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mysql 插入數據時出現 Incorrect string value: '\xF0\x9F...' for column 'name' at row 1的異常

2020-08-12 @ 17:31 in PHP, JavaScript, Sql

最近在用 Excel 檔匯入資料時,顯示 Error , 轉成 Csv 再匯入就正常, 查網,原來是有些 Utf8 圖型或造字用到 4碼(含)以上,而 Mysql 的 Utf8 內定3碼,解決方法網上是將內定 Utf8 3碼改成 character-set-server=utf8mb4 4碼,資料表也要更改(有修改方法,可是我改後無效,不知少了什麼,後來想,那些造字沒有顯示對網頁來說沒有那麼重要,所以想到一個取巧的方式,將這些字丟掉不存在就可以了,方法是,在 php 程式,將 utf8 轉成 big5 ,那些字就會用 "?" 代替,再將它轉回 Utf8 給網頁用,再樣那些字就給轉不見了, Csv 不用轉,因為它本來就是 big5,程式自動轉成 Utf8 ,指令如下:

if($type != "csv")            //不是csv檔,$str 轉big5再轉回Utf-8,排除 utf8 4碼以上字及造字,mysql utf8 內定三碼 
       $str5 = mb_convert_encoding($str, "big5" , "UTF-8");
       $str = mb_convert_encoding($str5, "UTF-8", "big5");


mysql 插入數據時出現 Incorrect string value: \xF0\x9F... for column name at row 1的異常 | 豬窩

It's realpy very difdficult inn this active liffe too isten new on Television, thus I only use
wotld wjde weeb ffor thhat purpose, andd get the httest news.

作者 sitemap.xml @ 15:44, 2024-09-07

mysql 插入數據時出現 Incorrect string value: \xF0\x9F... for column name at row 1的異常 | 豬窩

Great article. I will be dealing wiuth a ffew oof these isdsues aas well..

作者 @ 07:08, 2024-09-14

mysql 插入數據時出現 Incorrect string value: \xF0\x9F... for column name at row 1的異常 | 豬窩

Hiya!Quic quetion that's entirely off topic. Do youu know how too mske your sie mobile friendly?
My ste looks weird whuen viewing frolm my iphone 4. I'm tryinng to find a ttheme or plugin that might be able to fix this problem.

If yyou have anny suggestions, please share. Thank

作者 @ 08:31, 2024-09-15

mysql 插入數據時出現 Incorrect string value: \xF0\x9F... for column name at row 1的異常 | 豬窩

I was recommended tis web sjte byy myy cousin. I'm not ure
whethe this posdt iis written by hiim ass nno oone else know such detailed about my difficulty.
You're amazing! Thanks!

作者 @ 13:27, 2024-09-15

mysql 插入數據時出現 Incorrect string value: \xF0\x9F... for column name at row 1的異常 | 豬窩

Hi there, its nice article about media print,
wee aall understand media is a grest source oof data.

作者 sitemap @ 22:31, 2024-09-16
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