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wwwcount 2.6 的安裝

2008-12-08 @ 19:46 in Linux

因為想要一個計數器,所以在網路上找到了 wwwcount2.6 ,可是在安裝時一直有問題,後來在官網上的說明中發現 Berkeyley db 1x ,2.x or 3.x support,而 Fedora8 用的是 db 4x, 所以在 ./build --without-database 加上不含入database 就可以了

參考 wwwcount2.6 網站

2008/12/10 新增使用

在鳥哥網站看到可以顯示今日,昨日,本月,上月的累計人數,想說是如何做到的,看了一下網站原始程式,昨日及上月的累計人數是固定秀圖,所以想說只要能將今日的累計轉存成圖檔就好了,可是查了wwwcount 的使用好像沒有這種功能,所以只好想別的方法,最後測出用 lynx 存檔的方式做出,方法如下:

  1. 將 count.cfg 內的
    auto_file_creation=Yes (讓資料檔可以自動產生)
    strict_mode=No (若設 Yes 無法產生圖檔)
  2. 在 cron.daily 建一個 的執行程序,內容如下(產生昨日圖檔)
    /usr/bin/lynx --dump "http://localhost/cgi-bin/Count.cgi?ft=0&df=today.dat" > /var/www/html/count/yesterday.gif
    rm -f /usr/local/Counter/data/today.dat
  3. 在 cron.month 建一個 的執行程序,內容如下(產生上月圖檔)
    /usr/bin/lynx --dump "http://localhost/cgi-bin/Count.cgi?ft=0&df=month.dat" > /var/www/html/count/month.gif
    rm -f /usr/local/Counter/data/month.dat
  4. 範例 count.htm


wwwcount 2.6 的安裝 | 豬窩

Job hunters may also setup their unique account, upload their resume, and
setup notifications. One other thing that you desire to consider
is limiting access on the network, particularly if take part in any kind of secure printing or if you've
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It was foreseen that the variety of 3D printers in homes and
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作者 @ 04:59, 2017-05-18

wwwcount 2.6 的安裝 | 豬窩

It's especially hard if you feel like you are the only teacher in your school
to attempt fitting new technologies in your planning and classroom delivery.
The three basic colors useful for reproduction are cyan, magenta
and yellow. It was foreseen that this amount of 3D printers
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wwwcount 2.6 的安裝 | 豬窩

In combating QR codes, you can find three major reasons being made available to keep the theory these
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Dye-sublimation printing can be used in medical imaging, polyester
fabric printing, and graphic proofing. Silicon is the most common of those materials utilized to generate electrical
current when it's confronted with sunlight.

作者 @ 04:38, 2017-05-21

wwwcount 2.6 的安裝 | 豬窩

Fortunately in today's society now it is acceptable that people will likely
change careers and jobs 2 or 3 times before they finally find
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at and so are happy to arrive to five days a week. And thanks to some retrofit technology that's along
the way, it's effectively yesterday. Roughly equal amounts in the three primary colors give rise for the perception of white.

wwwcount 2.6 的安裝 | 豬窩

Job hunters could also setup their particular account, upload their resume, and setup notifications.
Make any final announcements (as an example, the subsequent webinar in a very series).

But Apple possesses its own idea about the best way to watch video, and contains absolutely
nothing to do with standards that other people creates.

作者 @ 05:01, 2017-06-01
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