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限制 linux 帳號在 postfix 寄信或收信

2008-09-27 @ 16:42 in Linux


在 /etc/postfix/ 加入  smtpd_sender_restrictions = hash:/etc/postfix/access 讓 access 有作用

在 /etc/postfix/access 加入  user@   REJECT sorry,we don't provide smtp service for you 這樣 user 帳號就不能寄信

最後更新 access.db 指令   postmap /etc/postfix/access  及 重啟 postfix 指令 /etc/rc.d/init.d/postfix restart 就 OK 了


在 /etc/postfix/aliases 加入  user:   /dev/null  將 user 的來信丟掉,這樣  user 就收不到信

最後更新 aliases.db 指令   newaliases  及 重啟 postfix 指令 /etc/rc.d/init.d/postfix restart 就 OK 了


限制 linux 帳號在 postfix 寄信或收信 | 豬窩

The low cost of producing high quality digital video, coupled with
higher speeds of broadband attached to video friendly computers, and the
international open distribution network which is the Internet has
built a time of opportunity for the independent producer.
Learning piano online offers value and adaptability that simply
aren't available with an exclusive piano teacher.
The minimalist approach on the driveway actually accentuates the
home's entrance.

作者 @ 02:11, 2019-06-17

限制 linux 帳號在 postfix 寄信或收信 | 豬窩

Of course, if you choose a free site, you will
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If things walk out hand then leave immediately and change your username.
Founded by a clinical psychologist who has extensive experience and understand human behavior and social dynamics, e - Harmony
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作者 @ 11:36, 2019-08-14

限制 linux 帳號在 postfix 寄信或收信 | 豬窩

They also have scratch cards, they will call Skratch games, because they have altered these games
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Let's start our discussion with where we can find these types of videos.
This has get to be the most popular selection for everyone that likes excitement.

作者 @ 19:59, 2019-08-21

限制 linux 帳號在 postfix 寄信或收信 | 豬窩

Not content to merely building a home for herself and her husband,
Clara. In case of Dexter, all episodes, which can be aired weekly, co-relate for the storyline of not just the prior episode however
the next episode as well. They *get* before they *give* - so that they come in a great position to share with merely the most pertinent information regarding their client.

作者 @ 20:26, 2019-09-01

限制 linux 帳號在 postfix 寄信或收信 | 豬窩

No, no se lo merece nadie. La deuda son casi de 1000€.

作者 @ 11:21, 2019-09-07