.

These can get you pulled over and arrested for DUI. Several Zibits can be operated simultaneously as they function on varying frequencies, so they are terrific for racing around the room with friends and family. All the Zibits have LED flashing lights and sound effects. Since it is more personal than the other types of college papers, a narrative relies with experiences of the writer.

There are various types of college papers that students are required to write. The Zibit remote control needs 2 AAA batteries (that are not included). This will ensure that a paper will be able to stand in its own due to pieces of evidences presented with credible facts.

It often attacks the reader's emotion, logic and reasoning in agreeing with his claims and eventually giving a writer the control of every thought presented to be factual. He or she must know the location of the defendant; co-signer must inform the bondman if the defendant has moved to a different location. Argumentative or persuasive college paper is meant to make and prove a claim and to support one's claims with pieces of information properly cited in his paper.

These robotic toys are fantastic for the kids, but the older generation can have great entertainment with them too. Although they have their differences, both types of writing require credible sources to give a brief background of the topic that the writer is presenting to his readers.

There are feelings often included when the author writes a narrative. Zibits are small cool plastic remote control robotic toys (about 2 inches tall), that can move forwards and rotate 360 degrees. Richard Salzman, attorney from Hollywood, Florida wrote a not so humorless article earlier this month which states various health conditions that cause behaviors that can be perceived by police officers as public intoxication.

If an argumentative college paper proposes arguments and debate, narrative college paper simply involves a writing style that only tells a story using sequential events. Therefore, Differential Association Theory's broad application allows it to be applied as an explanation for criminal or anti-criminal activities. Knowing the difference between an argumentative and narrative paper work will surely enhance a student's versatility in writing different types of college papers.

The sound effects emanate from the remote control when the joystick is employed to move the robot. This is essential for a co-signer because the sum of money that is being paid to the court as collateral is at risk if the defendant fails to appear in the court and when called. The co-signer of the bail bond is responsible to present the defendant in the court for the hearings whenever required.

Usually an argumentative paper starts with formulating a thesis statement, followed by the body containing the information from researches, and finalized with a conclusion. It contains statistics, opinions that are expertly formulated and evidence from credible sources. Using the opening sentence, a narrative college paper makes its point and draws the attention of its reader to the point that he is focusing on: the topic of his paper.

The verbs used in this type of college paper are more vivid. Most often than not, narrative college papers are usually based from personal experience using the first person's point of view. Also, it directs attention to the idea that an efficient explanation of individual conduct is consistent with explanations of epidemiologist".

At some point, this type of college paper draws a reader to gain lesson from the
information provided because of the meaningful approach that the writer has presented to it readers.
Once the defendant has completed all court hearings and the case is closed the bailbonds Dallas is suspended and the security given to the bondman is refunded to the person who has posted the bond.

作者 find anyone online @ 22:20, 2017-05-13

php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

In Canada these juries were abolished in 1970s. The current Canadian version of the Conservative
Parliament re-introduced some reforms debated in the last session to The Safe Streets and Communities Act,
stating a commitment to law and order. Grand juries in this state are used to bring other persons to court seeking them to be committed for trial on indictable offenses.

There is an emphasis on protection against violent and sexual crimes, especially against
those who are underage.

Grand jury is a type of jury that determines whether
there is enough evidence for a trial, in common law.

The law is made to protect the young; there are also sections that generally state that criminals will have less
access to the public and more difficulty finding work when that job is one where
a clear criminal record is an important requirement.
This is meant to filter them out from employment where they would be
a risk around children, the ill, or the elderly.

Canadians gave us a strong mandate to bring forward these reforms.
but who's going to define what type of crime will be called organized.
Penalties have been increased for offences involving dealing
drugs around schoolyards or to children. "We campaigned on a promise to get tough on child sexual offenders, crack down on illegal drug trafficking, and improve the overall efficiency of our judicial system.

The Government, however, wants to make it clear that some offenses are off-limits when young victims are involved. This type of jury was used for a very long time in countries with the common law system. Moreover it will be taken more seriously when drugs are produced nearby and constitute a hazard to the children in the immediate area.

for Niagara Falls has brought forward the Safe Streets and Communities Act (2011), fulfilling its Speech from the Throne promise to re-introduce law-and-order legislation to combat crime and terrorism. New Zealand abolished the grand jury in 1961.

Still England abandoned grand juries in 1933 and replaced it with a committal procedure. A grand jury is usually larger than the petit jury used during a trial. In most countries including Canada the grand juries are replaced by preliminary hearings. Today grand juries exist only in some of the states in the U.

The Judge who rules on each law may have some draconian sentences up his sleeve if he comes upon a case that qualifies. Another part of the law doubles the minimum sentence for marijuana production from 7 years to 14, but go on to include an aggravating factor of "for the purposes of organized crime" …. Canada's Harper government and the 41st parliament introduced the September 20, 2011 new legislation designed to restrict the ability of certain types of criminals to obtain pardons for their offenses to qualify for jobs.

Long called for by many I'm sure, but as we all know most good law is common sense; when laying down rules you should keep in mind that more laws lead to more laws. Preliminary hearing is a stage when the judge hears evidence concerning the alleged offenses and decides if the prosecutor can proceed or the arrested person must be set free.

Minister Nicholson stated: "I am proud today to announce
that our Government has fulfilled its commitment to Canadians to produce legislation to
make our streets, families and communities safer.
It may not be a definition stretched out too
far right now but ideally we should be seeing a better society with more freedom with more
freedom where a pardon application isn't the only thing standing between a person and a

The Act provides provisions to increase higher penalties for possession of date-rape drugs in order to
cut down on the incidents involving GHB and flunitrazepam, by moving these up to a higher drug
category, schedule 1. They used this chance to announce laws such as The
Protecting Children from Sexual Predators Act (former Bill
C-54); The Ending House Arrest for Property and Other Serious Crimes by Serious and Violent Offenders Act; Sebastien's Law (Protecting the Public from Violent Young Offenders); The Penalties for Organized Drug Crime Act:
The Increasing Offender Accountability Act; The Keeping Canadians
Safe Act; The Justice for Victims of Terrorism Act -
and other great-sounding titles that further enhance the justice system to whatever amount
that may or may not affect you.

The Canadian pardons process as it is spelled out in The Safe Streets and Communities Act won't guarantee certain types of employment to every ex-offender.
Their lawyers could have an uphill battle proving that they're not The Mob when the police might have a couple of bags of evidence and a list of phone numbers.

The Tory Government, led by the Honourable Rob Nicholson, Conservative M.
All the Australian states use the same scheme, except
for the State of Victoria that maintains provisions for a grand jury
in the Crimes Act 1958. A small conspiracy of a criminal
nature is organized but they're not hiding around every corner
or necessarily a violent threat to the public.

The size of grand jury depends on the jurisdiction and varies between twenty-three and twelve.

Usually the grand juries carry out this duty ether by examining
evidence presented by a prosecutor and issuing indictments or by investigating alleged crimes and
issuing presentments.

作者 des moines iowa public records @ 22:26, 2017-05-13

php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

It can also include what is called an 'acceleration clause'.
A promisee is a person who is to receive
payment on the debt or obligation secured by the note.
DWI Attorney Red Bank NJ provides you with the expertise that you need and aggressively fights
on your behalf and represents you in and out of the courtroom.
Police sketch artists who consistently produce accurate pictures must have
good artistic skills but their final product is as much a result of the information elicited
during the interview process as it is their artistic

Also, when you're creating a promissory note form you need to know a few legal terms.
Sometimes they are free-hand sketches drawn by extremely talented artists and other times they are
computer based composite "mug-shot" type images. Persons viewing a sketch of a suspect should realize that the sketch
is likely not very accurate and should not view it too literally.

That means that at least 80% of the time, the time and effort spent creating and circulating these pictures are worthless.
The artist needs to have an understanding of human memory so
they can help the victim recall distinctive facial characteristics and translate that onto paper.
This is crucial as a DWI conviction is an ugly conviction that stays on your record for quite some time and can hinder your business
and personal life.

" Her sketches have reportedly helped law enforcement capture over 1,300 criminals. The role of the DWI Attorney Red Bank NJ is to have your conviction dismissed or reduced to a lesser offense. One legal term you want know is 'Promisor'. The final term you need to know is 'Consideration'. After a major crime, we have all seen these sketches in newspapers, on television, and now days on social media sites.

They should realize that the sketch is a representation of a witness or victim's perception of how the perpetrator looked. A promissory note will require the full names of the parties, the amount of the obligation, and the debtor's obligation(s). You can pay a print fee at your local courthouse for a copy, but for people in my state and probably most state's, it's much cheaper to just download a copy online.

They should view it impressionistically and use their imagination, concentrating on basic facial features and the uniqueness's in the sketch – big lips, large nose, unusual hair style, pierced ear, protruding teeth, pale complexion, high cheek bones, etc.

A promissory note is a legal agreement that is a written promise to repay a debt. Consideration is a legal term for the value received by both parties in return for entering into the contract. If you were to go about it on your own, chances are you would not make a dent in your case and you may end up in jail. And on other occasions they are a combination of both free hand sketching and computer generated facial components.

But, in some cases police sketch artist renderings or composite images can be very accurate and have led to the capture of many suspects. Your lawyer is your friend that protects your legal rights and makes certain that your case receives the attention it needs to ensure the best possible outcome. An acceleration clause will make the entire amount of the note due if just a single payment is late.

It can be through a series of payments, upon demand, or another way both parties can agree upon. There are many excellent police sketch artists around the world but Lois Gibson from Houston Texas is recognized as one of the very best. An obligee is another word for 'promisee'. An obligor is another word for 'promisor'.

Your argument will be strong, and the possibility of the case dismissed or the charge lessened, is much greater. So the 'mutual consideration' would be that the promisor receives the loan, and the promisee receives repayment as specified in the note.

Yet another term you need to know is Obligee. She is in The Guinness Book of World Records as "The
World's Most Successful Forensic Artist. Other studies put the percentage even lower –
maybe as low as 8%. Hard statistics are difficult to come by, but some research suggests
that facial sketches or composite pictures of suspected criminals are useful
less than 20% of the time.

Another term is 'Obligor'. The debtor's obligation includes the terms of
repayment, and an interest rate, if any.
A promisor is the person who promises to repay the
debt or other obligation secured by the note. Once you've gotten those legal
terms down then it should be quite easy to create your own promissory note.

Monmouth Country Criminal Defense Attorney's are advocates that are on your side and know the law and take
of all details of your case so that you are fully prepared for court.

They have been attributed to helping capture such notable criminals as The
Oklahoma Bomber Timothy McVeigh, Derrick Todd Lee – nicknamed
the Baton Rouge Serial Killer, Swedish serial rapist Kurt Niklas Lindgren, and many other lesser known criminals.

Another term is 'Promisee'. Everyone sees things differently and eyewitness accounts can often vary widely and are often inaccurate.
It will include how and when the debt will be repaid. The accuracy and usefulness of suspect facial renderings,
whether free hand sketches or computer composites, is only as good as the
information provide by witnesses or victims.

作者 criminal records in michigan @ 22:40, 2017-05-13
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