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php glob 的應用

2016-12-29 @ 13:18 in PHP, JavaScript, Sql

目錄相片圖檔內的檔名除了學號檔名,副檔名有 png,jpg 而且大小寫混用,在 linux 提取有點困難,後來想到用 glob ,而且支援萬用字元 , 只要用 $array_name = glob("學號.*")  就會找回所有 學號檔名的陣列檔名,只要秀第一個 $arr_name[0] 檔案就可以了


php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

69 grams) of medicinal Marijuana and may grow up to not more than six marijuana
plants (not more than three flowering plants at a moment).

I began thinking that I left it at home, but knew that
was highly unlikely. The use of Marijuana had been banned in Colorado
since the early twentieth century. Marijuana is the legal term for cannabis and it
is legal in Colorado for medicinal and recreational

I checked with TSA, but there was no MacBook Pro.
I made it to the other side of the x-ray machine, collected my belongings,
and headed to my gate. On November 7, 2000, almost 54% voters of Colorado voted in the favor of Amendment 20.
Earlier it was illegal but after the Amendment 64 on November 6,
2012, it became legal in January 2014. Colorado has similar laws regarding driving while impaired by
any drugs.

It started an era of prohibition beginning
on January 1, 1916, and later on December 18,
1917, a Prohibition amendment Eighteenth was proposed by the Congress.
, and I began the routine that I've done hundreds of
times before: take off my jacket, remove my shoes and
belt, place the laptop in the bin, and so on.

I had a few minutes before the final call was made for the flight, so I
decided to run back to the security checkpoint. Stealing the Laptop
At some point during the security process, a couple placed their two bins between my property,
essentially separating my MacBook Pro from me. Amendment 64 also
allows for licensing of cultivation facilities, product manufacturing facilities, testing facilities and
retail stores.

It will further demotivate the criminals to deal in cannabis as people will not purchase
from them at high rates because they can purchase directly from a licensed store.

In November 1914, the voters of Colorado voted for the approval of Amendment 22 of Colorado Constitution.

I reached into my roller bag – no laptop! Although
it took almost six attempts and three years to pass to marijuana measures for intoxication. It led some people to initiate
a movement for the decriminalization of Cannabis so that the
illegal business will stop and our law agencies will be freed on catching a criminal.

Those patients who are caught with more than the allowed
limit may argue about the "affirmative defense of medical necessity" but they are not protected under
the law because of those persons who stay under the limit
and follow the guidelines. It was known as Prohibition amendment and included Alcohol and other intoxicating substances like cannabis and hemp etc.

So in 1975 after more than a decade-long decriminalization campaign in the whole country,
Marijuana consumption was decriminalized. Going through security changed
significantly after 9/11, and we are now required to
remove our laptop from our bag and place it in a separate bin. I made
it to the security checkpoint about 4:50 a. The Denver
airport has completely banned the possession of marijuana but they have admitted that it has not charged a single
person with possession and they have never seized any
marijuana after the ban came into effect.

The federal bureau of Narcotics and Denver Police Department were constantly fighting with such gangs and common people were finding them sandwiched between them.
The issue here is that I'm too used to the process that I
often take it for granted. One most noted person who supported the movement was Deputy District Attorney of Pitkin County, Mr,
Jay Moore.

In fact, I had already purchased a new one, but was slowly
migrating to it. Since Marijuana and other intoxicating stuff were banned in the
country, it paved the way for different criminal and gangsters
to run a drug business and make lots of money.

Now the patients could use it after the doctor's written approval.
About a year ago, I was making my way through
TSA security at San Antonio International Airport heading to Houston on a 5:
30 a. According to this law, A patient may possess up to 2 ounces (56.

But the anti-marijuana activists are arguing that this limit is
too high to allow a person driving the vehicles and DUI attorney In Colorado can easily save their clients from getting the punishment.

At last, the lawmakers decided on a nanogram limit in the bloodArticle Submission,
Today the Colorado clarifies that the judge can convict a person of marijuana intoxication if they have more than five nanograms of THC per milliliter of blood.

Tourists and visitors can purchase the marijuana and use it,
but they may face persecution if they are found with marijuana in the adjacent state.
The search function was too slow, and it took nearly five
minutes to boot. An interesting piece to this story is that
several weeks before the theft, I spilled real hot Starbucks coffee on the MacBook.

he helped in winning over the legislature's republican leadership by his arguments as to money wasted on maintaining the law by the enforcement
agencies. Due to this policy, Colorado has become
a hot spot for cannabis tourism, where people come here to use the Marijuana
available at various retail stores. During the first year
of implementation, Colorado's legal marijuana market
has reached total sales of more than $700 million.

After arriving at the United Airlines aircraft, I decided to
review some work on my laptop. This amendment allowed the use of Marijuana for medicinal purpose.

作者 death public records @ 20:09, 2017-05-13

php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

In 1937, he also arranged to place a plate on the front entrance of
the edifice of the League of Nations in Geneva, the following verse of poet Firdawsi:- "Whole mankind is like the different organs of one body. If one organ is injured, the other organs have to suffer. More than 20 years the scruples hair products are create and increase self-confidence of many peoples in the world.

In Iran, the Ismailis are called Muridan-i-Aga Khan (the followers of the Aga Khan), and the jamatkhana is called Khanaqah Panjtani. At the evening, the Imam had a tea-party with the king of Iran. The Imam finally returned to Tehran on November 1, 1959 and held a press conference before evening.

The exclusive blends of essential ingredients are silicone conditioners, hydrolyzed cationic proteins, muco-polysaccharides, and UV absorbers. He announced for one million shillings for the foundation of a hostel in Tehran University. Scruples hair products contain four essential ingredients from the patented protective barrier complex formula.

In Khusk, there is a primary school, which was erected by Mulla Murad according to the Imam's instructions. Since Imam liked his poetry, he introduced the poet through his writings in the newspapers in Europe. In 1841, Imam Hasan Ali Shah left Iran for India.

The condition of the Ismailis was worse for about a century. He allotted the Imam a piece of land in the district of Sarha, where he led a peaceful living. Imam Wafi Ahmad came to settle down in Nihawand, and betrothed to Amina, daughter of Hamdan, son of Mansur bin Jowshan, who was from Kazirun. On February 11, the king of Iran awarded the Imam the title of The Order of the Crown First Class.

The King Reza Shah Pehelvi ascended in 1921 in Iran, and gave liberty to the people to practice their faith. The Imam was honoured with the title of His Royal Highness. The Imam also attended the marriage of the king on February 12, and presented one case of pure gold, one bangle of gold set with jewels, one lion and the sun with the royal crown set on it. The Imam and the Begum then had an audience with the king.

The Imams also passed peaceful living as traders, farmers or local persons. When the Abbasids intensified their search for the Ismaili Imam to its extreme, Imam Muhammad bin Ismail had to travel out of Iran Disguised as a merchant, he stayed in Shapur with a certain Qamas bin Nuh, whose daughter Rabta, he married. The Imam then proceeded to Shapur.

It is related that the Abbasid agent, named Muhammad bin Ali al-Khorasani, who surprised the Imam in a mosque, traced the Imam out on one day in Sarha. , and left Tehran for Geneva at 1. The brother of Wafi Ahmad also married here and had a posterity. He also declared a donation of 40,000 shillings per year to the Red Lion and Sun Society of Iran, which continued for five years.

The Ismailis have populated it for nearly 450 years in Dizbad, which boasts a high school in the name of Nasir Khusaro, and Syed Suleman Badakhshani established it in 1940 according to the advice of the Imam. Imam Wafi Ahmad further on repaired to Daylam with his 32 trusted da'is, where he got married with an Alid lady in the village of Ashnash. It is most possible that Imam Wafi Ahmad lived in Suk al-Ahwaz for a short period.

Thence, the Imam went to Azar in Khuzistan. He was greatly impressed to behold the Imam, and lost courage to arrest him, and permitted the Imam to escape. On his return to the palace, he also met the diplomats connected with the embassies of England, Egypt and India. Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah admired his policy and published a letter in London Times in appreciation of the new policy of Iran, and made a forecast of a bright future of Iran.

The Imam also visited Iran to attend the coronation ceremony of the king of Iran on October 26, 1967, which was celebrated at Golestan Palace. Imam Muhammad bin Ismail selected Hurmuz as a mission centre, and then had made his footing at the fortified city of Nihawand, where he stayed with the governor, Mansur bin Jowshan, who had close ties with Ishaq bin al-Abbas.

Soon after the fall of Alamut, the Ismailis resided in different villages. The Iranians began to cultivate high regards for him. Scruples hair care products are not trying on animals and arrest no by-products or animal components. He and the Begum spent the evening in the company of Princes Shams Pehlavi, the daughter of the late king.

He attended a dinner party of the king, lasted till 11. Poor economical condition, living in villages, agriculture, spinners, some employed as teachers or in army. The hand bangle of pure gold contained diamonds and emeralds set in it. During the conclusion of his tour in Iran, the Imam had appointed Timsar Amir Asad Shah Khalili as his agent, who led the Ismailis into a new era and many new schools and jamatkhanas were built in the villages where Ismailis resided.

In Iran, the Ismailis founded their state in the fort of Alamut, where they ruled for about 171 years. This component deports environmental protection and essential conditioning. The adoption of strict taqiya, and moving from one to another place, forced the Imam to assign the mission works to his brother, Hussain bin Muhammad.

Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah also propagated the splendid culture of Iran in Europe. Scruples hair products aid repair moisture and protein in your hair to improve hair's inside strength and aid preserve elasticity. In 1933, the 1000th anniversary of the poet Firdawsi was celebrated in Iran.

作者 criminal search free @ 20:09, 2017-05-13

php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

DWI Attorney Red Bank NJ provides you with the expertise that you need and aggressively fights on your behalf and represents you in and out
of the courtroom. It is essential that you have a
Monmouth County Criminal Defense Attorney to represent you in and out
of the courtroom. Although street racing was already
in existence prior to the release of such movies, both The Fast
and The Furious and Biker Boyz have given street racing
a boost in terms of popularity.

If you were to go about it on your own, chances are you would not make a dent in your case and you may
end up in jail. If you've got more than one supply and
they are not close together, you ought to have a sensor
installed close to every source. DWI Attorney Red Bank
NJ are the specialists that have the knowledge and understanding of
the law and are experienced in DWI cases so that they can help drivers convicted of
a DWI out of the situation they are in.

In the United States, there are five popular categories in drag racing:
Among the popular choice is drag racing. Jail time is faced, your license revoked, expensive fines and you could lose your vehicle.
A DWI conviction, no matter how much of a nightmare it seems, does not have to be a lasting nightmare with a defense attorney.

When a driver is faced with a DWI conviction they are faced with one of the most serious driving offenses in the books, and it is not
a situation that a driver wants to be in without a Monmouth County Criminal Defense Attorney.

com in San Diego holds events such as 1/8-mile drag races at the Qualcomm Stadium, the site of Padre and Charger games.
Some states, in an effort to regulate street racing, provided safe
alternatives to street racing in coordination with several racing clubs.
Natural gas detectors are a simple, reasonable means to protect your family from dangerous gas leaks.

Natural gas and carbon monoxide both rise, however natural gas tends to rise higher and build up nearer to the ceiling.
Penalties are stiff in a DWI conviction and the driver has
to do everything within a specific timeframe,
or they will find that they do not have the ground to stand on.

Monmouth Country Criminal Defense Attorney's are advocates that are
on your side and know the law and take of all details of your case so that you are fully prepared for court.
Your lawyer is your friend that protects your legal rights and makes
certain that your case receives the attention it needs to
ensure the best possible outcome.

The alarm will trigger, and give you lots of time to ventilate the house, put right
the leak, or get leave. You are about to obtain some facts about natural gas and natural gas detectors that you may not have known. Vividly portrayed in movies such as The Fast and The
Furious series and Biker Boyz, street racing is as engaging and addictive as it is dangerous.

However the most effective protection of all is knowledge.
Natural gas detectors want to be mounted on the wall not far from the
ceiling. You will have the legal representation that you need
in and out of the courtroom to ensure that you have the
best possible outcome. The National Hot Rod Association (NHRA),
an organization of street racers that have addressed the problem of street racing since the 1950s, promotes safe racing by
promoting the Street Legal Program, a series of racing events in dry lakebeds and deserted runways.

This is crucial as a DWI conviction is an ugly conviction that stays on your
record for quite some time and can hinder your business and personal life.

Assume that if you've got a carbon monoxide detector, you are
covered? In Hawaii, where drifting is a popular racing event, car owners now race under the supervision of the
appropriate agencies in a controlled and safe environment at
the Aloha Stadium.

Your argument will be strong, and the possibility of the case dismissed or
the charge lessened, is much greater. Natural gas is flammable and combustible.

and that could save your life. More car and motorcycle owners have ridden with the
fad and have customized their cars with neoprene seat covers,
gas-guzzling engines, and have added other accessories outside the standard custom seat covers and
car floor mats.

This is often measured by its Lower Explosive Limit (LEL).

They additionally would like to be not more than fifteen feet from
the source, such as your stove. If yours is rated 10% LEL, which means
the gas only has to make up to ten% of it's full explosive power before you're in danger.

Carbon monoxide only rises as a result of it's
released along with heated air.

The role of the DWI Attorney Red Bank NJ is to have your conviction dismissed or reduced to a lesser offense.
Natural gas detectors are rated in keeping with their LEL, and lower is better.
DWIs are serious offenses and ones that must be handled properly.
Indeed, despite the danger presented in street racing events,
hundreds still flock and race through the city streets with cars that have race-themed neoprene seat covers and sporty exterior details.

In other words, at 100% LEL, your house is going boom. Depending on the body
build, engine type, and the number of passengers
a car can hold, there are a lot of categories amateur racers can compete in.

作者 find a person by their phone number @ 20:13, 2017-05-13

php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

Boutique law practices which practice a particular kind of law often have a lower overhead than a general services law firm because
they sharply focus on one area of law. And while there are an assortment
of arguments and deductions available to the creative taxpayer, an often overlooked one is the deduction for unreimbursed Casualties, Disasters, and Thefts.

I've talked with attorneys who charge $200 per hour for their time.
Your recording can also help you control billing costs.
On the plus side, they don't have to start from square one to figure out
how to deal with your particular legal issue. Beware of "Know It Alls"
Beware of the consultant who is willing to give you advice on all subjects.

With April 15th looming in the near future, many
taxpayers are hustling to give Uncle Sam a good reason not to take
more of their hard earned pay. Then when you receive the bill, compare the hours.

This article will show you how not to get "ripped-off "when dealing with these consultants This also applies to a real estate investor who tries to act as property manager, real estate broker, accountant,
escrow officer, building inspector, loan broker, and appraiser.

Subtract insurance $0
7. When you interview an attorney, ask what their rates
are and their estimate of their total fees. Decrease in value
(line 2 minus line 3) $16,800
5. When you are interviewing an attorney, ask what percentage, if any,
of the case work will be done by paralegals or legal assistants.

However, if you ask the same attorney to prepare a living trust, the attorney might quote you a flat
fee of $5,000, knowing that with the help of a secretary and a word
processor, actual billable time won't come close to that figure.

Unless the attorney can give you assurance that he or she has
an excellent legal support team, you should keep looking.
Some people will expound on anything and everything, even if unqualified or unknowledgeable.

Attorneys frequently refer clients to other practitioners for this and
other reasons and a good lawyer does not take it amiss if you want to go elsewhere.
How to Pick the Right Consultant
When choosing a consultant, be sure they are qualified to handle matters pertaining to your investment.

If the attorney does not have a computer in his or her office and their secretary is flipping through
a rolodex at their desk for phone numbers, you might want to keep looking.

I want to tell you a secret. Value of car at time of accident

Make note of the hours recorded each time you use the consultant's services.
Always make sure you have people working for you who have the expertise to get
the job done. Loss (smaller of line 1 or 4) $16,800
6. Everyone wants a Rolls Royce, but most of us can only afford a Hyundai.
Well trained legal technicians help keep costs down for you.
Although a $9,700 tax deduction may not be as desirable
as a $17,000 check from your insurance company, in this case, it's better than nothing.

If the bill doesn't agree with your figures, ask to see supporting documentation,
such as copies of telephone bills and employee time sheets.
Consultants who bill on an hourly basis should give
you a breakdown of hours (or a fraction thereof) based on specific matters.
Subtract 10% of $70,000 AGI $7,000 Adjusted basis
of car (cost in this example) $18,500

Value of car after the accident $200
4. "I pay all that money in insurance premiums and when (fill in the blank) happens, all I hear is "that's not covered" "Well, thanks for nothing!
Begin your search for real estate experts
by asking for referrals from individuals in the profession Search for professionals who have education and experience in the real estate field, in general, and rental properties, in particular.

Despite your insurance agent's best efforts, not every claim you file is covered.
Beware of the consultant who charges a flat work fee. If you feel that
their fees are higher than you can afford, ask them for a referral to
someone who is less expensive. On the other hand, if they have not kept up their knowledge up to date you might want to find someone more turbo.
Paraphrasing an old saying: If you act as your own attorney, you have a fool for a client.

Many attorneys have a particular legal expertise,
such as estate planning or immigration. So the next time you suffer a property
loss that's not fully covered by insurance, you may still be elgible for some financial relief.
If someone has been practicing law for decades, you will
benefit from their broad experience.

Subtract $100 $16,700
9. Many law practices have paralegals or legal specialists who do the grunt
work of a case, whether it's gathering information or preparing initial
drafts of highly technical filings. And that could
cause you to say something you've never said before "Thank you IRS! Loss after reimbursement $16,800

作者 definition of criminal conviction @ 20:25, 2017-05-13

php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

The large Trefoil on the Santiago's face and its three-hand design make it a model
meant for the high street fashions though primarily, it's built for
the playgrounds. Adidas creates a modern-looking watch in a different way and
represents a good value for money. It is the same colour as with the
watch-case, hands and the dial, which makes things very fluid overall.

The bezel is a medium-wide blue plastic moulded into the case
and with engraved minute markers. There are no hour-markers, which makes things come up more rounded.

The Adidas Santiago Analog Quartz ADH6169 Watch is a sweet deviation from the digital faces that are so common in today's sports
world. The case too is made from plastic,
but it is the composite plastic or ABS (acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene) that is capable of taking great impacts and stand really
rough abrasions.

It stops at the fine line from where things start getting big and bulky and therefore, suitable for varying wrist sizes.
Whether you are practicing or at the finals, the Adidas Santiago Analog Quartz
ADH6169 Watch always stays with you. The watch is waterproof which
is brilliant up to a little more than a hundred feet
under water.

The watch face bursts out with the white on blue combo, a very
high contrast yet with smoothed edges. The white
central Trefoil provides a bright background for the blue hands; it ensures you never read the time
wrongly. It adds a strong feel to the overall appearance of the watch and also helps
to protect the acrylic crystal covering the dial.

The deeply grooved straps of the Adidas Duramo Analog Quartz ADH6169
Watch are a sight to see! From washing your vehicle to
repairs and even doing the dishes, with the Adidas Santiago Analog Quartz ADH6169 Watch, you'll never feel that you are exposing your wrist-wear
to something you are not meant to.

The Adidas Duramo XL Analog Quartz ADH6169 Watch is therefore, suited for
all the dirty jobs where you also need to keep a check on time.

The Adidas Santiago Analog Quartz ADH6169 Watch can beused
either by men or women; it's unisex. Meant to go with every kind of sportswear including tracksuits,
the Adidas Santiago Analog Quartz ADH6169 Watch is very stylish
and different from others.

The movement is quiet and in a completely silent room, you can hear the faint ticking.
That sturdiness is essential for sports use plus, they also absorb some of the shocks
to make the Japanese movement inside face lesser intensity.
It is really comfortable with a super yet soft grip.

作者 find dead people @ 20:25, 2017-05-13
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