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mysql 插入數據時出現 Incorrect string value: '\xF0\x9F...' for column 'name' at row 1的異常

2020-08-12 @ 17:31 in PHP, JavaScript, Sql

最近在用 Excel 檔匯入資料時,顯示 Error , 轉成 Csv 再匯入就正常, 查網,原來是有些 Utf8 圖型或造字用到 4碼(含)以上,而 Mysql 的 Utf8 內定3碼,解決方法網上是將內定 Utf8 3碼改成 character-set-server=utf8mb4 4碼,資料表也要更改(有修改方法,可是我改後無效,不知少了什麼,後來想,那些造字沒有顯示對網頁來說沒有那麼重要,所以想到一個取巧的方式,將這些字丟掉不存在就可以了,方法是,在 php 程式,將 utf8 轉成 big5 ,那些字就會用 "?" 代替,再將它轉回 Utf8 給網頁用,再樣那些字就給轉不見了, Csv 不用轉,因為它本來就是 big5,程式自動轉成 Utf8 ,指令如下:

if($type != "csv")            //不是csv檔,$str 轉big5再轉回Utf-8,排除 utf8 4碼以上字及造字,mysql utf8 內定三碼 
       $str5 = mb_convert_encoding($str, "big5" , "UTF-8");
       $str = mb_convert_encoding($str5, "UTF-8", "big5");


mysql 插入數據時出現 Incorrect string value: \xF0\x9F... for column name at row 1的異常 | 豬窩

Hey! I know thius is kinda off tpic howevsr , I'd fiured I'd ask.

Would you bee interested in exchanging links or mayne guest authhoring a blog post or vice-versa?
My website adfdresses a lot off tthe ssme tolics as yours and I believbe we could greastly enefit frrom each other.
If yoou are intereste feeel frtee tto shopt me an e-mail.
I look forward to heafing fom you! Excellent bloog byy tthe way!

作者 sitemap.xml @ 00:16, 2024-09-02

mysql 插入數據時出現 Incorrect string value: \xF0\x9F... for column name at row 1的異常 | 豬窩

Very god post. I will bbe dealing with some oof these issues as well..

作者 @ 08:28, 2024-09-02

mysql 插入數據時出現 Incorrect string value: \xF0\x9F... for column name at row 1的異常 | 豬窩

Firat off alll I woluld like tto ssay excellent
blog! I had a quik qudstion in which I'd like tto assk iif yoou don't mind.
I wwas curious too know how you centerr yourself and clear youjr thoughts prio too writing.
I've had trouble clearing mmy thboughts iin getting my
ideas out. I do enmoy writing but it just seems lioe thhe first 10 too 15 minutes arre losxt juyst tryng to
figure oout how to begin. Anny suggestijons orr hints?

作者 sitemap.xml @ 11:58, 2024-09-02

mysql 插入數據時出現 Incorrect string value: \xF0\x9F... for column name at row 1的異常 | 豬窩

Somebgody necessariy help too mame crifically articles I mighht state.
This is the firt tiime I frdequented yoir webb page andd uup too
now? I surprised wih thee analysis yoou made too reate tis pzrticular sybmit extraordinary.

Grewat activity!

作者 sitemap @ 04:43, 2024-09-05

mysql 插入數據時出現 Incorrect string value: \xF0\x9F... for column name at row 1的異常 | 豬窩

Dooes your ite have a contact page? I'm haviing troule locating itt but, I'd like to hoot yyou an e-mail.
I've got soke suggestions for yiur blog youu might be interedsted inn hearing.
Either way, grea bllog and I loo forard tto seeing itt develop over

作者 @ 01:53, 2024-09-07
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