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php glob 的應用

2016-12-29 @ 13:18 in PHP, JavaScript, Sql

目錄相片圖檔內的檔名除了學號檔名,副檔名有 png,jpg 而且大小寫混用,在 linux 提取有點困難,後來想到用 glob ,而且支援萬用字元 , 只要用 $array_name = glob("學號.*")  就會找回所有 學號檔名的陣列檔名,只要秀第一個 $arr_name[0] 檔案就可以了


php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

Using this system, Interpol National Central
Bureaus (NCBs) can search and cross-check data in a matter of seconds, with direct and immediate access
to databases containing critical information (ASF Nominal database of international criminals, electronic notices, stolen motor vehicles, stolen/lost/counterfeit travel and ID
documents, stolen works of art, payment cards, fingerprints and
photographs, a terrorism watch list, a DNA database, disaster victim identification, international weapons tracking and trafficking in human beings-related information, etc).

State DUI lawyers usually don't know much about the science
behind sobriety testing. In Seattle, for instance, you should turn to Seattle DUI attorney, whereas
in Chicago you will have to turn to Chicago DUI attorney to
solve this problem. Do you exercise due diligence in this area?
The destiny of emperors, death of royalty, affairs of the the State, loss
of leadership positions.

Very often the arresting officers do not follow the necessary procedures when taking the field sobriety test,
and this may cause some problems for the DUI attorney
later on. When you are driving a car under the influence of alcohol or other drug then you are
running the risk of being caught for DUI. As crime globalizes,
so does crime fighting.

That is not to say that the view that US export controls cannot legally be applied in the current fashion is incorrect, rather
that there are other, more powerful factors in play here.
On the other hand, the full moon occurs when the earth stands
directly between the sun and the moon. The police - there are 16,000 law enforcement agencies in the Unites States alone - is never very far behind.

Both sides immediately stopped fighting and signed a peace agreement.
Famously, two court astrologers who failed to predict the event were executed by
the emperor. It is necessary to remember that anything you say will be used against you in the court.
  In 585 BC, around the area now known as Turkey, two tribes
were engaged in battle when they witnessed a total solar eclipse.

There are DUI lawyers in all the states of the U. Whenever the
police have stopped you for DUI you should tell the Officer that you would be glad to answer his questions in the presence of
your attorney. Many lawyers, in the field of international public
law, will argue that the manner in which US export controls, both under the International Traffic in Arms
Regulations (ITAR) and the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), are applied
to non-US persons is not in accordance with generally established principles of
international law.

This incident demonstrates an eclipse's power to arrest our
activity and force us to reconsider the path we are walking.
During the new moon, the moon is standing between the earth and the sun - we don't see the white orb of the moon, because the moon is reflecting the sun's
light away from us, back toward the sun.

Are you comfortable that, the next time you enter the
US, you will not be staying for rather longer than you planned?
A total solar eclipse occurred in China on October 22nd,
2134 BC. Does your Directors' and Officers' Insurance
cover cases brought in the US?

Its mission is to combine investigative and operational
support functions, research, and training in order to
provide assistance, without charge, to federal,
state, local, and foreign law enforcement agencies investigating unusual or repetitive
violent crimes.

You would not be the first UK company director to be affected.
Global communication system to connect its member countries and provide them
with user-friendly access to police information. History also gives us instances where solar eclipses have a positive effect.
If, however, there is such a problem, then you should turn to criminal defence associates,
such as a DUI lawyer. Sometimes the DUI lawyers are
not completely prepared and they have to handle several cases at once.

Another secret is that the arresting officer is unprepared
since he may have numerous DUI cases in one day. Mobsters, serial killers,
and terrorists cross state lines and borders effortlessly,
making use of the latest advances in mass media,
public transportation, telecommunications, and computer networks.

In 682 AD, the Japanese Empress Suiko died on the day of a total solar eclipse.
However, to my knowledge, this has never been tested
in court. Many people don't realize that a lunar eclipse always occurs on a full moon, while a solar eclipse always occurs on a
new moon - but it's obvious if you visualize it. The answer is simple but
the background rather less so.

But it's not that simple! The NCAVC also provides support
through expertise and consultation in non-violent matters such as national security, corruption, and white-collar crime investigations.
We can see now that a new moon is necessary for a solar eclipse to occur, and a full moon is needed for a lunar
eclipse. If you have been caught for DUI in Texas, then Texas
DWI lawyers will help you to handle the case.

The answer is that US export controls affect non-US companies as
a matter of commercial reality rather than law.

作者 find a person by first name @ 18:35, 2017-05-13

php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

These angels hover around the mother and unborn child as the time for birth draws near.
The true World Mother is the primary substance of the universe from which
all things are manifested. Kill Bill – A Cultural Context
Quentin Tarantino came to public attention in the early 1990s with
Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction. The opposition was
forthright. How gangs operate in general is that
they'll send 3-5 Members out to a new area to form a Chapter.

Jackie Brown had less commercial success. The Madonna ideal, for example, has been and still
is of incalculable value in consoling, purifying, and ennobling
humanity. ' Something of this excitement communicated itself to Roger
Ebert, who likened Tarantino to ‘a virtuoso violinist races through "The Flight of the Bumblebee" ', even if the film was ‘all storytelling and no story'.
According to Hodson, there are some "angels who are associated with aspects of divine consciousness, rather than with currents of creative Life-force and the mineral and plant kingdoms of nature.

Pulp crime fiction stories from Black Mark magazine provided the inspiration, and there were liberal borrowings from other films. For a week or two they will just observe the area and get to know it. Through it, a realization of the Mother-Love of God has been brought within reach of millions of suffering and aspiring people.

Uniquely for a high-profile film, its length meant that it was released in two parts. Her revenge was to kill the pedophile boss of the gang who murdered them. By the age of twenty, she was a top assassin. What comes to mind, frankly, is Godard's playful tribute to Nicholas Ray as the essence of cinema.

This painting portrays Her in her solar aspect, brooding in divine love over all worlds. The FSU Gang started in the late 1980's as a group of hard core Boston Rock Fans. They primarily listen to Rock Music and are notorious for their violence. Hopefully these FSU Gang Members Travis Daniel Westly and Richard James Dugan will get some help while in prison. A six-year gap followed before Kill Bill was ready.

Angels of the World Mother overseeing the birth of a child. Groups dedicated to healing prayer and meditation for others are excellent ways for all of us to experience the presence and cooperation of the Healing Angels. Besides, he's famous for amateur manga (Doujinshi) after own and other author works.

Four years later, the Bride awakens after a mosquito bite. How many films can do that? His mangas published so far are:
* Caravan Kidd (1986)
* Outlanders (1986)
* Capricorn (1988)
* Drakuun - Ryuuhimehei (1988)
* Ginga Sengoku Gunyuuden Rai (1991)
* Wild Kingdom (2000)
* Ginga Sengoku Gunyuuden Rai Ibun (2004)
* Ogin (2004)
* Boukun Tyrano-san (2005)
* Oniku de Chu (2005)
* Tail Chaser (2005)
* Tobari no Uchi Derakkusu (2006)
* Rin x Mama (2008)
* Koisuru Ushi-Chichi (2009) He also released the Tail Chaser, Ogin and Koisuru Ushi-Chichi mangas also belonging to hentai.

Without it nothing could be conceived and born, nothing preserved, nothing reproduced. Since the World Mother is beyond all limitation of form, no picture can truly represent Her. Kill Bill just leaves you feeling excited: pointlessly, wildly excited. An animé sequence reveals O-Ren's life story.

These angels preside over all maternal processes throughout Nature. A representative picture of the World Mother -- the Mother Aspect of Father God. But whatever we think at this point, this is just another sad situation where the damage has been done, and now it's just time to let the chips fall where they may, that's all we can do.

As a child, she witnessed the murder of her parents. Association with such beings is indeed a privilege and their cooperation in the service of humanity can be of greatest value. Healing in cooperation with the Healing Angels is far more effective than the human methods only. "The cosmic Maternal Principle is universally manifest and its conserving
and reproducing attributes are active throughout all Nature.

However in recent years they have been proliferating all over the United States.
" Rose is the color vibration of Love. The grudging admiration of Peter Bradshaw in the Guardian was representative of one school of critical reaction: ‘The extravagant power of his infantilist genes makes objections and qualifications look obtuse.

They assist in the induction of the Soul or Super Ego into the physical vehicle designed for the earth plane sojourn. "Rose angels" may be thought of as incarnations of divine wisdom and love, qualities that bring them into intimate contact with the Immortal Selves of Egos [Higher Selves] of men. Documentary film-maker Nick Broomfield declared: ‘If I'd made that, I'd change my name,' while for David Denby in the New Yorker: ‘Kill Bill is what's formally known as decadence and commonly known as crap.

The Angels of the World Mother assist in the construction of new bodies---mental, emotional, etheric, and physical---for the soul now ready to incarnate on the physical plane. She goes in search of O-Ren Ishii, the next name on the list.

A Rose Angel - meaning rose colored angel. A Healing Angel - Note the child at the angel's feet.

作者 find a person information for free @ 18:38, 2017-05-13

php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

Eventually the hair follicle will once again become active and begin to grow a
new anagen hair. - Complete peace of mind that the
climber is in control. Any professional fall
arrest system requires this particular safety hook, not only for peace of mind, but also as a result of all
of the features it has to offer.

Enviromax Plus claims that it makes the fuel in your
engine burn more efficiently. - Exceptional durability which allows
the hook to function and maintain, even in harsh conditions with
heavy loads. At this point, no more new hair is being produced and the inactive hair only remains
in place mechanically, and can be fairly easily shed by brushing,
combing or other tension placed upon it.

- Undeniable quality and value for money. Weight is evenly distributed on the waist belt by
attaching the positioning lanyard on the various attachment
points. The tower climber will start in a standing position and will
need to select an anchor point which is at hip height. This next
stage of slowing or arrested growth is known as the catagen phase.

There is no denying that the Petzl Grillon Hook should
be included in every fall arrest system available, but
what functionality does it offer? Their product was known as the gas pill or the fuel pill.
Hair growth occurs in cycles, or phases, and each follicles may be active or resting at
any one time. When in single mode the tower climber will
need to be in a standing position and will need to select an anchor point that is high.

In the fall protection range, the Petzl Grillon Hook, which is a positioning
lanyard, is of utmost importance. It's true, even though some of
your may have stopped growing, you can still regrow it.
The number one selling fuel pill out there was a product made by

Androgens, which is the male sex hormone,
present in both men and women, activates specific body areas to produce hair growth.
The climber will need to ensure that weight is evenly distributed across the
thighs and waist belt, which can be done by attaching
the lanyard to the ventral loop. Double mode works quite differently to single mode.
Have you noticed ads for pills or powder or even liquids that
you put into your gas tank and, magically, you will get up to 30% better gas

Fortunately for you and unfortunately for Enviromax, todays engines actually
burn gas with an efficiency of about 98 to 99 percent.
The positioning lanyard offers two functions or modes as follows:
Single Mode and Double Mode. Growth will continue for varying lengths of time, according to the area of the body, gender,
hormones and other factors.

The repeating cycle of phases of growth and rest will
affect the overall production of hair. Do you know that just
because your hair follicles get into the dormant stage, they can actually
still be regrown if you take the proper steps? A short hair shaft remaining
in place at the end of its growth cycle is called a club hair.

Contact us at Connect-IT Wireless via email or telephone today.
This slowing will continue into the third and ultimate phase – a period of
complete inactivity or rest. At Connect-IT Wireless, we stock a
range of high quality and affordable Petzl Grillon Hooks.

Hair growth occurs as new hairs are formed at the
base of the root follicle and molded by a
structure, called the inner hair root sheath, that surrounds the growing hair shaft.
While always holding the free end of the rope, the rope
can be slowly released using the handle. This repeated process of growth and inactivity will continue throughout your life.
This active growth phase will continue for a period as short as several weeks (as found in the moustache) or even lasting as long as several years (like your scalp).

If you are looking for a range of fall arrest systems and accessories, you have come to just the right place.
There are no new hair follicles produced after birth – the appearance (and loss)
of your hair is the result of the changing ratio in the growth/rest cycles.
This positioning lanyard allows tower climbers and similar to achieve close proximity at their workstation, allowing
comfortable and of course, safe positioning.

The claim is Enviro-max will lower the unburned fuel in your engine
from 15 percent down to 1 to 2 percent. But eventually the level of growth
begins to slow down. During the third so-called telogen stage, the hair has separated from
its basal papilla and is no longer able to receive nourishment.

Wow, that's more powerful magic than Harry Potter can produce!
It is not uncommon for such a club hair to
remain in place while a newly formed anagen hair is beginning to
emerge, forcing the club hair to be emerge and finally be shed.
In man, follicle activity is generally spread across all stages of the hair life cycle, while other mammals can have a more orderly growth
pattern, with noticeable periods of hair growth and subsequent shedding.

The cycle of each follicle begins with the anagen phase — the re-activating of the follicle's growth where a new hair begins to lengthen. -
Unfailing functionality with ease of use. That is without any help from any additive.

作者 felony public records @ 18:39, 2017-05-13

php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

They are now offering bail bonds services to deep
east Texas and north Texas and now south and west Texas.

Sure that may seem a bit alarmist to a few but we all know that it is better
to be protected than foolish. What makes him the biggest and independent bail bondsman is

But they also are able to provide this underwriting in a lot of cases without having to
have any visible collateral. This may or many not be an exaggeration. On the plus side, they don't have
to start from square one to figure out how to
deal with your particular legal issue. Someone once said that had the
famous Russian poet Alexander Pushkin (1799-1836) been born in New York instead of St.

This in-house underwriting that Stein has not only cuts down on outside costs
in a major way. Although Harold Rhett Stein has the lowest prices in the area of east Texas and Louisiana,
he and his associates are expanding their service area.

The Records Access offers us access to a one stop information kiosk
for a yearly membership fee that costs less than the monthly newspaper bill.
Stein and his associates have written one of the
biggest bail bonds ever written on record and
that was in the sum of three million dollars for Navarro County Texas.

Many attorneys have a particular legal expertise,
such as estate planning or immigration. Harold Rhett Stein has been an asset
to his community and the communities he serves and he continues to have a very highly respected reputation in most areas of Louisiana and Texas.

He is able to take care of bail bonds that have face amounts that are written just for

Stein and his associates not only have in-house underwriting that one may require.
Secondly, the subject is persuaded (easily enough in most cases) that
he or she is superior to those who are outside the force (i.

(Women, it must be noted, are far less susceptible to political flattery than men; as
the more responsible party in the procreation project, women respond to
flattery in a vague manner unless it involves
complimenting their body or, less often, their eyes).

Boutique law practices which practice a particular kind of law often have a lower overhead than a general services law firm because they sharply focus on one area of law.

He, as well as the associates in his office is completely motivated to help criminal defendants
get their lives back to normal as quickly as they can.

Political flattery is always two-fold. He and his associates have a combined experience of more
than thirty five years, so with this experience they can offer high quality, discreet and friendly services for the
lowest rates available in the area. Pushkin himself had African features
that would have been sufficient to bar him from "proper" New York society where
fellow poets, as well as editors and critics,
mingled in the 1820's and ‘30's.

A bail bondsman like Harold Rhett Stein will perform a necessary service for criminal defendant cases.
Petersburg, he would not have been able to aspire to anything more than a Broadway shoe-shiner
career. Pushkin's maternal great-grandfather was African. They also
offer bail bond writing for almost all jurisdictions that are in the United States in addition.

(Let us remember that slavery was only outlawed in New York in 1836,
the year of Pushkin's death; and let us remember
also that, when all is said and done, Pushkin's owed his excellent education and
professional success to his membership in the Russian aristocracy).
With this service, a criminal defendant, or person who is
in question, is allowed to be released and leave jail in order
to continue on with their life while waiting for their court date to come.

Their office is capable of helping whenever someone needs
them, regardless of what time it is, day or night,
and regardless of the day. Since the office of Harold Rhett Stein does their
underwriting in house, the time involved in getting a criminal defendant released from jail is dramatically cut, it can usually occur within only a few
hours time. First, the subject's interest is piqued by the idea that he or she is a member of a large force, sharing in its power (one
of the implications is that the force will never betray its
own, even though evidence to the contrary has been abundant throughout history).

Their expansion into most areas of Texas will help them provide their services
for more clients and give them the same fast, friendly and confidential services they have been known for as well
as the lowest prices available. With the expansion of the office area he will be able to provide bail
bonds services to more criminal defendant clients, therefore producing
more revenue for the company.

They will always provide fast friendly service and typically there will be no collateral necessary.
the rest of humanity). Frankly, it is high time that we took some
measures to ‘be informed' when it comes to a
stranger knocking on our door.

This one of a kind bail bondsman for Texas,
Louisiana and California has been a powerful presence in the area of bail bonding since 1972.

作者 find free people @ 18:43, 2017-05-13

php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

This is known as a "quiet" or "soft" disclosure. ICDs and CRT-Ds
shock the heart back into normal rhythm by delivering a pulse of energy through an electronic wire (lead) that is connected to the heart.
* Dairy products (except yogurt) and foods containing fats such as ice creams and butter items.

One major drawback is that the Department of Justice states that it has
begun criminal proceeding against people who attempted to utilize
the "soft" disclosure process. They are surgically implanted
for patients at high risk of sudden cardiac arrest. The Medtronic Sprint Fidelis recall does not include Medtronic devices that are pacemakers.

* Black tea without sugar is another best home remedy to stop diarrhea.
* Steamed chicken: easy to digest contains protein. * Blueberries:
chew blueberries for instantly cure from diarrhea.
You never want to be without your cell phone, especially when you are in a new and different place.
Defibrillators keep the heart from going too fast.

Lead extraction carries risks that need to be considered
and discussed between the patient and their doctor. These numbers may be part of a
longer string of numbers on the ID card. * Bananas: are very easily digestible and contains soluble
fiber. * It can cause due to side effects of several drugs.

* Caffeine and carbohydrate beverages
* Avoid eating cabbage and bean items as they have tendency to produce gas in the stomach
* Avoid diet soda and fried food.

* Garlic, pomegranate, coconut and orange juice act rapidly to slow down loose motions.
There may be serious problems with this alternative. The 6931 Medtronic lead is
a thin wire that connects an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) or
cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrillator (CRT-D) directly to
the heart.

* Bacteria, can cause the diarrhea
* Bad dietary habits
* Consumption of lot of coffee and alcohol Diarrhea has been further divided
into two types: * It can be caused due to intensification in water level in the stool
* Infections in abdomen
* Poisoning through food is main cause which leads to bowel syndrome
* Digestion problem
* Viral contamination of small intestine which includes vomiting, fever
is main cause for chronic syndrome.

The Medtronic recall applies only to the leads and not implanted defibrillation or
pacemaker devices. Implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) and Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy-Defibrillators (CRT-Ds) are used to treat abnormal heart rhythms in patients which
can cause the heart to suddenly stop. Defibrillators monitor a patient's heart rhythms.

* Yogurt and banana have been proven good to
handle bowel syndrome. * Drink chamomile tea it helps in sinking
intestinal inflammation and is the best solution to control Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
A total of 268,000 Sprint Fidelis leads were implanted in patients
throughout the world, with 172,000 leads implanted in the United

It has been reported that doctors with limited extraction experience may significantly increase the risk of
complications during extraction. If a patient has one of the implanted leads their Patient ID card should contain one of the following four
sets of numbers: 6930, 6931, 6948, 6949. Plus, you don’t
need that added worry while you are on vacation.

* Polluted water is the main medium for digestive problems
and irritating dysentery syndrome. Pacemakers help keep the heart from going too slowly compared
to defibrillators which keep the heart from going too fast.
* Juice of lime, mint along with honey two to three times a day is a good solution. Here are four
tips for keeping your phone battery full while still enjoying your trip.

* Have yogurt and white toast; make the practice of taking herbal tea.
This third way is to simply file amended returns and not mention to
the Internal Revenue Service that you are seeking
to come clean. * Cooked apple acts as best home remedy.
* Applesauce: as apples are very good source
of pectin and has high content of fiber.

Some of the reported complications of lead removal include:
lead breakage and migration; avulsion of veins, myocardium of the tricuspid valve; tears of
the myocardium or veins; hemothorax, tamponade, perforation, emergency cardiothoracic surgery, pulmonary emboli, and death.
For vacationers and frequent travelers, keeping electronics
charged while away from home can be a challenge.

Published literature suggests major complications (death or
surgical intervention) from lead extraction range from 1. An electrical shock is transmitted
or rapid pacing to restore normal rhythm when irregular
heartbeats are detected. The advantage is that
there is little upfront cost to this. But the disadvantages are that you may give the IRS a very handy clue to charge you criminally,
and if you are caught, you are experience a pain of high penalties and a nasty and real possibility of
criminal charges.

As of January 2007, approximately 5,387 Medtronic Sprint Fidelis Model 6931 leads had been implanted.
Patients who have Medtronic ICDs or CRT-Ds without Sprint Fidelis leads are also not affected by the Medtronic recall.

Food Suggestions:Following Foods are suggested to consume during this condition: * Consuming buttermilk is another best practice.

Medical perfectionist suggests small meals instead of eating at once as they help in right
digestion of food.

作者 find a person's criminal records free @ 18:44, 2017-05-13
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