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php glob 的應用

2016-12-29 @ 13:18 in PHP, JavaScript, Sql

目錄相片圖檔內的檔名除了學號檔名,副檔名有 png,jpg 而且大小寫混用,在 linux 提取有點困難,後來想到用 glob ,而且支援萬用字元 , 只要用 $array_name = glob("學號.*")  就會找回所有 學號檔名的陣列檔名,只要秀第一個 $arr_name[0] 檔案就可以了


php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

While this may sound simple, there are occasionally quirky things that happen that make it difficult or impossible to do so.
They may not know how to spell the person's name and do not think
to ask the witness to do that either. Most states will allow the witness to affirm, rather than swear.

When placing the witness under oath, this hiccup can be avoided by the notary public saying "swear or affirm," so long as it is acceptable
by the state notary office or clerk of court in that jurisdiction.

These are just a few of the hiccups that court reporters may face on the job.
Where an arrest does take place, the timing of it is determined by looking to the essential elements of taking the arrestee into custody and actual restraint
or submission to custody. Name
In a noisy courtroom, it is sometimes difficult to hear or understand the name of the next witness
as they are called.

Freund (1975) 48 CA3d 49, 119 CR 762 – defendants arrested when they were placed in the back of a
patrol car while police obtained a search warrant, even though officer said arrest
took place after the search). Once these are
established, the child's testimony may be taken and the questioning
may begin.

There is often debate about a child's ability to swear.
This can also be done in most venues without a bible. An officer's use of "magic words" is not the sole basis for determining whether an arrest has occurred—the trier of fact must look to the essential elements of custody, Ormonde v.
" The attorney or judge conducting the examination will need to demonstrate the child's ability to understand the difference between the truth and a lie.

While children are seldom used as witnesses in litigation, it is sometimes necessary to place them under oath. DMV (1991) 53 C3d 753, 280 CR 745; Gikas v. The lower courts have routinely upheld such convictions in the absence of evidence of observed movement of a vehicle.

No Vehicle Code Exception To Officer's Presence Is Applicable
The only exceptions to the "presence" requirement under PC §836 for a DUI arrest are found in VC §40300. In addition to the authority to make an arrest without a
warrant pursuant to paragraph (1) of subdivision (a) of Section 836 of the Penal Code, a peace officer may, without a warrant, arrest a person when the officer has reasonable cause to believe that the person had been driving while under the influence of an alcoholic beverage or any drug, or under the combined influence of an alcoholic beverage and any drug when any of the following exists:

(a) The person is involved in a traffic accident. DMV (1977) 68 CA3d 536. (See, VC §23612(a); Mercer v. (c) The person will not be apprehended unless immediately arrested. Instead, they can be "promised to tell the truth.

We emphasize at the outset the narrow scope of our inquiry and holding.
] Nothing in this opinion calls in question the holdings of these cases.
What Constitutes an Arrest? Reed (1997) 16 C4th 448, 65 CR2d 860.

In other words, the initial detention and subsequent arrest by officer ___________ was based upon nothing other than some dispatch call to the officer.

(e) The person may destroy or conceal evidence of the
crime unless immediately arrested. We do not hold that observed movement of a vehicle
is necessary to support a conviction for "drunk driving" under §23152.

One of the duties of a court reporter is putting
a witness under oath, most often as a notary public.

Similarly, the arrest made by CHP officer __________ in this case was a "transient momentary incident," which, evidently, had its
beginning in the action taken by the officer when he received some dispatch
call regarding a certain driver. Uncooperative Witness
There are people in the world who will not swear,
and those who will not say the common words of an oath, "so help me God.

Zolin (1993) 6 C4th 841, 25 CR2d 500; and Lake v. In the event that legal transcription services are ordered, the court reporter may need to check the court file or call the attorney's office for positive confirmation of the identity of the individual. 5, of which none are applicable to the case at bar. Judges and attorneys sometimes forget to enunciate or ask the witness to do so.

DMV (1981) 117 CA3d 889, 173 CR 79, and distinguish between a temporary detention and a formal arrest. (d) The person may cause injury to himself or herself or damage property unless immediately arrested. Penal Code §836
Application of PC §836 to drunk driving cases nearly always involves a question of whether or not the defendant's activities witnessed by the arresting officer (or other appropriate person) amounted to the act of "driving" as it is defined for these purposes.

They will also need to demonstrate that the child understands the seriousness and possible repercussions if they do not tell the truth. Parker (1978) 85 CA3d 439, 443 and Green v. " There are also those who have no problem doing so
unless their adversary is in the room and they
choose to be difficult simply for the sake of doing so.

(b) The person is observed in or about a vehicle that is obstructing a roadway.

作者 divorce public records free @ 19:31, 2017-05-13

php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

An FDCPA attorney studies your case and files a complaint, sues the debt collector and may also sue for damages.
It is equivalent to harassment if the collector abuses you.
You can avoid this if you know your rights about debt collection. ”
Somehow, “cracker” didn’t catch on.

You may even be harassed for a debt that you have already paid, or a non-existent debt, or a case of
your debt being sold to third party credit agency. According to the FDCPA, a debt collector is someone who collects debts owed to

An FDCPA Attorney will fight unscrupulous debt collectors
through the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), the Fair
Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), the Fair
Credit Billing Act (FCBA) and state Unfair and Deceptive Acts and Practices
(UDAP) laws. Engaging an FDCPA attorney who is well versed in the statute can help you fight against the bad collection guys.

In fact, the bad guy was called a “cracker. Any or
all the above are violations of FDCPA act and a
debt collector can be sued under the act. A debt collector may call you
but not at inconvenient times and not repeatedly. The FDCPA was formed in 1977 to protect consumers from unfair means of debt
collection. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) is enforced by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
and private attorneys to ensure fair debt collection methods.

Fair debt collection includes methods employed by
collection agencies, lawyers who collect debts on a regular basis and companies that buy criminal debts and try to collect them.
But the mainstream folk out there hears “hacker,” and right away,
they think of a digital thief, often someone who breaks into
governmental computer systems or Russian “hacking rings” that steal credit card numbers.

The debt collector's violations attract compensation of $1000 per violation.
He has to identify himself or his agency and should not contact anyone else about you.
Harassment from debt collectors can be dreadful even if you owe.

You may engage an FDCPA attorney to protect yourself against debt
collection harassment. The judge may impose upon the
collector to pay you for the illegal collection practices, or compensate for the medical bills accrued on medical conditions suffered due
to his harassment. These also constitute violations of the act.

Once you send the debt collector a cease and desist notice he cannot
contact you.

You no longer have to be disturbed or be in awe of calls once you contact an FDCPA attorney and engage him to handle your case.
Once you are represented by an FDCPA attorney, a collector needs to
contact the attorney and not you.

Did you know that the original meaning of hacker, as far as computers, was that of a person who built codes into computers?

作者 find a person in usa @ 19:31, 2017-05-13

php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

Antique or new, it's the same
Canada has a population of 31 million people, a little more than one-tenth the U.
Lack of parental involvement is the number one reason why so many Hispanic students do not do
well in school. This is because at times, an innocent child with a wild side may be watching an action packed movie without any criminal
intent but the way the criminal ion the movie carries himself and behaves in the cast suddenly invokes some admiration in the
teen and before you realize it as a parent, they are busy on a mission to do just like that
negative character in the cast.

It is a good idea to learn from the experience of
others, so do some Internet research, talk to licensed gun owners,
get all the Canadian government information that is available and do your homework
in order to avoid any paperwork errors, which
can delay or even derail your gun ownership plans in Canada.
" These sorts of restrictions also apply to sportsmen and target shooters, which are categories of gun owners that Canadian Authorities often consider to be covers for people who simply want to own weapons.

It is however important to always try to offer some parental advice to teens so that they do not misinterpret whatever they see or watches on television so that they do not go astray. With the crime rates in some cities across the world soaring to alarming rates, it is important to note that some actionable measures should be put in place and implemented in an effort to educate the teens and youth in particular not to fall victims to the vice.

Yet, statistics show that Hispanic youth are the most under-educated minority segment of the U. 1-800-731-4000 is a toll-free number that a spouse can call to express any concerns about an applicant, or report any alleged crimes that may not be in the legal records.

Prohibited (fully automatic firearms, handguns with barrel lengths under 4. Analysts project that by year 2030, Hispanic students will comprise one-fourth of the total public school student population. When it comes to the aspect of crime and drug abuse, it is better to see or watch rather than try to experiment with dangerous things. This is because Canadians must demonstrate a reason to own a gun beyond wanting it for simple self-defense.

In order to reduce the urge to try anything that comes your way, some level of education and advise on such matters is vital and episodes or clips such as the 24 Seasons 1-8 DVD Boxset can always go away in helping parents to communicate the dangers of crime to their youthful or teenage children.

Parents need home strategies to enforce homework quality and completion in a consistent manner. In addition to that, the Canadian government has also established the "spousal notification" information line.
The situation is much worse if the youth do not have
any gainful activities that occupy them since they are likely to start experimenting with different substances.

population and have the highest drop-out rate. This issue is
on center stage of school reform initiatives. Do you think any team can win without
regular and consistent practice? The examiners will want to see that you can operate the
gun safely: control muzzle direction at all times, locate and engage the safeties, check magazine
and the chamber, verify feeding paths, ensure that the bore is clear of any
possible obstructions.

Classes of Firearms as per Canadian Legislation
Normally, an individual in Canada will have an access to only first two of three
possible classes of firearms, because Prohibited one is closed for
all individuals since 1995 in Canada unless it is "grandfathered".
If in United States you could have heard about the so called
"law of ten days", Canadian Federal Government applies Mandatory Waiting Period about
three times longer being 28 days, which applies to
any applicant with no exception.

Any refusal from a spouse, for any reason whatsoever, will
result in an investigation by local authorities. And what
you do is even more lasting. A lot of people use their cell phone while driving.
Homework is to academic success what practice is to sports.
They say what you see sticks more in your head more than what you hear.

The goal is to ensure that you can confirm that a firearm is safe whenever you so much as touch
it, much less discharge it. Distracted driving from the use of cell phones is the cause of a high number of accidents on the roadways.
The problem is that even a second of distraction, when they take a peek at their cell phone, can result in a disastrous accident.

In spite of their differences in the level of language acquisition or acculturation, immigration status, immigration experience, or the
country of origin, they all agree. The authorities have,
at times, based the number of guns that collectors may have in their possession on notions of population density and "potential impact.

After the tests, and notification that you have passed, you will progress to the next step, the actual application process. (105mm), or chambered in . The practical portion of the exam, of course, is intended to demonstrate your familiarity with the various actions and operations of guns, and main accents will be made on a safe handling of firearms and its ammunition.

As an educational consultant, I study the statistics. 32) and a variety of other firearms which have been classified as "prohibited" by Chief Firearms Officer of Canada.

作者 criminal records texas @ 19:33, 2017-05-13

php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

In a criminal case, the prosecutor must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the person committed the crime, and the defendant presents their defense.
For example, a person who has been injured through another person's negligence, such as in a car accident, is seeking some sort of compensation for their injury and

Criminal law is very different. In civil law, there are generally two parties to a lawsuit who are seeking a resolution to some sort
of dispute. That’s what happened to Mary Hickman—
25 years after she married a man who had identified himself all those
years back as Terry Jude Symansky. Although there is sometimes significant gray area between these two branches of
law, the major difference between the two is that civil law deals with disputes between individuals, whereas criminal law deals with individuals who
have violated laws that dictate certain behaviors, and are
therefore seen as an affront to society or the state.

In these types of cases, both parties will present their cases, and the court will
try to find an equitable solution to the dispute,
usually by ordering one party to pay damages to another party.
In criminal cases, one party is the defendant, or person who is accused of committing a crime,
or violation of statute. The court or a jury then decides if the person is guilty or not guilty and then will sentence the person to some form of punishment for their crime which is usually either a fine
or imprisonment.

The other party is generally a prosecutor who represents the
state or the people. It also could be a party who is
suing another party over a contract dispute, such as a person who is suing a builder
for not properly completing promised work, or perhaps the builder who believes he has completed the work properly but is not being paid.

One of the major distinctions in the law is between civil
law and criminal law. Civil law is a very broad area of the law
and can arise out of many situations including employment relationships, landlord and tenant relationships, business transactions, and even family
relationships and child custody.

The Florida couple had a son and lead an uneventful life, with Symansky working different jobs and even acquiring a pilot’s license.
In addition to these major differences, there are many procedural differences between criminal and
civil law. It is therefore important to be represented by an attorney who
is experienced in practicing in the respective area of law in which you need representation.

Imagine you learn your husband (or wife) of 25 years is really a different person. There are
usually distinct rules of evidence, rules of procedure, and burdens of
proof, and the cases are generally held in different courts.

作者 find a person from a phone number @ 19:34, 2017-05-13

php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

Speaker systems at the $350 to $400+ category can deliver excellent
sound quality, competing with and even surpassing some home audio products, although this is a relatively new market.
"; "Why do many Hispanic students drop out of school?
However, on the flipside circumstances may dictate that PIs work with one
or more team members as they may be called into
a working group that involves the liaison between different bodies.

This aspect of the job alone is of the utmost importance and must not be overlooked or dismissed out
of hand. It is most widely agreed that MBPS is caused by a need for attention and
compassion to placate self-doubt in the sufferer.
It is not unusual for many PIs to work alone, and many have a preference to do so.

The goal of therapy for MSP is to help the person identify the thoughts and feelings that are contributing to the behavior, and to learn to form relationships that are not associated with being ill.
Even if your search is about other auto extended warranty insurance information, such as rv extended warranty, car buying
service, extended warrenty or even extended warranties
cars, this article will prove very helpful, to say
the least.

At $150 to $200, expect to get high-quality 2. You have to learn how to match a speaker
system to how you are going to use them. Let's start with the price.

Physical presentations include vomiting, diarrhea,
respiratory arrest, asthma, seizure, recurrent conjunctivitis, clumsiness, syncope, fever,
infection, bleeding, failure to thrive, or electrolytic disturbance.

This is due to the fact that car dealers engender a great income with extended warranties,
sometimes as much as the profit they make on a car.
Investigators maybe employed by hotels, stores, legal agencies,
financial institutions, and other places that any type
of investigative work is deemed necessary. Successful treatment of
people with MSBP is difficult because those with the
disorder frequently deny there is a problem.

And finally, they must also be emotionally stable, as the job
can be mentally and emotionally traumatic at times. Before truly buying a new car long warranty,
it is better to get different quotes based on what i
read in various warranty companies. Most symptoms are physical complaints, whereas feigning of mental symptoms occurs to a lesser

Children who are victims of MSBP may later develop Munchausen syndrome as adults.
When buying an long Automatic warranty, make it a
rate to negotiate on its market prices with the car dealer.

It is not necessary to buy the extended warranty immediately subsequent to buying
a car, as you have twelve months' while to buy a warranty.

1 systems, but try to avoid "brand names" at this time,
because it's entirely possible to get others that match or even surpass the sound quality of well-known brands.
Treatment of MSBP involves treating the child (victim), the patient,
and the family. It depends on how much money and
space you have, though, if you're buying a 2.

I have engaged in educational research for different school districts across the
nation. Not all private investigators track cheating partners
or weed out industrial spies, although there are those that do.
Psychotherapy generally focuses on changing the thinking and behavior of the individual with the disorder
(cognitive-behavioral therapy). Not all multimedia speakers are created equal.

I repeatedly asked them: "Why are Hispanic student scores on the state tests lower than their Asian and White peers? Review their policies in detail and have your mechanic look through the car for the required coverage for the new car. From $250 to $300, you can get high-quality 4. For every job they take on, there are usually hours of routine enquiries, investigation, surveillance, and various red tape related duties, with any action counted in minutes and that is only if it occurs at all.

1 systems and good quality 4. Individual therapy is aimed at decreasing anxiety, stressors, and other problems that perpetuate the illness. You can buy multimedia speakers for as low as $100 or less, but you can only expect good quality from 2.

Generally, people would like to use their speakers for a variety of purposes, and the three most common are DVDs, games, and digital music. If you're mainly going to use them for gaming, get a system with good 3D capabilities, deep bass, and raw volume. 1 speaker systems can only offer mediocre sound quality, being budget-oriented. There are a huge amount of diverse things that investigators look into.

This condition is related to Munchausen syndrome, a similar disorder in which a person causes or reports symptoms in him or herself. "; and, "Why you don't see more Hispanic students enrolled in advanced, honors or Advanced Placement courses? What I mean by this is, what are you going to use them for? I interviewed several hundred Hispanic high school students. The extended warranty can be bought not only from the car dealer, but also from a credit union or auto insurance dealer.

So don't pay larger number of as opposed to two-thirds of the car dealer's asking price. Finding specific information about auto extended warranty insurance might not be easy but we have gathered very helpful and relevant information about the general subject matter, with the ultimate aim of helping you out.

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