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powerpoint 轉 swf

2009-05-10 @ 19:21 in Windows

這次在測試將powerpoint 轉 swf 時透過 google及同事的指導,學到了一些方法,真是賺到了,總共學到了三個工具程式

  1.  ispring 可以將 powerpoint 轉 swf  (有 free 版,可到 google 找一下就有了)
  2. Url Action editor (可以直接修改 swf 的超連結,及設定開啟新視窗,有版權到 google 找找)
  3. AppLocale 這是微軟提供的工具程式,可以將簡體程式的亂碼正確顯示 (在網上找到的軟體很多是簡體版,繁體 window 下看到的是亂碼,有這個工具程式,就可以看到正確的簡體字顯示,這個工具可以在 microsoft 網站找到)



我想說,你真的幫助我理解的主題 powerpoint ? swf | ??

作者 seo services vancouver @ 08:43, 2012-03-03

powerpoint 轉 swf | 豬窩

This device also governs the flow of power from your photovoltaic array
on the grid and vice-versa. Dye-sublimation printing can be used in medical imaging,
polyester fabric printing, and graphic proofing.

Silicon is easily the most common of the materials
utilized to generate electrical current if it's exposed to sunlight.

作者 @ 13:13, 2017-05-17

powerpoint 轉 swf | 豬窩

It's especially hard if you feel like you're the only teacher
within your school to try fitting technologies
into the planning and classroom delivery. The three basic colors employed for reproduction are cyan, magenta
and yellow. But Apple features its own idea about the way to watch video, and it has nothing to do with
standards that anyone else creates.

作者 @ 08:54, 2017-05-18

powerpoint 轉 swf | 豬窩

Direct the view back to your blog so they can share their thoughts about your
statement. Dye-sublimation printing is utilized in medical
imaging, polyester fabric printing, and graphic proofing.
It was foreseen that this quantity of 3D printers in homes and business establishments will increase rapidly.

作者 @ 21:03, 2017-05-20

powerpoint 轉 swf | 豬窩

And as a result singles are becoming enthusiastic about working harder to improve
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These systems resemble offline connections so there is often an even more trusting factor in comparison with internet dating sites.

These forums usually hold regular meetings so make sure that you participate actively and obtain yourself known.

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