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Comres.dll 修復

2009-06-07 @ 11:34 in Windows

同事的電腦無法登入 windows xp ,只能用安全模式登入,登入後顯示找不到 comres.dll ,解決方法如下:

  1. 從 \windows\system32\dllcache\comres.dll 複製到 \windows\system32 下,或是找一台安全的系統複製也可以
  2. 執行 regsvr32 comres.dll 註冊即可
  3. 我覺的最好用掃毒軟體再掃一次比較安全


Comres.dll 修復 | 豬窩

In the fight against QR codes, you will find three
major causes being shown to keep the theory
that these two-dimensional barcodes just aren't clicking with Americans:
. One other thing which you are required to think about is limiting access on the network,
notably if you engage in almost any secure printing or if you've got areas of the network which
are for secure files. Allowing consumers to
find the charity, or perhaps having a revolving listing of charities,
results in being a marketing incentive.

作者 @ 06:16, 2017-06-10

Comres.dll 修復 | 豬窩

In combating QR codes, there are three major reasons being given to secure
the theory these two-dimensional barcodes just aren't clicking with Americans:
. The three basic colors used for reproduction are cyan, magenta and yellow.
Silicon is among the most common of these materials
utilized to generate electrical current when it's encountered with sunlight.

作者 @ 01:23, 2017-06-30

Comres.dll 修復 | 豬窩

Some Russian women are known for their promiscuity,
just like Russian men are famous for drinking. You may have to
email a couple of dozen when long you may have a storm of
replies saying that "Yes" they certainly need a husband.
Before the Internet, men through the United States met Filipino women through picture personals companies.

作者 @ 06:56, 2018-09-05

Comres.dll 修復 | 豬窩

When you are both ready, consider exploring safe analingus (oral
sex of the anus) together with your partner - if you do not have
dental dams, you'll be able to cut open a condom
lengthwise and place it over the opening in the
anus to shield yourself from bacteria normally located in the anus.
Increases in internet pornography as a element of marital discord.
You'll feel good, have an overabundance energy, loose weight and
increase your likelihood of creating a baby.

作者 camel toe @ 21:37, 2018-09-11

Comres.dll 修復 | 豬窩

A married women remains a vital figure in family members she gets chosen to aid create.
" It should still be understood that lots of women want to fulfill their traditional role in the home as wives and mothers. Even though you may go through as if you know this individual mainly because you've chatted on the phone all night, that you do not truly know who this individual is.

作者 @ 22:25, 2018-09-12