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php glob 的應用

2016-12-29 @ 13:18 in PHP, JavaScript, Sql

目錄相片圖檔內的檔名除了學號檔名,副檔名有 png,jpg 而且大小寫混用,在 linux 提取有點困難,後來想到用 glob ,而且支援萬用字元 , 只要用 $array_name = glob("學號.*")  就會找回所有 學號檔名的陣列檔名,只要秀第一個 $arr_name[0] 檔案就可以了


php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

Amidst all those despair and dejection there seems to be a
ray of hope for all people who are suffering from cardiovascular
diseases. Polygraph examiners must complete primary training at an accredited polygraph
training facility. Digital instruments record data through an interface onto a computer system using proprietary hardware and software systems.

Some examiners try to get by with poorly maintained instruments,
with some units barely working at all. Following this internship period, the examiner must have
a number of exams reviewed by the training facility before final certification is issued.
A 61 year old man who took the salvia products or medicines gradually
improved the heart disease condition and he became fitter and better
day by day.

Standards require that analog equipment be recalibrated each time the equipment is
transported. People after 50 start facing the deadly problems of cardiovascular health and they start showing symptoms of heart diseases, arteries and stroke.
According to reports the herb has actually revolutionized in the field of management of heart attack, angina
and stroke.

We live in an age when the cardiovascular diseases have been one of the
chief causes of deaths in America and other
parts of the world. Also, be sure the experience is relatively recent.
Don´t be afraid to ask. Finally, if you intend to use the test results in litigation, you should make sure the examiner has been previously
acknowledged as a court-qualified expert.

If digital equipment is used, ask if the examiner is using the latest software version available.
Analog instruments record information directly onto a scrolling roll of chart paper.

Be sure the examiner is using fully-operational equipment.
It has been found that the plan extracts of Salvia has counteracted on heart diseases and cured the ailment in many instances.

The herb is found in many parts of the world – Mexico, China and other such places
where herbal industry still finds importance. Once the
primary training has been completed, most examiners are required to undergo an internship period of
up to one year, during which time they are under the supervision of an experienced examiner.
It helps in dilating the arteries and blood vessels
for proper and natural blood flow without any pressure
thus reduces the chances of cardiac arrest or
stroke in you.

This is also a requirement in order to retain membership in some polygraph organizations and
associations. This report should include the purpose of the exam, the relevant questions asked, the answers given, and the examiner´s opinion regarding the examinee´s truthfulness when giving those answers.
In the hands of a qualified examiner, both analog and digital
equipment can be used effectively.

Just as you wouldn´t want to be your physician´s first
patient out of medical school, you need to be sure that
your polygraph examiner has sufficient experience, not only overall but specifically in the type of case you need help

Ask the examiner if all the recording channels on his/her polygraph are fully functional.
These are aged related diseases and happen because of the old age arteries, blood vessels,
accumulation of plague due to excessive fat, non active lifestyle and other conditions of modern life.

Salvia the wonder herb brings the light of hope when other
contemporary medicines can only give relief but no permanent cure to heart diseases or cardiovascular diseases.
An examiner may have gone through polygraph school 30
years ago but only conducted ten exams in the last 12 months.
Doctors wondered how salvia cured heart disease of a 61 year old man!

They first thought it to be a miracle but later on realized that it is not miracle
but the action of salvia supplements or drugs that he used to take.
Since polygraph techniques and equipment continue to evolve over time, the examiner should also complete regular continuing education programs.
While clinical research was being carried to find out
the many benefits of the herb, it was found that Salvia has some real good benefits for old age people
specially those who suffer from heart problems and diseases like
Alzheimer's disease.

The perils of the modern life are innumerable and heart disease is a major problem in majority of the
popular across the world. If he/she is using analog equipment, ask how often this equipment is calibrated.
Slowly the world of medicine and science have paid attention to it and found that
this is a wonder herb and has ability to cure plethora of diseases including old age cardiovascular

As an example, an examiner with a great deal of experience in law enforcement may not
have the finesse to handle an exam pertaining to relationships, or
an examiner with experience conducting pre-employment (screening) exams
may not be suitable for testing for sex offenses.
Do not trust an examiner who will not put his/her opinions in writing.

There are two basic types of polygraph instruments, digital and

作者 doctor background check @ 18:04, 2017-05-13

php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

A witness who has been under hypnosis, as in the case here,
should not be allowed to testify when there is a question that
the testimony may have been produced by that hypnosis. Individual therapy is aimed at decreasing
anxiety, stressors, and other problems that perpetuate the illness.
The hypnosis session was certainly interesting, but it produced
NO credible leads.

If you accept the theory that a vampire is essentially dead then most were not (although
some were very sick puppies). * It also improves intelligence.

* Relieves chest injury and injury due to bleeding.

* It is considered as Aphrodisiac. * It improves breast milk production. Often it is used as
a last resort when all leads have been exhausted and the crime remains far
from being solved.

With a list of nearly 300 racetracks and/or organizations that sponsor recreational
sport compact racing, they strive to educate young people on the dangers of street racing while staging sanctioned, organized race
contests. A history of abuse or neglect as a child or the early loss of a parent
might be factors in its development. Due to the nature of
the race and its venues (occurring mostly on highways and city roads), street
racing is deemed an illegal activity and banned in most states.

And yet, to date, there is very little evidence that he actually consumed blood.

* It is considered as good anti-aging herb. Also, the license plate information turned out to belong to
a truck that had been crushed in a junk yard years before.
* It is quite useful in blood disorders. La Mountain, 125 Ariz.

* Improves sperm quality, semen health and sperm mobility.
I said I didn't know, but silently I thought she was faking it .

* Also useful in abdominal tumors. * Shatavari is useful in chronic
respiratory disorders, tuberculosis. Psychotherapy generally focuses on changing the thinking and behavior of the individual with the disorder (cognitive-behavioral therapy).

It all depends on what you're willing to accept. * Quite beneficial in females suffering from endometriosis.
Benefits of Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) sprouts * It is nutritious and also improves nourishment.

And therein lays the problem for modern day proponents of a vampiric lifestyle.

Today most investigators agree that in some situations investigative hypnosis, like polygraph testing,
can be a useful tool in investigating some crimes.
The causes of MSP are both biological and psychological factors play a role in the
development of this disorder. And in some states, all testimony from a person whose memory was "refreshed" by hypnosis is prohibited.

After the session was over, the detective asked me what I thought.
2d 551 (1980), the Arizona Supreme Court stated: "Although we perceive that hypnosis is a useful tool in the investigative stage, we do not feel the state of the science (or art) has been shown to be such as to admit testimony which may have been developed as a result of hypnosis.

It turns out that two other credible witnesses described the thief's car as blue, so it was likely not red. Racers Against Street Racing (RASR) is mainly an outreach program with professional drag racers serving as representatives. * Improves fertility
* Reduces swelling hence anti-inflammatory.

* Also useful in nasal bleeding. Successful treatment of people with MSBP is difficult because those with the disorder frequently deny there is a problem. Street racing organizations across the country have been working together with the government to promote safe street racing and at the same time educate young people about the hazards of actual racing in streets and city roads. An individual is usually only popularised if they exhibit criminal behaviour.

In general, MSP occurs more often in women than in men. * It improves sperm and semen quantity and quality. It is difficult, however, to completely deter people from participating in this activity, especially if they have the need for speed and have high-powered sports cars with nitro tanks hidden underneath the car floor mats.

Vlad Tepes: Made popular by Bram Stoker's iconic Dracula tale, Vlad Tepes is thought by many to be the first example of the present day vampire. * Good for eyes hence also useful in dark patches under the eyes. Treatment of MSBP involves treating the child (victim), the patient, and the family. In fact, it produced FALSE leads.

In the case of State v. The goal of therapy for MSP is to help the person identify the thoughts and feelings that are contributing to the behavior, and to learn to form relationships that are not associated with being ill.

If you accept the theory that a vampire is someone with a physical need to feed on blood then most were. That being said, he certainly seemed to revel in the sight of it and his methods of torture are still known today for their cruelty. Were any of the persons mentioned above actually real vampires? Some evidence suggests that major stress, such as marital problems, can trigger an MSP episode.

People with MSP believe the role of a sick person indirectly by producing or laying about illness in other person under their care, generally a child under 6 years of age. Approximately 98% of persons with Munchausen syndrome by proxy are women.

作者 des moines iowa public records @ 18:05, 2017-05-13

php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

It was during this time that Dame Joan realised the
unique effect education could have on people, especially
those who had lost their way. There are usually distinct rules
of evidence, rules of procedure, and burdens of proof,
and the cases are generally held in different courts.

The other party is generally a prosecutor who represents the state
or the people. She went about transforming the college and oversaw an increase in students from 2,500 to 3,800 and also secured research degree awarding status
for the college in 1998. Criminal law is very different.

In criminal cases, one party is the defendant, or
person who is accused of committing a crime, or violation of statute.
At the age of 24 Joan Stringer realised that she still harboured unfulfilled educational goals and enrolled at Keele University to study a BA in history
and politics.

In 1986, she completed her PHD which investigated
the efficiency of Britain's industrial training policy. It also could be a party who is
suing another party over a contract dispute,
such as a person who is suing a builder for not properly
completing promised work, or perhaps the builder who believes
he has completed the work properly but is not being paid.

However, Dame Joan didn't rest on her laurels and in 1999 she finalised a deal for the new campus
development at Craighall and also secured the award of University College status.
During her time at Napier University, Dame Joan has helped the
university become more financially independent, overseen multi million pound redevelopments of the
Craiglockhart and Sighthill campuses and seen the university be voted the best for graduate employability by The Times and The Guardian.

For example, a person who has been injured through another person's negligence, such
as in a car accident, is seeking some sort of compensation for their injury and loss.
Upon leaving Robert Gordon University, Dame Joan joined Queen Margaret College in 1996 as Principal and

In civil law, there are generally two parties to a lawsuit who are seeking a resolution to
some sort of dispute. Discover how Joan Stringer went from a part time lecturer
at Sudbury Open Prison in Derbyshire, to the first woman leader of a Scottish university in 2003 and then a Dame Commander of
the Order of the British Empire in 2009. The experience had a massive effect on Dame Joan's
future career path and the lives of the many prisoners she taught.

One of the major distinctions in the law is
between civil law and criminal law. Dame Joan's full-time academic career began in earnest at Robert Gordon University,
Aberdeen in 1980 when she was appointed a lecturer in public administration.

The court or a jury then decides if the person is guilty or not guilty and
then will sentence the person to some form of punishment for
their crime which is usually either a fine
or imprisonment. In January 2003 Dame Joan was appointed Principal and Vice Chancellor of Edinburgh Napier University and in doing
so became the first woman to head a Scottish University.

In a criminal case, the prosecutor must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that
the person committed the crime, and the defendant presents
their defense. In addition to these major differences, there are many procedural differences between criminal and civil law.
Civil law is a very broad area of the law
and can arise out of many situations including employment relationships, landlord and tenant relationships, business
transactions, and even family relationships and child custody.

This promotion was closely followed by another in 1991 when Dame Joan became Assistant Principal of the university.

In these types of cases, both parties will present their cases, and the court will
try to find an equitable solution to the dispute, usually by ordering one party to pay damages to another party.

Upon graduating, Joan Stringer took up a part time lecturer at
Sudbury Open Prison in Derbyshire. It is therefore important to be
represented by an attorney who is experienced in practicing in the respective area of law in which you need representation.

Dame Joan's time at Robert Gordon was a resounding success
and amongst her many achievements she was heavily involved in the process
which saw Robert Gordon's gain full university status in 1992.

Although there is sometimes significant gray area between these two branches of law, the major difference between the two
is that civil law deals with disputes between individuals, whereas criminal law deals with individuals
who have violated laws that dictate certain behaviors, and are therefore seen as
an affront to society or the state.

At Robert Gordon University she rose quickly through the ranks and in 1988 she was promoted to become Head of the School of Public Administration and Law.
Dame Joan Stringer was born in Stoke-on-Trent in 1948 and after leaving school initially pursued a
career in graphic design.

作者 criminal records north carolina @ 18:06, 2017-05-13

php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

It is a protein in the connective tissue that is elastic and allows the tissue to return to its original state after contraction. DEA
(diethanolamine and Dimethylamine), commonly used in brake fluid, industrial degreasers and antifreeze.
But the mainstream folk out there hears “hacker,” and right away, they think of a
digital thief, often someone who breaks into governmental computer systems
or Russian “hacking rings” that steal credit card numbers.

The colorful wording and often misleading language of advertisement, whose underlying purpose is to charm the
consumer, usually doesn't say much about the product's effectiveness.
It is extremely important for the function of your skin and
other things such as your ligaments, arteries, and
cartilage because it supplies flexibility and elasticity.

In fact, the bad guy was called a “cracker. It seems like
every new line of skin care products claim to be infused with the latest, top of the line ingredients to help replenish and revitalize your skin from within; making your skin smoother, softer
and supple. It is a toxic manufacturing by-product.

In addition to this, all cosmetic products are formulated for a shelf life of three years or more.
The famous words found on back of most products that state "this product was not tested on animals" proves to be nothing short
of an oxymoron. The free radicals in these products will also diminish your body's ability to repair
and rejuvenate collagen and elastin fibers, which serve as the natural foundation of your skin.

Stearamidopropyl tetrasodium EDTA, which can form in all cosmetic
ingredients containing amines and amino derivatives with nitrogen compounds.

But it doesn't matter how "new" the products are,
if they contain the same chemicals or manufactured ingredients,
it is very likely that these products will enhance the aging process
and can be extremely harmful to your health.

Triethanolamine (TEA), which can cause severe facial dermatitis,
irritation and sensitivity. As for the United States, the
law mandates that all ingredients are to be labeled,
but who besides chemists can understand that language.
They are called cellular toxins and may be responsible for thousands of people suffering from
things such as pimples, rashes, reddening and burning of
the skin.

” Somehow, “cracker” didn’t catch on. It is especially dangerous to young children who may swallow it after brushing their teeth.
Most people are not aware that the cosmetics industry reels in over thirty billion dollars
in sales each year. When skin loses its elasticity, the skin will
start to sag and result in visible signs of aging.

Toluene, a substance is obtained from petroleum;
it is used as a solvent in cosmetics, especially nail polishes
and dyes. As you get older, around puberty, your body stops producing it and the elastin fibers start
to weaken. Sodium (PCA /NAPCA), used as a conditioner for skin and hair.

Save yourself from becoming at risk of developing serious
problems later on in life. Many may wonder exactly
what Elastin is. Nitrosamines are known carcinogens. The
most it will do is form a coating on the skin that helps the skin to better
hold in moisture, but it will not provide added flexibility.

There is no labeling law in Canada, which means manufacturers can justifiably deceive their

When you are a child, elastin fibers are much stronger and work similar to a
rubber band. To them, it is all about selling an image and potential profit.
It had been shown that elastin in skin products have very little positive effect
on skin elasticity.

It is also found in hair dyes, lotions, creams, bubble baths, liquid dishwasher detergents and laundry soaps.
It is supposed to arrest tooth decay but scientists are now
linking fluoride to dental deformity, arthritis, allergic
reactions and Crohn's disease.

Your health is the last thing that these large corporations in this
industry are concerned about. Did you know that the original
meaning of hacker, as far as computers, was that of a person who built codes into
computers? It would be very wise to stay clear away from any
skin care lotions or product that tries to mimic or enhance the properties naturally
found in skin.

Talc, derived in powder form from the mineral magnesium silicate.

Most dermatologists are certain that elastin applied to the
skin cannot replace a deplete supply. This tells a story in itself about the large amounts of preservatives they
contain to prevent spoilage. **Fluoride, a hazardous chemical which has been linked
it to cancer years ago.

Surprisingly, there are over 900 chemicals available for use in cosmetics which
contain substances that are dangerous to our health and overall well-being.

作者 district court public records @ 18:11, 2017-05-13

php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

Another secret is that the arresting officer is
unprepared since he may have numerous DUI cases in one day.
Whenever the police have stopped you for DUI you should tell the Officer
that you would be glad to answer his questions in the presence
of your attorney. A Healing Angel - Note the child
at the angel's feet. A lot of brands simulate the appearance and flavor of common Lucky Strike and Philip
Morris brand names.

Similarly, Leonardo di Caprio and Johnny Depp, well-known e-cigarette clients, have also been noted to have been using the electronic strategy
to stop smoking. They assist in the induction of the Soul or Super Ego into
the physical vehicle designed for the earth plane sojourn. It is
necessary to remember that anything you say will be used against you in the court.

For there are only a few sites that offer the same kind of services and we can be assured of quality here, or so the reviews say.
The majority legal and health discussions continue to take on whether it will be able to
help hold back the smoking habit, or if it's a medical device.

The former's Food and Drug Administration has also recently reported that it's going to categorize and
regulate e-cigarettes as a typical tobacco item.
These angels hover around the mother and unborn child as the time for birth draws near.
The Madonna ideal, for example, has been and still is
of incalculable value in consoling, purifying, and ennobling humanity.

Healing in cooperation with the Healing Angels is far more
effective than the human methods only. Without it nothing could be conceived and born, nothing preserved, nothing reproduced.
Anyway, getting back to this site, we can even do a
reverse phone look-up and locate the mystery caller with little or no hassle at all.
Angels of the World Mother overseeing the birth of
a child.

Suppliers and vendors, and consumers and advocates of the goods are gently rejoicing as having these celebrities puffing is just
as good an endorsement as can be. Her explanation was that she was hoping to cease the tobacco habit.

As an example, both United States and Canada continue to pursue studies regarding the product's overall health
benefits. The number of Hollywood personalities puffing e-cigarettes is rising and pushing the device to the awareness of the public.
Very often the arresting officers do not follow the necessary procedures when taking the field sobriety
test, and this may cause some problems for the DUI attorney later on.

Sometimes the DUI lawyers are not completely prepared and they have to handle several
cases at once. Most vaporizing solutions contain varying doses of nicotine and
come in coffee, chocolate, vanilla, and fruity flavors.

According to Hodson, there are some "angels who are associated with aspects of divine consciousness, rather than with currents of creative Life-force and the mineral and plant kingdoms of nature.

Long-time smokers, meanwhile, profess that the amazing benefits far outweigh the assumed poor effects. 95 but considering the services that it offers its clients, it is a bargain indeed. "The
cosmic Maternal Principle is universally manifest and
its conserving and reproducing attributes are active throughout
all Nature. Other public figures seen to have used the unit are Jose Canseco, Tom Petty, Katherine
Heigl, Kate Moss, Ryan Seacrest, Kevin Connoly, and Kevin Federline.

Originally marketed as being a device to help long-time tobacco users stop
or limit the tobacco habit, e cigarettes are like nebulizers or humidifiers,
that contain a heating part that creates fumes that can be breathed in. The Records Access comes with a yearly membership tag of
$29. (Hodson)
The Angels of the World Mother assist in the
construction of new bodies---mental, emotional, etheric, and physical---for the soul now ready to incarnate on the physical plane.

" Rose is the color vibration of Love. New Zealand' Ministry of Health, meantime, has now announced that the device is less dangerous than smoking tobacco. State DUI lawyers usually don't know much about the science behind sobriety testing. Association with such beings is indeed a privilege and their cooperation in the service of humanity can be of greatest value.

This painting portrays Her in her solar aspect, brooding in divine love over all worlds. "Rose angels" may be thought of as incarnations of divine wisdom and love, qualities that bring them into intimate contact with the Immortal Selves of Egos [Higher Selves] of men. Since the World Mother is beyond all limitation of form, no picture can truly represent Her.

Through it, a realization of the Mother-Love of God has been brought within reach of millions of suffering and aspiring people. The final judgment on e-cigarette is still out there as health industry professionals need to put out definitive evidences on whether its ill-effects are real or not.

As it stands, the product is fairly new with no controlled research has yet been made on its continual use. Groups dedicated to healing prayer and meditation for others are excellent ways for all of us to experience the presence and cooperation of the Healing Angels. A Rose Angel - meaning rose colored angel. Most recently, paparazzi-favorite and tabloid-mainstay Lindsay Lohan was captured on camera smoking an e-cigarette.

At times referred to as e-juice, the e-liquid is needed to produce the fumes and is marketed separately in cartridges. A representative picture of the World Mother -- the Mother Aspect of Father God. We may need to take an objective view when it comes to using these sites before joining up as there are quite a few scam sites out there. These angels preside over all maternal processes throughout Nature.

The true World Mother is the primary substance of the universe from which all things are manifested.

作者 denver county court records @ 18:12, 2017-05-13
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