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2007-04-24 @ 19:49 in Linux

就是在申請的域名前以 * 通用字元來表示,即不管你輸入 或 都可以指到 的 ip ,
再利用 apache 的 mod_rewrite 做轉址,至於如何轉址,還在研究

編修 /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf 增加下面
目的將網址開頭不是 www 或 ftp 開頭一律轉址為 ~user
例 =>
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /var/www/html
ServerAlias *
<Directory /var/www/html>
AllowOverride None
Order deny,allow
#AddDefaultCharset UTF8
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^w{1,3}$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^[^.]$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.+) %{HTTP_HOST}$1 [C]
RewriteRule ^([^.]+)*)$$1$2%{QUERY_STRING} [L]


二級域名設置說明 | 豬窩

They are not new text messages acronyms - they're actually acronyms for gaming this also article will
familiarizes you with some of the more common forms. One of the hottest sites that your teens may
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games for teens that they may enjoy. The expansion of internet games has actually shown the general development of pc networks from small regional networks on the web
and also the development of net accessibility itself.

作者 anchortext @ 22:22, 2019-03-21

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They also have scratch games, which they call Skratch card games, simply because they have
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Usually many gamblers lose a whole lot since they neglect to distribute their set

作者 @ 07:04, 2019-04-03

二級域名設置說明 | 豬窩

Throughout the years, the price tag on instrumentals decreased containing its positives and negatives.
But before you get involved with performing exercises
before your TV; it is going to greatly help when you get to understand a mans mechanism.
For the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader with the Gelug sect of
Tibetan Buddhism, to become so acknowledged as essentially the most influential person of the year inside the
western world is an ideal example with the respect we have to
all show toward other religions and the acceptance of
views that do not always mirror our own.

作者 @ 17:25, 2019-04-06

二級域名設置說明 | 豬窩

This helps if you're a webmaster and you really are trying
to make every symmetrical plus order. If you like money then I would become a rapper and rhyme in regards to
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rhymes. Author Charlaine Harris, who wrote the Sookie
Stackhouse novels where the series relies, has also been in attendance and stated she was
signed to write three more novels (that can the series total
to 12).

作者 @ 10:20, 2019-04-07

二級域名設置說明 | 豬窩

This is the reason why the clicking arena of photography had to
discover the ways whereby this reflection can either be modulated or regulated
according to the needs of the photograph. With
these show tunes, the lyrics in the songs are general yet they still easily fit in the overall narrative from the
production. His landscape photographs in grayscale cover every base possible regarding greys, blacks, and whites, and
are quite powerful as a result of it.

作者 Jai @ 18:02, 2019-04-08