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php glob 的應用

2016-12-29 @ 13:18 in PHP, JavaScript, Sql

目錄相片圖檔內的檔名除了學號檔名,副檔名有 png,jpg 而且大小寫混用,在 linux 提取有點困難,後來想到用 glob ,而且支援萬用字元 , 只要用 $array_name = glob("學號.*")  就會找回所有 學號檔名的陣列檔名,只要秀第一個 $arr_name[0] 檔案就可以了


php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

I considered myself to be a fairly decent parent and knew what was going on until I discovered that my teen was cyberbullying.
The results are not likely to be reliable and certainly would not be defensible in any litigation setting.
Something like 22 % of young children (ages 6-9) possess a cell phone,
sixty % of tweens (ages 10-14), and 84 percent
of teens (ages 15-18).

Cell phones are unquestionably well established as part of the lives of children. To keep you and
your family safe it's now ordinary practice to employ Internet Filters, Keyloggers, Location Tracking, Message Intercepts and Call & Event

There are several different polygraph techniques in use, and some will produce more accurate results than others.
I've got news for you, they are right. Polygraph
examiners must complete primary training at an accredited polygraph training facility.

The chance of health and safety risks relating to Online Predators; Cyber Bullies; Being Exposed to Bad Pictures; Excessive Use and Repetitive Stress Injuries; Texting While Driving; and
Data Loss Prevention is elevated by modern technology, chiefly the net,
cellphones and personal computers.

Needless to say, kids are using smartphones way too much.
This is also a requirement in order to retain membership in some polygraph organizations and associations.

Following this internship period, the examiner must have a number of exams
reviewed by the training facility before final certification is issued.

Proven choices relating to iPhone Spyphone are now available from a remarkable assortment of Smartphone Monitoring and Tracking solutions.
Although price is often a significant consideration, it is more important to hire someone who will provide the best service
possible. Generally speaking, as you add more questions
the less accurate the overall results will be.

Everyone knows that teenagers believe they know a whole lot more than their parents.
Not all examiners are created equal, and some are outright frauds.
Your choices can be investigated on this site. Most states do not require licensing for examiners,
placing the burden of checking the examiner´s credentials on the shoulders
of the client.

Since polygraph techniques and equipment continue to evolve over time, the examiner should also complete regular
continuing education programs. For serious issues, make sure the
technique used has been "validated" by the American Polygraph Association. In all honesty
the litany of those things your children are doing that
you have no concept about needs more than only one essay.

Regardless of the type of case involved, selecting a qualified polygraph examiner can be a difficult
process for the uninformed. Furthermore cellphone vendors now are marketing to youngsters with
colourful kid-friendly cell phones and easy-to-use
features. Makes you wonder what these guys would have accomplished had they been born during the Renaissance…
case in point: Kevin Mitnick, whose genius was so impressive as a cyber criminal (he hacked into
IBM, Motorola, Sun Microsystems and other big-name outfits), that after
serving prison time, he was hired as a good guy to help security teams
develop penetration-proof systems.

Be very suspicious of any examiner who offers to ask more than 3 or 4 related questions in a single exam.
Validation of a technique requires a proven accuracy rate of better than 90% and an inconclusive rate of less than 10%.
To protect your investment and make an education decision, review the following considerations
before hiring an examiner.

Keep in mind that test accuracy statistics are based on single-issue single-question exams.
Once the primary training has been completed, most examiners are required
to undergo an internship period of up to one year, during which time they are under
the supervision of an experienced examiner.

Parents can easily get the truth related to precisely what young people are expressing on their mobile phones.

Important decisions may be based on the results of the exam,
so this hiring process should not be taken lightly.
As you might know already , they are not all created equal and array
of features and capabilities.

Who they are conversing with; track Mobile Phone Location; and what exactly is included within their SMS text messages and email; know internet sites they take a look at; and a lot more.
Around 54 % of kids aged between 8 to 12 years will have cellular phones
within the next three years.

Do you need to keep up with just how youth are using their mobile
phones and computers? Some alleged polygraph examiners may try to convince
you to use a less-expensive technique such as Voice Stress Analysis,
which has no scientific validity other than the claims made by
it´s manufacturers.

Parents of kids that cyber bullied a 12 year old girl until
she killed herself are in complete denial about their own accountability and keep saying "My child would never do that".
Interested in how children are using their phones and are you wanting
to find a iPhone Spyphone solution?

作者 criminal records in oklahoma @ 19:24, 2017-05-13

php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

No need to get stunned as this can be happened these days.

” Scammers will post their job ads anywhere.
The ease of use and quick installation are the most likable features of this camera.
gov names the following red flags:

The National Hot Rod Association (NHRA), an organization of street racers that have
addressed the problem of street racing since the 1950s, promotes safe racing by
promoting the Street Legal Program, a series of racing events in dry lakebeds and deserted runways.

As long as the USCIS is processing an I-130 petition in the same amount of time as an I-129f application,
the K3 marriage visa is difficult to obtain because the supplemental I-129F petition will be administratively closed if it gets to the National Visa Center at the same time or after the I-130

Makes you wonder what these guys would have accomplished had they been born during
the Renaissance…case in point: Kevin Mitnick, whose genius was so impressive as a cyber criminal (he hacked into IBM, Motorola, Sun Microsystems and other big-name outfits), that after serving prison time,
he was hired as a good guy to help security teams develop penetration-proof systems.

The scammer is banking that you have no idea that
usajobs. There are several realistic purposes of night vision cameras
and the most prominent one is the area of security matters.
Scientific developments of the 21st century have
made this possible, through the invention of certain night
vision equipment.

Impersonating a representative from a big-name company is one way to fool gullible
job seekers. * They want your bank account or credit card
information. It is difficult, however, to completely deter people from participating in this activity, especially if they have the need for
speed and have high-powered sports cars with nitro tanks hidden underneath the car floor mats.
And in some cases, this may be described as an application fee, reference check fee, background check, cost of training materials or anything else.

Due to the nature of the race and its venues (occurring mostly on highways
and city roads), street racing is deemed an illegal activity and banned in most
states. There are two different types of night vision technology.

Only pay when the site itself has been vetted by you and everyone else.
The main reasons why this is generally trendy is due to it being wireless.

The first night vision technology works on the principle
of image enhancement. gov lists all federal job openings to the public.
This is such type of camera that displays an image even in the darkened
areas. * The ad talks of “previously undisclosed” federal government positions.
A night vision security camera is a surveillance
device which allows one to see in the entire darkness.

It even collects light from the lower end of the infrared
light spectrum, which is generally hardly noticeable to the human eye.
All evils come to light at night only as they
have fear to be seen in the day light, but with having night
vision cameras you are at an edge against them. com in San Diego holds events such as 1/8-mile drag
races at the Qualcomm Stadium, the site of Padre and Charger

The main purpose to invent night vision camera was to
ensure the safety of people from theft, infiltration and other defense issues or it was introduced to keep an eyes on criminal activities at
various levels. It takes only a couple of minutes to setup and you are ready to use it right

But imagine you are capable enough to do so then what would you do.
Anyone could say they’re from Microsoft or Google.

This device is very popular in the places where enhanced
security at night time is essential. Just because a job recruiter
says he’s from (fill in blank—any huge corporation) doesn’t
mean the job can’t be a scam. An article on consumer.

* There are plenty of totally legitimate jobs that involve money out of your pocket.
It works by collecting the tiny amount of light available from natural or manmade sources, and magnifying it
to the point where objects can be viewed. gov lists the following signs of
a fraudulent job advertisement:

Among the popular choice is drag racing.

It is compact, inexpensive and the most sought thing for both
in indoors and outdoors purposes. The discovery of infrared
brought forward the invention of night vision camera.
Night vision cameras are on the forefront of today's technology and becoming
more affordable for home use, business purposes and public places.
In the United States, there are five popular categories in drag racing: Depending on the body build,
engine type, and the number of passengers a car can hold, there are a lot of categories amateur racers can compete

Now the question arises here is how a night vision camera works.

No one can see anything in darkness. Another way is to advertise the scam jobs on radio because the scammer knows
that listeners will think, “It has to be legit if it’s on the radio.
Similarly, scammers may prey on people seeking a job
placement service.

作者 dps criminal history @ 19:24, 2017-05-13

php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

* It improves sperm and semen quantity and quality. There are many available psychology jobs for those
who choose to pursue this field and some require at
least a Master's degree. A very interesting psychology job is
that of a research psychologist. * Quite beneficial in females suffering from endometriosis.

Those who choose to research mental illnesses may need to obtain education in subjects
such as chemistry or biology so that they can better understand the
human body and mental illness medications.
They also help adults discover the root of their troubles.
Benefits of Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) sprouts * Also useful in nasal

While the media has been increasingly criticized for the negative influence
that it has on the youth and teens in particular, it is important to note that some movie houses still take
their time to produce some good clips that have a direct bearing on the moral aspects of modern lifestyles.
Adult psychologists can also choose to work with patients
with a chemical dependence in inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation centers.

Child psychologists can choose to work in a private practice, for a hospital or
mental health facility or in schools. * Improves sperm quality, semen health and sperm mobility.
A very in demand psychology job is that of an adult psychologist.

Research psychologists often need at least a Master's degree in psychology and may also be required to obtain further education depending on their specialty.
* It is considered as good anti-aging herb.

They help adults deal with their problems as well as help them
work out ways to overcome their problems. Adult psychologists can choose to work in hospitals
or mental health facilities, in a private practice or as a counselor.

* Also useful in abdominal tumors. It has likewise made it conceivable to improve the
proficiency of the entire procedure. Adult psychologists will need to obtain a degree
in psychology and may be required to obtain further education depending on their chosen specialty.
The lawful records are utilized to settle on critical choices with respect to specific
cases or even mastermind the printed material for someone in particular or
a gathering of people.

While at one purpose of time these records were only kept up in pen and paper,
these days these are kept up in computerized positions
which can be gotten to by clients both online and also disconnected.

Child psychologists will need to obtain a degree in psychology and depending on their place of employment, they
may need to obtain further education in their specialty.
A popular psychology job is child psychology. La Mountain, 125 Ariz.
* It is quite useful in blood disorders. And in some states, all testimony from
a person whose memory was "refreshed" by hypnosis is prohibited.

* Relieves chest injury and injury due to bleeding. This is because at times, an innocent child
with a wild side may be watching an action packed movie without any criminal intent but the way the criminal ion the movie carries
himself and behaves in the cast suddenly invokes some admiration in the teen and
before you realize it as a parent, they are busy on a mission to do just like that negative
character in the cast.

* It is nutritious and also improves nourishment.
It is however important to always try to offer some parental advice to teens so that they do not misinterpret whatever they see or watches on television so that they do not go astray.
A witness who has been under hypnosis, as in the case here, should not be allowed to testify when there is a question that the testimony may have been produced by that hypnosis.

2d 551 (1980), the Arizona Supreme Court stated: "Although we perceive that hypnosis is a useful tool in the investigative stage, we do not feel the state of the science (or art) has been shown to be such as to admit testimony which may have been developed as a result of hypnosis. The Index Services work with various sorts of customers like individual lawful professionals, legal firms, sales firms, lawyers, advocates, entrepreneurs, private firms and others.

* It improves breast milk production. * It also improves intelligence. There are several psychology jobs in this field of psychology and many choose to perform more than one. Anything bogus and extravagant will show, therefore constantly try for the real truth in marketing yourself– and that's one of the most effective resume tips that you will ever get.

* Good for eyes hence also useful in dark patches under the eyes. * Improves fertility
* Reduces swelling hence anti-inflammatory. * It is considered as Aphrodisiac. They work directly with children to help them work through their troubles and to help children find ways to deal with and overcome their troubles. * Shatavari is useful in chronic respiratory disorders, tuberculosis.

These psychology jobs revolve around researching trends, certain aspects of mental illnesses and working with sociologists in their research. This advanced administration of vast scale records has made it workable for ordering plants to diminish the expenses connected with keeping up the itemized files. You are not alone in your wrestle to produce a wonderful job application that will make the employer wish to interview and finally, employ you.

Above anything else, it's your trustworthiness, knowledge and dedication that may sell you to the interviewer. In the case of State v.

作者 criminal records texas @ 19:25, 2017-05-13

php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

They won judgments against the Walt Disney Co. James claims
she witnessed attorney Shapiro and former attorney Sara Caplan fabricating legal bills that were then sent to clients.
In fact, the bad guy was called a “cracker.

The firm represents billionaire Kirk Kerkorian in many matters.

Christensen has been involved in some of Hollywood's most bruising brawls of the last decade.
But the mainstream folk out there hears “hacker,” and right
away, they think of a digital thief, often someone who breaks into governmental computer systems or Russian “hacking rings” that steal credit card numbers.

The decision, by the 2nd District in Los Angeles, is just the latest news to beset the firm that recently changed its
name to Christensen, Glaser, Fink, Jacobs,
Weil & Shapiro after partner Louis R. In 1998 former partner Andrew White
testified in court that a colleague had come to him with concerns
Miller was inflating client bills.

LOS ANGELES - A state Court of Appeal has ruled
the West Los Angeles entertainment litigation firm Christensen Glaser
can be sued for wrongful termination by a legal secretary who claims she was fired for refusing to inflate client bills.
"However, James failed to show that the trial court erred when it ruled that Shapiro was not her employer. Animal lovers, rescue shelter workers and all readers from 8-18 will adore Poppy's adventures.

Lawyers for the firm and Shapiro claim in court documents that James was legitimately terminated due to poor performance. Because the author also gives insight into an adult's life through their feelings and experiences with their careers, this book may serve as a tool to bring understanding and awareness in families. "Skip" Miller bolted to start his own shop.

Her desires for a bloodhound dog enabled her to earn the pet through better grades. The only noticeable negative point is the poor quality of the front cover design. and actress Nicole Kidman. Author of 5 other books, WWII veteran, farmer and garlic specialist Chester Aaron creates a wonderful, heart-warming story in which the hero is Willa's dog – Poppy.

The appellate decision, handed down Thursday, reverses summary judgment by Judge Maureen Duffy-Lewis, of the Los Angeles Superior Court. Always a bit of a loner with only one true friend, Willa easily took to training and befriending the rescued puppy. 28, 2003, after reporting the alleged illegal activity to firm management.

James' lawsuit is not the first time the firm has been accused of fraudulent billing practices. ” Somehow, “cracker” didn’t catch on. Bonding with her beloved Poppy brings Willa out of her shell where she blooms into a bright flower.

Willa's Poppy is a 166-page young adult, thriller-adventure with a hero-element in a subtle theme of rising above challenges and making a difference in the world. Lawyers for the firm say they also learned James ran into difficulties at other firms where she worked after she was terminated from the Christensen firm.

Terry Christensen is accused in a federal indictment of hiring Pellicano to wiretap Kerkorian's ex-wife in the middle of a nasty child support proceeding. The firm denied those allegations. Otherwise, I heartily recommend this book. Willa's Poppy is about the exciting adventures of a girl and her puppy as they grow to maturity.

The family has subtle difficulties, but the entire family comes together when Poppy locates a missing child and rescues both Willa and her baby brother, from a dangerous criminal. The 2nd District, however, upheld summary judgment in favor of name partner Robert Shapiro because he did not hire secretary Pauletta James.

She claims she was terminated, on Jan. "We conclude that
the trial court erred when it ruled that (1) James could not identify a public policy sufficient
to support her cause of action for wrongful termination in violation of public
policy, and (2) the intentional infliction of emotional distress cause of action is barred by the exclusivity provision of the workers' compensation scheme," the court wrote.

Did you know that the original meaning of hacker, as far as computers, was that of a person who built codes into computers? She talked too much to her colleagues and was difficult to work with, they say. Willa, a young teenager, struggled in school.

Managing partner Terry Christensen currently is under indictment in the Anthony Pellicano wiretapping scandal.

作者 find a person by address for free @ 19:25, 2017-05-13

php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

These summaries are provided by the SRIS Law Group.
The original opinions should be consulted for their authoritative content They represent the
firm's unofficial views of the Justices' opinions.

It is being used with increasing frequency by law enforcement and
private investigators but is still viewed skeptically by many courts.

The final term you need to know is 'Consideration'.

Night vision cameras are on the forefront of today's technology
and becoming more affordable for home use, business purposes and public places.
An acceleration clause will make the entire amount of the note due if just a single payment is late.

In private investigations, qualified investigators sometimes use
hypnosis to recover memory for civil or criminal trials and it is also used to help investigators find lost or misplaced property.
The court stated "The major issue raised on appeal is whether or not a witness whose memory has been previously enhanced through the use of hypnosis may testify in a criminal trial in North Dakota.

How's that for a clear legal line that only a lawyer could appreciate! " It
was more of a public relations effort to make people feel that the sheriff's office had not forgotten about their case
and was concerned that they had been a crime victim.
A promisee is a person who is to receive payment on the debt or obligation secured by the note.

But consider a ruling from the North Dakota Supreme Court in the case of the
State of North Dakota v. It can also include what is called an 'acceleration clause'.
D'Agnese filed for divorce in Virginia. Another term is 'Obligor'.
It will include how and when the debt will be repaid.
Way back in the 1970's when I was a college student studying criminal justice I
participated in a student practicum at the local sheriff's office.

A night vision security camera is a surveillance device which allows one to see
in the entire darkness. Also, when you're creating a
promissory note form you need to know a few legal terms.
This device is very popular in the places where enhanced security at night time is essential.
We conclude that a witness who has previously been hypnotized is not rendered incompetent to testify.

A promissory note is a legal agreement that is a written promise to repay a debt.
States is continually evolving, but the general rule is that SOMETIMES hypnotic induced testimony, or investigator actions that flow from it, are accepted in court
and SOMETIMES it is not. Using hypnosis to help victims and witnesses recall information can sometimes aid
an investigator in an investigation.

A promisor is the person who promises to repay the debt or other obligation secured by the note.
The information contained within this article is the opinion of the author only,
and should not be construed as legal advice or used to make legal decisions.

It can be through a series of payments, upon demand, or another way both
parties can agree upon.

But, acceptance of hypnotic induced testimony from witnesses and even investigator follow-up based upon hypnotic induced statements, has
been scrutinized carefully and sometimes skeptically, by courts.
Another term is 'Promisee'. D'Agnese's motion to dismiss Mr.
On August 11, 1994, the circuit court denied Mrs. Every situation is different and case law in many U.

Most of my "work" consisted of going through stacks of crime reports and calling back theft victims to reassure
them that even though the sheriff's office had not
yet been able to figure out who stole their property and the likelihood of them ever getting their stolen property back was minimal,
the sheriff's office was "still on the case.

Usually, it is only used when investigators have exhausted all leads and the case would likely end up in the cold case file unless new leads can be developed. Consideration is a legal term for the value received by both parties in return for entering into the contract.

Disclaimer: This article has been written for information and interest purposes only. The Virginia court ruled that it was the proper court to exercise jurisdiction under the UCCJA because Virginia was the children's home state. They represent the firm's unofficial views of the Justices' opinions.

Rather, we hold that hypnotism affects the credibility but not the admissibility of such testimony. D'Agnese's petition for lack of jurisdiction. An obligor is another word for 'promisor'. Yet another term you need to know is Obligee. The debtor's obligation includes the terms of repayment, and an interest rate, if any. An obligee is another word for 'promisee'.

So the 'mutual consideration' would be that the promisor receives the loan, and the promisee receives repayment as specified in the note. A promissory note will require the full names of the parties, the amount of the obligation, and the debtor's obligation(s). Consult an attorney in your area if you're seeking legal advice.

One legal term you want know is 'Promisor'. Disclaimer:
These summaries are provided by the SRIS Law Group. The original opinions should be consulted for their authoritative content
Then the Illinois court granted an emergency protection order and granted temporary custody of the children to Mrs.

作者 find a person number @ 19:27, 2017-05-13
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