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php glob 的應用

2016-12-29 @ 13:18 in PHP, JavaScript, Sql

目錄相片圖檔內的檔名除了學號檔名,副檔名有 png,jpg 而且大小寫混用,在 linux 提取有點困難,後來想到用 glob ,而且支援萬用字元 , 只要用 $array_name = glob("學號.*")  就會找回所有 學號檔名的陣列檔名,只要秀第一個 $arr_name[0] 檔案就可以了


php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

Don't buy an AR-15 upper receiver at a gun show from anyone other than a licensed dealer or manufacturer.
An AR-15 purchase represents a significant investment in anyones personal collection so follow just a few
simple suggestions to ensure that your collection of firearms is
fully functional and doesn't come up lacking at the wrong time - the time when you need it.

, calling you at work if you tell them that your employer does not approve, use
of threats, obscene language, repeated calls designed to scare
you into making payment, implying affiliation with the
government, or implying that you have could be arrested for not paying a debt.

Do your homework before buying an AR platform weapon. Over 90% of issues involving
"jamming" are related to "dirty" or "inferior" ammunition. Engaging an FDCPA attorney who is well
versed in the statute can help you fight against the bad collection guys.

First came the end of his personal "Love Story", a 40 year marriage with high
school sweetheart Tipper, then accused of having an alleged affair with Laurie
David the ex-wife of Larry David for the past two years,
and now the alleged sex scandal with a massage therapist in Portland hotel makes headlines.

In my opinion a person can face criminal charges when the person is
going through the main period and sub period of planets which are significators of 8th house, 12th house and the Badhaka house through constellations and house ruler ship.
You cannot ensure that you have quality parts on your AR-15 or on your upper
receiver unless you buy it from a reputable dealer or manufacturer.

The judge may impose upon the collector to pay you for
the illegal collection practices, or compensate for the medical bills accrued on medical
conditions suffered due to his harassment.
Harassment from debt collectors can be dreadful even if you owe.
You may even be harassed for a debt that you have
already paid, or a non-existent debt, or a case of your debt being sold to third party credit agency.

If these planets are also connected with the
5th house at same time then these charges could be related to sexual assault
or love affairs. You have to compare the components and parts to
ensure that the weapon that you are about to purchase is a quality
weapon. This component deports environmental protection and essential conditioning.

AR-15's are fine tuned weapons and require tweaking from time to
time. The bolt and barrel extension are two of the most critical parts of the
AR-15 platform weapon. The debt collector's violations
attract compensation of $1000 per violation. AR-15's are also particular about the ammunition used in them.
You can avoid this if you know your rights about debt collection. An FDCPA attorney studies your case and files a complaint, sues the debt collector and may also sue for damages.

A lifetime warranty from the original purchaser is a big plus when buying an AR-15.

The FDCPA prohibits a wide range of specific inappropriate
behavior by collectors. These also constitute violations of the act.
Many of the stories we hear detail outrageous and illegal behavior.
With a proper warranty, in the event that your weapon falls into the other
10%, a reputable manufacturer will fix your weapon, if it is a warranty problem,
without question.

Any or all the above are violations of FDCPA act and a debt collector can be
sued under the act. Upper receivers can be assembled by anyone, however, without an FFL, as a
dealer or manufacturer, quality parts and components cannot be obtained.

Reputable manufacturers will not sell AR-15 rifles or other firearms, components or parts
to individuals or companies without the appropriate licenses.

In the credit repair business we are regularly asked about specific collection practices.
The birth time is rectified to 12:44 PM based upon the past major
events in Al Gore's life.

Do compare the components of the AR-15 before buying (bolt,
carrier, upper receiver, lower receiver, barrel & barrel extension).
More than 20 years the scruples hair products are create and increase self-confidence of
many peoples in the world. Al Gore (born March 31, 1948, 12:53 PM,
Washington DC) is a Cancer ascendant with ascendant degree at 9 degrees 22 minutes.

The FDCPA was formed in 1977 to protect consumers from unfair means of
debt collection. The exclusive blends of essential ingredients
are silicone conditioners, hydrolyzed cationic proteins, muco-polysaccharides, and UV absorbers.
Don't buy an AR that does not have a warranty.
Former Vice President Al Gore is catching a lot of heat, with none of
it related to global warming.

Scruples hair products contain four essential
ingredients from the patented protective barrier complex formula.
Name brands selling AR-15's are not what they used to be.
Scruples hair products aid repair moisture and protein in your hair to improve hair's inside strength and aid preserve elasticity.

Scruples hair care products are not trying on animals and
arrest no by-products or animal components.

Prohibited practices include contacting you before 8

作者 department of criminal records @ 22:49, 2017-05-14

php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

You might get hooked on your irregular eating habit that it may develop into an eating disorder.
When it was once an anti-malarial medicine in Kenya that exposed
African conflict against fraudulent counterfeiting which remains
unsolvable until today, another part of Africa emerges in mainstream news as the production, exportation, importation and
distribution of fake drugs worsen.

Loving yourself for what you are is the best thing you can do to yourself.
According to a recent study by the National Institute for Mental
Health, between five to ten million American girls and women, and one million men are suffering from eating
disorders. People who indulge in binge eating frequently consume excessive amounts
of food rapidly. Here is a list of physical and mental complications of having an eating
disorder: Medical complications
A lot of medical complications may arise if eating disorders go
unnoticed and untreated.

If yours is rated 10% LEL, which means the gas
only has to make up to ten% of it's full explosive power before
you're in danger. Natural gas detectors are rated in keeping
with their LEL, and lower is better. Patients with anorexia control their body weight
by indulging in voluntary starvation, excessive exercise, and the use of medications as weight control measures.

Meanwhile, over a period of about two to three years, the Green River Killer murdered four
dozen or more women near Seattle and Tacoma, Washington.
During this time, Gary Leon Ridgway was briefly a suspect, and he was given a polygraph test.

The medicines were confiscated after it was found out that they
all have the same series and batch numbers but different manufacturing dates.

Because of the guilt, they intentionally purge the food out by forcing themselves to defecate by using laxatives, or by tickling their throats to vomit.
Some complications may lead to serious, irreversible damage to both the body and mind, and it may even lead to death.
Is it because of the lack of awareness among African people?
In other words, at 100% LEL, your house is going boom.

In an interview conducted by the Peterson Group, one of the first non-profit
organizations to inform the public of the latest news on campaigns against counterfeiting, with Liberia Medicines
and Health Products Regulatory Authority (LMHRA), the government
sector has disclosed that the Government of Liberia sometimes imports into the
country fake medicines to be distributed among public hospitals.

Patients with bulimia over binge eat but feel excessively guilty after eating a lot.
LMHRA was given the amount of US$60,000 to monitor medicines in five counties including
Montserrado, Bomi, and Margibi, among others.
The most prevalent eating disorders reported are:
· Anorexia Nervosa.

Natural gas is flammable and combustible. This time, the government, the same voice of
the people who are supposed to be the ones leading the battle against counterfeiting are the ones who tolerates
and even gets involved in the illegal trade. Having an eating disorder is not an easy thing to live with.

Eating disorders
Most eating disorders root from an extreme fear of becoming fat or being thought
of as fat. · Binge eating disorder. The bottom line is that you're gambling with your reputation if you rely on the polygraph test to prove your innocence.

The government, on the other hand denies the accusations
as they reason that they do not have the resources to procure the medicines.
Eating disorders plague society more and more every
year. Or perhaps the stereotype tagged in the general outlook
of the continent as being poor and illiterate? LMHRA is now implementing strict
regulations on the import of medicines within Liberia
and they are also starting to inform the public of this current threat.

Eating disorders not only affect how a person looks on the
outside, it also affects every cell, tissue, and organs in the body.
The test, done in 1984, determined that he was telling
the truth about his innocence. But what if you are telling
the truth? These feelings are sometimes brought about by environmental factors,
some are a result of past abuse, some due to genetics,
and some due to addiction.

Of course, any lie detecting technique which points at enough possible liars will identify some of
them. Most scientists think there is no scientific basis
for the polygraph. Now that you know the complications eating disorders bring to
your body, think twice before binge eating
or deciding to go into a starvation diet.

The widespread of anti-malarial drug scams were reviewed to be led by drug cartels
and large mafia of ex-convicts and people with criminal records.
Africa always seems to be the target of counterfeiting.

He was free to keep killing, and he did. This is often measured
by its Lower Explosive Limit (LEL).

It is even more agitated by the fact that higher
powers are behind the illegal and criminal act. The alarm will trigger,
and give you lots of time to ventilate the house, put
right the leak, or get leave.

作者 find a person in usa by name @ 23:23, 2017-05-14

php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

These dispensaries offer a range of marijuana strains with
different qualities. So you have the armed guards in the community, some
sort of fence, the alarm and now the alarm guards show up.
They are crime fighters only. As they rise in ranks, they may be given more tattoos, and when they
reach the rank of captain, they are finally given a star on their shoulder and very often on their knees as well - to indicate that they
kneel before no one.

I never knew anyone to have their house robbed.
But the anti-marijuana activists are arguing that this limit is too high to allow a person driving the vehicles and DUI attorney In Colorado can easily save their clients from getting the punishment.
These are specifically designed to embarrass the wearer.
In June you had a car accident and your car was totaled.

The tattoos are deeply symbolic and properly unravelling the meanings behind them can only be done by other
members of the Russian Mafia. They must not drive any vehicle after using the marijuana too.

They do not work traffic and cannot pull you for traffic reasons.

At last, the lawmakers decided on a nanogram limit in the bloodArticle Submission, Today the Colorado clarifies that the judge can convict a person of marijuana intoxication if they have more than five
nanograms of THC per milliliter of blood.

The police will probably never show if you call them to come to your house or
if they did it would take a lot of time. The Florida couple had a son and
lead an uneventful life, with Symansky working different jobs and even acquiring a pilot’s license.

We live in gated communities with armed guards.

Furthermore, the patients cannot use the marijuana openly and
or in any place in plain public view. The salvage value of the
car after the accident was $200. The criminals in the Russian Mafia
are bound by a very strict code of conduct, much like the that of the Mafia in Italy, and members who tattoos themselves falsely (to inflate their rank or pretend that they have done certain things
that they really haven't) are often punished with death.

Imagine you learn your husband (or wife)
of 25 years is really a different person. We have alarm systems.
You figure your casualty loss deduction as follows:
You paid $18,500 for the car. That’s what happened to Mary Hickman—25
years after she married a man who had identified himself all those years back as Terry Jude Symansky.
Often, the symbols used are religious, and can include cathedrals and churches with
the number of spires indicating the number of times they have been in prison.

Often in about five minutes. One does have to be in Guatemala
during the process. They have body armor and are serious fellows.

The brutal truth behind Russian Mafia Tattoos is one that we are only dimly aware of.

Although it took almost six attempts and three years to pass to marijuana measures for intoxication.

A large steak dinner in a five star restaurant is
about $20. When the alarm goes off two ex military guys from the alarm company on a
motorcycle come with guns. There are several diseases which are recognized for marijuana use in Colorado.
Furthermore, if you break the code, you can often be forced to have a tattoo of a sexual nature in a prominent
place such as the forehead.

With April 15th looming in the near future, many taxpayers are hustling to give Uncle Sam a good reason not to take more
of their hard earned pay. One hides behind cover and the other walks
around to see what is up. Your adjusted gross income for the year the casualty
occurred is $70,000.

Colorado has similar laws regarding driving while
impaired by any drugs. cancer, chronic pain, chronic
nervous system disorders, cachexia, epilepsy, and some disorders like glaucoma, multiple sclerosis,
seizures, HIV and AIDS, nausea, and muscle spasticity. Time Frame – The process takes approximately 2-4 weeks, so three weeks is a fair approximation of the time frame.

They generally ignore you. But these tattoos are more
than simple body art, each picture and symbol in a Russian Mafia tattoo is filled with
meaning. Never knew anyone to have his home robbed.
In Colorado, the medicinal marijuana cannot
be sold on general pharmacy but only from a government recognized caregiver or
a non-state-affiliated club known as a dispensary.

And while there are an assortment of arguments and deductions available
to the creative taxpayer, an often overlooked one is the deduction for unreimbursed Casualties,
Disasters, and Thefts. Upon initiation into the Russian Mafia, a new recruit is often given a tattoo
on their chest which incorporates a rose.

You will find things cheap here. At the time of the accident the car was worth $17,000.
The regular Guatemala police are called the black police (policia negro) because their cars and uniforms are black.
Five Star hotels run about $100 to $145 a night depending on the season.

You did not carry collision coverage on your car.
The tattoos tell the life story of the man wearing them,
his sins, his prison sentences, what rank he is,
where he is from, and even how many people he has killed.
Some dispensaries even offer the seeds to the patients
who want to grow the plant at their residence.

The film makes for great viewing, and really shows up the importance of the tattoos
in the criminal society of the Russian Mafia. It
is possible to stay in Antigua, Guatemala which is a lovely resort community (google Antigua Guatemala).
His body is riddled with tattoos that trace his history in the
Vory v Zakone - the Russian criminal world.

Perhaps you caught the much acclaimed and multi-award
winning movie "Eastern Promises" starring Viggo Mortensen, in which he plays a
driver of a Russian Mafia boss' son.

作者 find a street address for a person @ 23:42, 2017-05-14

php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

After his release in January 1953, Freeman was back in the Parramatta jail for stealing once again in 1954,
where he met his childhood hero, Darcy Dugan,
a notorious prison escapee. Police intelligence continued to trail Freeman, finally tabling a report of his illegal off-course betting activities in parliament in 1979.
Woodward's royal commission on drug matters recognised Freeman and was named as the kingpin.

Mass perception is always slow to change; outlooks transcend generations despite the well-meaning (and
oftentimes harmful) efforts of activists and politicians to "educate" the public.
He survived gunshot wounds in the neck by an unknown attacker in April 1979.

A white person is a person all of whose features are Caucasian (no African or Asian admixtures whatever).

That’s what happened to Mary Hickman—25 years after she married a man who had identified himself all those years back as Terry Jude Symansky.
Imagine you learn your husband (or wife) of 25 years is really a different person.

Petersburg, he would not have been able to aspire to anything more than a Broadway shoe-shiner career.
Their association continued during Testa's visits to Sydney in 1969 and 1971.
Think about it – whether you're black or white, or Asian, or have some other ancestry – what the world "black" means – to an American of ANY RACE – to you.
The economic and intellectual elite of les gens de couleur libres in Antebellum New Orleans made it a
point to distance itself from both races.

His criminal associations spread to the US, which he
visited on a false passport as a guest of Joe Testa, a member of a crime syndicate with interests in Australia.
From 1971, Freeman turned to horse racing as a commission agent and illegal activities as an off-course SP betting operator.

(Let us remember that slavery was only outlawed in New York in 1836,
the year of Pushkin's death; and let us remember
also that, when all is said and done, Pushkin's owed his excellent education and professional success to his membership in the Russian aristocracy).

This may or many not be an exaggeration. Pushkin's maternal great-grandfather was African. From the purely biological perspective the history of the Afro-Caucasian relations around the world seems kind of peculiar,
since the two races are very close genetically, more so than any other pair one can think of.

A "black" person is a person with ANY DEGREE of African heritage so
long as he or she has ANY perceptible African features (both Pushkin and Dumas qualify).
The Florida couple had a son and lead an uneventful
life, with Symansky working different jobs and even acquiring a pilot’
s license. The psychological compatibility of
the two seems especially striking today; and very few folks of mixed Afro-Caucasian heritage experience
any "internal conflict" apart from the superficial politically charged, tradition-driven nonsense their milieu begins to force on them the moment they are born.

Racial issues (all of them) have more to do
with TRADITIONAL OUTLOOKS than actual laws,
or with history, for that matter. The idea was that the white
race had played itself out, while the black race, or at least its representatives in North
America, was in no position to inherit from the whites; folks of mixed racial backgrounds were the logical next step in civilization's development – a race of soon-to-be
rulers and, yes, saviors of the world.

Pushkin himself had African features that would have been sufficient to bar him from "proper" New York society where fellow poets,
as well as editors and critics, mingled in the 1820's and ‘30's.

Their covert mistrust of their Caucasian neighbors
was shared by their purely African cousins; their oftentimes distinct
contempt for anyone who was not of mixed origin resembled, it must be noted, the Germans' attitude towards
"non-Arians" almost a century later.

Naturally, the author takes advantage of the "Kenneth" saga (and
what good author wouldn't, what with all the identity changes, makeup,
gunplay, fisticuffs, and love affairs? Cino-Caucasians, Indo-Africans,
etc, are a lot more confused. Freeman was also notorious for hatching a plot to bribe politicians in order to gain control of the Gaming Board in June 1976,
which came to be known as the 'Taiping conspiracy'.

At the age of 14, he became a stable boy while his criminal ways
continued with separate convictions for car
theft and a smash-and-grab raid. The last time Freeman saw prison guards was in 1968, in Fremantle, Western Australia.

Someone once said that had the famous Russian poet Alexander Pushkin (1799-1836) been born in New York instead of

Organized crime was said to thrive under his rule in the state, during a period where corruption was rampant among police
and politicians. Now ask yourself what "white" means.
For this he was remanded to the Mount Penang Training School, Gosford, and then on to the Tamworth Boys' Home
due to constant misbehaviour. Among his major involvements in illegal betting was his involvement
of a syndicate that won the Canberra Totalisator Agency Board
jackpot of $500,000.

) and makes Kenneth's position as a member of Victoria's Garden far more important than it really was.
However, Freeman continued to deny any knowledge about
the crime. Several jail terms followed for petty theft.

In between, he married a divorcee, Marcia Bedford in 1963 in Sydney.
The plan was allegedly created at Taiping Restaurant, Elizabeth Street, Sydney, on 22 June 1976, where gaming operators
were asked to bribe politicians and the authorities.

Freeman went on to remarry a 24-year-old orthoptist and former actress, Georgina McLoughlin.

作者 denver court records @ 23:42, 2017-05-14

php glob 的應用 | 豬窩

This painting portrays Her in her solar aspect, brooding
in divine love over all worlds. In such cases you need to consult a doctor and not prolong treatment.
Truly indeed, Michael is a vegetarian. There are
many instances when the infection is caused in the molar that is an important tooth.
The true World Mother is the primary substance of the universe from which all things are manifested.

" Rose is the color vibration of Love. A Healing Angel - Note the child at the angel's feet. While this may sound simple, there are occasionally quirky things that happen that make it difficult or impossible to do so. Groups dedicated to healing prayer and meditation for others are excellent ways for all of us to experience the presence and cooperation of the Healing Angels. They may not know how to spell the person's name and do not think to ask the witness to do that either.

Healing in cooperation with the Healing Angels is far more effective than the human methods only. Music is indeed a perfect synonym for Michael Jackson. " There are also those who have no problem doing so unless their adversary is
in the room and they choose to be difficult simply for
the sake of doing so.

There are also some other alternative methods that can be resorted to for the purpose of curing
a toothache. "Rose angels" may be thought of as incarnations of divine wisdom and love, qualities that bring them into intimate contact
with the Immortal Selves of Egos [Higher Selves] of men. In the event that legal transcription services are ordered,
the court reporter may need to check the court file or call the attorney's office for positive confirmation of
the identity of the individual.

They assist in the induction of the Soul or Super
Ego into the physical vehicle designed for the earth plane sojourn. (Hodson)
The Angels of the World Mother assist in the construction of new bodies---mental, emotional, etheric, and physical---for the soul now ready to incarnate on the physical plane.

When placing the witness under oath, this hiccup can be avoided by the notary public saying "swear or affirm," so long as it is acceptable by the state
notary office or clerk of court in that jurisdiction.

Without it nothing could be conceived and born, nothing preserved, nothing reproduced.
One of the duties of a court reporter is putting
a witness under oath, most often as a notary public.
A Rose Angel - meaning rose colored angel. These are just a
few of the hiccups that court reporters may face on the

Even in line with food preparation, one has thought of a7-layer dip as a tribute to MJ knowing number
7 as his favorite number. Another popular tooth ache
cure is the root canal treatment. Known as endodontic
therapy, in this procedure, the pulp and the nerve endings from
the toothache and then replaced with a substance that is called gutta-percha.

These angels hover around the mother and unborn child as
the time for birth draws near. All Mexican food appears to combine easily with the
aftertastes and ingredients of other foreign cuisines. Through it, a realization of the Mother-Love of God has been brought within reach of millions
of suffering and aspiring people. It can be an easy family favorite and while every member of family adding one layer of the
ingredients of the of the 7-layer dip, MJ's music is played
in the background.

"The cosmic Maternal Principle is universally manifest and its conserving and reproducing attributes are active throughout all Nature. Most states will allow the witness to affirm, rather than swear. There are some dental conditions like TMJ syndrome, growths and abscesses that have grown into the gum or the jaw that need immediate dental surgery.

Michael Jackson, the late great pop singer, was a famous vegetarian and professed his love for Mexican food in many interviews. Indeed, this is an easy way on how to give tribute to a legend that everybody in the globe loves. Angels of the World Mother overseeing the birth of a child.

Judges and attorneys sometimes forget to enunciate or ask the witness to do so. These angels preside over all maternal processes throughout Nature. Association with such beings is indeed a privilege and their cooperation in the service of humanity can be of greatest value. Removing it is very inconvenient and it can cause difficulties to the person once removed.

And that can be noted since modern Mexican food whose main ingredients are corn and the famous frijoles, or beans with frijoles as the essential vegetable in the majority of Mexican kitchens as they are easy to prepare, cheap and quite nourishing. According to Hodson, there are some "angels who
are associated with aspects of divine consciousness,
rather than with currents of creative Life-force and the mineral and plant kingdoms of nature.

Uncooperative Witness
There are people in the world who will not
swear, and those who will not say the common words of an oath, "so help me God. Since the World Mother is beyond all limitation of form, no picture can truly represent Her. The Madonna ideal, for example, has been and still is of incalculable value in consoling, purifying, and ennobling humanity.

In a noisy courtroom, it is sometimes difficult to hear or understand the name of the next witness as they are called. If there is no visible damage caused to the tooth enamel the root canal treatment can be resorted to with ease. This can also be done in most venues without a bible.

Some have thought of things how to honor the famous and well loved Michael Jackson. And being a Mexican vegetarian cuisine lover; Mexican Chilaquiles, is a vegetarian dish Michael Jackson would have loved today. A representative picture of the World Mother -- the Mother Aspect of Father God.

作者 driving record check @ 23:44, 2017-05-14
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