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ajax 與中文

2008-08-25 @ 21:38 in PHP, JavaScript, Sql

20080825 shyong

今天在試寫第一個用 php 程序的簡單 ajax  應用時,在中文部分一直傳回亂碼,後來查 Google  才知,因為編碼原因,

  1. Server 端傳回時必須先告知編碼 ,即先送出 :  header('Content-Type:text/html;charset=big5');
  2. Client  端傳送須先 URI 編碼 : var url = "url.php?name=" + encodeURIComponent(value);

Server 端測試可以,Client 等有用到再試

20080828 shyong

測試 Client 端送中文參數一直不行,後來在網上查到以下做法,測試後可行

  1. 在 Client 送參數時,不管是 Get 或 Post,都不要加編碼,即前面不要用 escape 或 encodeURIComponent 之類的編碼,直接送出
    如下: Get => var url = "cl.php?hclass=" + hclass   Post => request.send("hclass="+hclass);
  2. 在 Server 加入  header('Content-Type:text/html;charset=big5');
                        $hclass=iconv( 'UTF-8', 'big5//IGNORE' , $hclass);
  3. 我想應該是 Javascript 傳送是 utf-8 的格式,所以在 Server 端用 iconv 轉換編碼成 big5,再用 big5 格式送出就可以了




ajax 與中文 | 豬窩

Job hunters could also setup their particular account, upload their resume, and setup
notifications. And thanks to some retrofit technology that's on the way, it's effectively
yesterday. It was foreseen that this quantity of 3D printers
in homes and business establishments increases rapidly.

作者 @ 22:06, 2017-05-21

ajax 與中文 | 豬窩

always i used to read smaller articles or reviews which also
clear their motive, and that is also happening with this article which I am reading now.

作者 crusher parts @ 12:19, 2017-06-06

ajax 與中文 | 豬窩

In fighting against QR codes, there are three main reasons being presented to support the theory that these two-dimensional barcodes just aren't clicking with Americans:.

Make any final announcements (as an example, the next webinar in a very series).

But Apple possesses his own idea about how you can watch video, possesses absolutely
nothing to do with standards that anyone else creates.

作者 @ 03:47, 2017-06-15

ajax 與中文 | 豬窩

These settings offer the good reputation for your previous activities web so they pose
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of using a baby.

作者 anchortext @ 10:38, 2018-09-13

ajax 與中文 | 豬窩

She's not the kind who will get depressed in the minutest
problems or who'd scowl in the slightest misunderstanding.
They may sort for potential mate through searches sorted by location or age.
Now, 15 years later, these are still going strong, and also the press sick and tired of writing crap about them.

作者 @ 14:51, 2018-09-21